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OMC 3-cylinder

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  • #16
    C Mod engine

    Dave - I remember that engine. I wish I still had it. I had a Quincy deflector C that was made obsolete by the Flatheads and Konigs. John VanEpps located a brand new complete Mark 30 power head, we put it on the alky lower unit, added 16:21 gears, and hung on the pipes. I won a lot of races with that motor. Even stepped it up and won an "E" race once. Then I sold it to your dad and he set a record with it. See you at Shelbyville. - Tim


    • #17
      Midwest Stuff

      I'd love to have that stuff for the archives. Will say Hello to T. I've tryed to get him out to the shop but not much luck. He might be some help aquireing parts as he is in the boat biz. Still talk to Mike Franck, Parrow's, Matheson.
      Wayne Walgrave ( met his son in law at his bike store in MPLS)
      PM me for address And phone. Need a club to join ? Love to have you as a MIdwest member again.


      • #18
        Still Exists

        Originally posted by T Chance
        Dave - I remember that engine. I wish I still had it. I had a Quincy deflector C that was made obsolete by the Flatheads and Konigs. John VanEpps located a brand new complete Mark 30 power head, we put it on the alky lower unit, added 16:21 gears, and hung on the pipes. I won a lot of races with that motor. Even stepped it up and won an "E" race once. Then I sold it to your dad and he set a record with it. See you at Shelbyville. - Tim
        I think that engine is still around, at least a few parts of it. We built a C Merc to kick the Tamatos butt a few years ago, a real special block engine, and I think we used a lot of parts from your engine. We never throw anything away. The only bad thing was, we dry fired the eninge in FL at the Winternat's and it spit most of the rings and some of th epistons out the pipes....... so much for the Tamato killer. We have one more attempt in the works sometime in the future. Someone has to help Macafee hold of those Yamatos with a Merc.

        See ya in Shelbyville, I will tell Dad you will be there. Be a good time.
        Dave Mason
        Just A Boat Racer

