The 75 stinger long shaft is different than the short 15" version. The short shaft models were the ones used for racing. They were non power trim. Mostly on Allison, Delta craft, Pipcorn in the FE class. In the SE class they were the standard motor on all with a few Merc 650 still competiting. ( 1975-80) The main difference was the Gear case. The short shaft models had a case they called the Sprint drive. They were a lot smaller than the long shaft version. I expect the long shaft version was the same as the 70 hps. The shorts shafts are the ones to get. Just in case you are interested here are the part # for the gear boot. Short shaft case 385560 pinion 0320114 fwd 0386760 rev. 0320113
Long shaft case 386914 pinion 313343 fwd 387143 rev. 318304.
Long shaft case 386914 pinion 313343 fwd 387143 rev. 318304.