Originally posted by Skoontz
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put dial indicator in my late model 500/50hp merc with CDI and degrees on flywheel and kind'a surprised at degrees at .300 btdc on dial!
Brian, Thanks for link on Digatron....wow, cost on the DK-53 series!...But then again melted parts add up fast!
Tom Cronk added to the 25SS skeg...it still needs some finish/shape work...but have raced it and never "broke loose" with this length...probably some extra drag with this length but anything that keeps me from cartwheel'n at 70+MPH is worth it...that foot has 1x1 gears and try'n some of my 15ci Hot-rod and 302 Yamato (15x16 ratio) wheels on it.....wheel in pick is a small OMC-A wheel that worked somewhat with chamber ...but still a slug in corners with chamber on this deflector piston motor.
