Buying Aviation Fuel
Be aware that even if you can buy fuel at the airports without being a mechanic or private aircraft pilot, the airport fuel station keepers usually will require that you bring a special safety gas container to fill up when the customer brings in a fuel container other than an aviation fuel cell in an aircraft. I could not buy fuel at my local airport if I brought in one of those plastic fuel jugs or a red plastic gas container -- they only accepted certain types of steel or aluminum safety fuel cans. This safety container requirement seems to be universal at airports in my area since AV gas is so flamable. You might save some of your precious car gas by finding out first if this safety container restriction is a requirement in your area. The added octane above 92 usualy does not give you much of an edge with lower compression outboard motors, but the AV fuel is also filtered more than automotive pump gas which reduces carb and plug fowling.
Be aware that even if you can buy fuel at the airports without being a mechanic or private aircraft pilot, the airport fuel station keepers usually will require that you bring a special safety gas container to fill up when the customer brings in a fuel container other than an aviation fuel cell in an aircraft. I could not buy fuel at my local airport if I brought in one of those plastic fuel jugs or a red plastic gas container -- they only accepted certain types of steel or aluminum safety fuel cans. This safety container requirement seems to be universal at airports in my area since AV gas is so flamable. You might save some of your precious car gas by finding out first if this safety container restriction is a requirement in your area. The added octane above 92 usualy does not give you much of an edge with lower compression outboard motors, but the AV fuel is also filtered more than automotive pump gas which reduces carb and plug fowling.