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"D" gears & foots

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  • "D" gears & foots

    1) Who's sitting on 1:1 gears for the merc 44xs?? Is anyone makin' them? If so, are they reasonably priced?? Probably not.....?

    2) Are there any other Legal gearfoot's that we can use on the 44xs? I heard there might be.....

    Advice and help is appreciated.

  • #2
    Originally posted by kip8w
    1) Who's sitting on 1:1 gears for the merc 44xs?? Is anyone makin' them? If so, are they reasonably priced?? Probably not.....?

    2) Are there any other Legal gearfoot's that we can use on the 44xs? I heard there might be.....

    Advice and help is appreciated.
    Hey Kip,

    The only other legal boot is the Bass 100t model. I do not know if that is the current one bass is building or not. The rule states that you cannot modify the 44XS housing to adapt the gearboot it has to be a bolt on solution. Well that is not going to happen. The only way I could see that working is to make an adapter plate to house the bass water pump and create the bolt pattern for the merc housing with studs and water tube guide and then rais the transom on your boat the height of the adpater.

    As for gears and xs boots. Phil Mcdaniel sold of his gears I think over two years ago now and some lad in the mid-west bought the tooling but we have heard nothing on reproduction so your best bet is to dig around and see what you can find.

    I have contacted some over seas companies that have produced high performace gear applications both for Marine, automotive and the like they have done miter bevel straight cut gears lots of them and feel that they will have the tooling we need to make "D" gears. I will post more info on this as it comes available.

    If you look at the other post about the 44Xs and 55H gearboots you will notice that there is a good chance that I will be able to cast 44XS gearboots in the near future out of 6061 T6 Aluminum and then have them CNC machined. cross our fingers.

    Dave Scott
    Aim Marine Inc.
    613-831-1246 8-5 Mon-Fri
    Ottawa, Canada
    DS(M)H - 20CE


    • #3
      Bass Machines model 100T Adapter

      We no longer manufacture the 100T model. At the time the unit was approved for APBA D-stock, we provided an adapter to fasten to the 44xs tower. But, we never sold even one, so that adapter was droped from our production. I suppose the current model 100U could be adapted, but it is not APBA D-stock approved, and we are not interested in tooling to manufacture an adapter when there is little assurance of selling more than five or ten adapters at the very best. If someone wants to front the cost by purchasing 25 or more pumper adapters Sid may consider the posibilities.
      Neil Bass


      • #4
        No Gears = No Racing?

        Well, I need gears before Winter nationals -Ya Know?
        What are my (or anyone elses) options at this point?

        Pay $500.00 plus for a set?
        Sell 44xs motor for parts?
        Make good 44xs in a D-Mod?
        Maybe buy a Yamato?


        • #5
          D gears sets

          I have 2 sets of D gears will sell for $500.00 both sets. 1-1 ratio
          contact hshaw@hmausa.com Seattle Wa.


          • #6
            please consider those sold ! NOW


            • #7
              What Gearcase Garbage Is Sown To Be Restrictive

              Without a doubt this stuff all about stock and non-stock gearcases/lower units in stock outboard is turnig into a load of carping and crap! What gives with these phoney allegiances sanctioning bodies give to stock and non-stock racing gearcases? Mercury abandoned small outboard. OMC went belly up and became a Canadian company under Bombarier, so it was really being set adrift too and now everyone is busy wishing and hoping some one will do this and someone will do that! What a bunch of crybabies and nostaligia freaks of old racing allegiances now misplaced!

              First of all get used to the fact that your all now orphans of Mercury and OMC. Their coming back to help out is nothing more than wishfull thinking. Few enterpeneurs in racing like the Basses are willing to take risks with producing products because its a risky business without the support and lastly that boat racers have been spoiled in the past with factory support at the same pricing as the marine dealers got to build name recognition on and that beig done, who needs you? And lastly boat racers are anywhere from throw money at it (a small minority), to thrifty and downright even cheap, so what if anything is any producer of parts supposed to rely upon?

              What I am coming to is once a manufacturer stops producing parts and all the parts at that for a stock racing motor, whether or not they licence and clear replacement parts to be made and sold by anyone else as duplicates, the sanctioning bodies should invoke a ruling that after one year of those parts being No longer available direct from the original manufacturer, that the class be subject that one year afterward to opening up the parts replacement to/from any manufacturer or for that matter any self builder or aftermarket producer of those parts, even if they are a superior or diferent styled product doing the same job. That is called voting with your wallet and not being held up to ransom on prices fueled by lot buyers of corporate disposed of lots of parts, tooling and or manufacturing rights or the corporation that no longer directly supports your product. Depending on speculators of corporate disposed of part lots ending suport is a very very poor way of running or supporting our sport. Like being held up for what you see is ransom? Move On and do something else after a one year out rule. If that does not start to change and happen, move on to Modified Outboard or Alky and put an end to this wishing and hoping manufacturers will, some day, remember us and re-support us garbage!

              What that means is Wiseco stock replacement eqivelent pistons instead of Mercs or OMCs in stock catagorys or gearcases from whom ever to replace Mercs, Mariners or OMCs with replacement gearcases from who ever, like the Basses, Konig, Inson, Yamato, Eldredge, Crescent, VolvoPenta and on and on, to ensure that stock powerhead class has those critical parts until the class dies or is superceded by replacement manufactured engines that should also be stuck with that one year out of production rule. Faced with that prospect the major manufacturers should either supply or get lost! If that sounds harsh, may be it should be as I am tired of all the crying, blubbering, ringing of hands and wishfull thinking. Give them 365 days and after that they will have to share name recognition with those that cared to participate and supplied parts suitable for adaptive replacement use. That is their problem and no longer yours to worry over. What are sanctioing bodies for? Catering to Racing Teams, Owners, Drivers and Enthusiasts, who pay sanctioning and membership services dues, who want to see the sport to go forward or to major name manufacturers, who have too much to say in their armchair controls of sanctioning bodiues, or who want to rest on their larels who did this and did that at one time as they grow fat guts in their corporate easy chairs still calling shots and tellig you how it used to be 40 years ago, be ****ed there is no support for you today!

              Bravo to the Yamato company, they know where it is at for their classes of stock outboard. The Bass Bros for their enterpenurial spirit in producing and introducing the new Tohatsu D probationinary engine equipped with their tower and gearcases. This is what racers should be supporting. As for the owners of the present Merc and Mariner 44Xs and those that want to reproduce the 44X engine as it was being once produced by Mercury, maybe you should get used to the idea that your going to have to dry up the Mercury D gearcase supply to keep running Merc and after that makes you sick, opt for gearcases and adapters from whomever makes them to make the Mercs keep going. Or like the old technology defelctor Merc KG-7s, KG4Hs, Mark 15Hs, Mark 20Hs, Mark 30Hs, Merc 30H-1s, Merc 402X, Merc 650XS, Merc 55H, Mark 55H-1s and the such, go with the new products or surrender the 1980s engines to the collectors market and classic race events meets like their 1950s,60s predessors and..............move on. Seems harsh? I think that is being practical. My two cents! Anyone else?


              • #8
                Well Said

                I agree to most all you have written. Give your support to those that are gonna support you.

                Now then, you need to write your thoughts into a proposal and submit it to the commission for review at the meetings.

                If those that are supporting you gouge you on price, you can easily avoid buying from them.
                Dave Mason
                Just A Boat Racer


                • #9

                  RIGHT ON BROTHER! Until we get the stock commission out of bed with Fred and Ziggy who continue to promise the comeback of the past Merc & Omc products the future will be dimmer that a 6 volt battery running a light house beacon!
                  Thank god for Yamato and the Bass companies. I just read another artical about new D gears, Just send $100.00 and a order to some in Wi. who lives next to Fred, and if he gets enough investors he will produce a limited # of gears sets! I hope he doesn't stand by the mail box he'll freeze to death waiting for this pyrimed screem to work. Sid Bass has invested thousands of dollars and produce a great tower and foot package, and the Tahatsu D motor package that contiunes to get ignored by the stock commission. I hope someone other than me wonders why?? It's not to late to write to the so called leaders (who continue to follow the same old practice) and ask them to open thier eyes and approve new equipment! Something thats available, and can be ordered with out having to start a fund raiser to create $$ for the parts to be built on a hope and a prayer. If we as racers do nothing else we should applaud the efforts of the Bass company & Yamato for attempting to help keep boat racing going inspite of the powers to be not supporting the effort most of us would not have the time, money or interst in doing just for the love of racing. THANKS SID BASS & Yamato! & HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL
                  Last edited by hshawwpba; 12-10-2004, 09:07 PM.


                  • #10
                    a little input

                    i should start out by saying that i race a 44xs and my dad has been a merc tech for 40yrs. we have ,at times been frustrated by some of the choices made by mercury as well as other manufacturers when it comes too availability of the products they offer too racers. it doesnt take much common sense though too understand that if something doesnt sell or is limited too a very small amount of customers that it probably wont be around forever, for many obvious basic principles of doing business. if you think that yamato or bass or anyone else is going too do things any different than the bigger boys...you are sadly mistaken. when the money stops coming in they will do as the bigger boys did. one last thing....god bless america...and american products...if you dont support them....get out!!


                    • #11

                      While we are on the subject, I am in the process of buying the old Quincy patterns. I've got a deal struck with a local foundry and my plan was to reproduce these parts. Part of the deal with the current owner is that I make these parts avalible to evreyone who is interested or needs replacement parts. So what do you guys think? Am I just waisting my time?
                      Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most.


                      • #12
                        Quincy parts

                        I have one last lead to check but I'm looking for an early straight exhaust cone for a 65 D looper. That may be a start.


                        • #13
                          Quincy Patterns?

                          Wow! Patterns for the Quincy Loopers as in 2s, 4s, 6s and the Z-Engines too??? I thought that stuff was destroyed? Tell us more, you have a supporter right here and right now.


                          • #14
                            Quincy parts

                            Very cool to see there is some intrest in the stuff. As soon as the pattern and molds get here I'll post a thread and let evreyone know what parts I'm able to produce.
                            Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most.


                            • #15
                              ill informed

                              Who are you hshawwpba?

                              You are very ill informed! To imply that we are in bed with Fred or Ziggy is the stupidest thing I have heard, right after the comment of how the Stock commission ignores the Bass brothers. I have been on the commission for the past several years and neither Ziggy or Fred have done or said anything about promising to bring back engines!! I am also sick of hearing about our oppression on the Bass brothers!! They were not even at the meeting last year, they sent a letter and sketch of a motor! and we approved it probationary!! What else do you want? Quit spreading incorrect rhetoric and show up to a meeting before you voice such ignorant opinions.

                              Dean Sutherland

