Wave The Flag But Made In China! Made In India! Made????
Flag waving would be nice for North American made products by North American workers but even then Merc and OMC went like Ford and GM becoming multi-nationals shipping jobs and production abroad to places where standards of living can be measured at maybe a thousand dollars a year of income for the foreignn worker but do you see any price breaks in the outboard industry like the computer industry does??? Answer is no, in fact it is all about more bottom line profits at the expense of Nort American workers and their standards of living. Waving a flag means??? Mercury in Mariners put Yamaha engine blocks under the cowls. OMC foreign block castings and other castings are subcontracted from offshore casters. Who makes the solid state trigger boxes for CD ignition systems?? Made in Tiawan? China? or Korea? Do you have a Yamato in your trailers dog house with your Merc 44X, Mariner (Yamaha) FE? Does not Yamato have the biggest entry list North America wide in Yamato 80s, 102s, 202s, 302s and quite a few in Alky 250, 350 and 500?
What I am getting to is that as racers, you have been orphaned time after time by whom ever and North American made outboards have become a mixture of parts made all over the place via subcontracting, outsourcing and all those nice words about the transfer of technology and knowhow of the value added jobs to anywhere they can get a labour cost cut and they still will give you no price breaks, or a profession or a job or anything for your children as an investment in their future, so what does supporting anything American or Canadian for that matter have anything to do with it anymore in this multinational transfer of assests have to do with boat racing anymore???
We have been orphaned, to blazes being dangled with by a Fred and Ziggy string anymore and get with opening things up to stock racers/stock blocks and cowls on adaptive generic towers and gearcases because that is all there really is! Your can be nationalistic but our national sounding brand companies are anything but, so lets be "pragmatic" and drop the nationalist stuff in favor of what is available and shakes down to be the best on the race course knowing your have generic aftermarket supported stuff stuff from the tower on down. Vote with your wallet the same the manufacturers do and get on with it!
Flag waving would be nice for North American made products by North American workers but even then Merc and OMC went like Ford and GM becoming multi-nationals shipping jobs and production abroad to places where standards of living can be measured at maybe a thousand dollars a year of income for the foreignn worker but do you see any price breaks in the outboard industry like the computer industry does??? Answer is no, in fact it is all about more bottom line profits at the expense of Nort American workers and their standards of living. Waving a flag means??? Mercury in Mariners put Yamaha engine blocks under the cowls. OMC foreign block castings and other castings are subcontracted from offshore casters. Who makes the solid state trigger boxes for CD ignition systems?? Made in Tiawan? China? or Korea? Do you have a Yamato in your trailers dog house with your Merc 44X, Mariner (Yamaha) FE? Does not Yamato have the biggest entry list North America wide in Yamato 80s, 102s, 202s, 302s and quite a few in Alky 250, 350 and 500?
What I am getting to is that as racers, you have been orphaned time after time by whom ever and North American made outboards have become a mixture of parts made all over the place via subcontracting, outsourcing and all those nice words about the transfer of technology and knowhow of the value added jobs to anywhere they can get a labour cost cut and they still will give you no price breaks, or a profession or a job or anything for your children as an investment in their future, so what does supporting anything American or Canadian for that matter have anything to do with it anymore in this multinational transfer of assests have to do with boat racing anymore???
We have been orphaned, to blazes being dangled with by a Fred and Ziggy string anymore and get with opening things up to stock racers/stock blocks and cowls on adaptive generic towers and gearcases because that is all there really is! Your can be nationalistic but our national sounding brand companies are anything but, so lets be "pragmatic" and drop the nationalist stuff in favor of what is available and shakes down to be the best on the race course knowing your have generic aftermarket supported stuff stuff from the tower on down. Vote with your wallet the same the manufacturers do and get on with it!
