Need Some One The Machine A Swivel Housing Of A Stock 25 Hp Merc To Fit A 44xs Housing..also Looking For The 25xs Adapter To Fit The 44xs Tower..thanks:d:d
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Meed Some One To Machine Swivel Houing
I don't know.............
Have you talked to Dave Scott? He may be able to do what you want.He builds stock 44XS motors. I think he does some 25XS stuff also. I race mods so I don't know who all works on stock stuff but I'd give Dave a call if I were wanting to do what you are wanting to do since it's Merc stuff.
OMC FE/SE powerhead parts for sale. Kurcz ported block, Mod 50 pistons and cylinder head, exhaust, etc.
Machine Work
Thanks L6, I Tryed Him, But When I Sent It..the Canada Gov Wanted Another 106.00 Dollars Duty It Cost Me Double Ups Frieght And No Work Done ,for Scott Would't Pick It Up...fact Its Still In The The Box With Check For The Labor That Scott I Am Out 50 Dollars And Still No Work Done..i Dont See How He Can Make Any Money From The U.s.
Machine work
Try Doug kay he may be able to help you. His cell phone number is 586-212-5917. If you want to see some of his work visit our web site at
I have the 25 / D swivel brackets in stock. Shortened and equipped with oilite bushings by Alan Akerstrom. Either you can get one we have in stock and send us your un-machined one for exchange - 150.00 or we'll send you one without an exchange for 200.00 or you can go direct to Alan.
Tad Olsen ( 815-226-7735) has the housing adapters. We install the exhaust tubes (to spec length and diameter), water tubes, grommets and gaskets. I don't know if the D down housing is the exact same as the 25 but Tad will.
Any questions I can be contacted at or 631-722-3160