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NBRA Ethanol Challenge Series 2011

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  • NBRA Ethanol Challenge Series 2011

    I'm happy to announce the Renewable Fuels Association's ethanol promotion effort has partnered with NBRA to underwrite an NBRA Ethanol Challenge Series contingency racing program for 2011.

    The program will include funding for NBRA races throughout the season as well as a contingency program to fund cash prizes in all classes that run in each of NBRA's races throughout the year. Similarly, NBRA will promote ethanol at its races, provide a venue for the Ethanol folks to show their banners and distribute their Ethanol-Facts, and include the Ethanol logo on its promotional and PR material. Also, NBRA racing and record runs will be done with 10% ethanol blend pump gas purchased locally at each race. (More on how digitron readings will be used in this program later.)

    Currently, a letter explaining the program, a copy of the contract and other material related to managing this program within NBRA's accounting structure is on its way to the NBRA racing commission.

    This program developed out of Vernon Barfield's work with the RFA folks as he sought to gain sponsors for the June 25-26 Garnett, Kan. race. As talks continued, the RFA decided to promote their wares with NBRA throughout the season, as well as fund the Garnett race. In addition, the RFA program will include a D-Hydro especially marked and titled the "Ethanol Special" campaigned throughout the NBRA season by Vernon. The boat, when not on the race circuit will be available for the RFA to use as a promotional tool at their various educational venues.

    More information on this exciting partnership will be included in the May issue of Full Throttle.

    Meanwhile, plan on getting your rigs together and competing in this year's NBRA calendar, a calendar we hope to grow further with this Series arrangement.

    Our thanks to Vernon for pursuing this opportunity and to the Renewable Fuels Association for their support of our program with this Challenge Series.

    Dan Crummett

    NBRA President


  • #2
    This is great news for outboard racing. A good step forward into the future. I am really interested in the effort to work with the ethanol blend. It is around to stay. Way to go NBRA!!
    Mike - One of the Montana Boys

    If it aint fast make it look good


    • #3
      Great News

      This is great news for NBRA and all the boat racers it involves for the Chanellege Series Race. I wish you and all the racers involved a great season and sucess with your Series Race.


      • #4
        Thanks guys, Vernon did the heavy lifting.



        • #5
          While common folk may assume that gasoline degraded with 10% ethanol contains exactly 10% ethanol, testing proves that is not so. There is more variation than you may suspect. Obviously in a racing situation more alcohol is better. Will there be any attempt to measure the percentage of alcohol in the fuel/oil mix or will the only fuel criteria be the simple meter reading?

          Will national events be run using this fuel. Just looking ahead to be prepared.


          • #6
            This is great!
            Nicely done guys!

            Awesome job Vernon. As you always say, "think big"
            I'm holding on to my autographed photo, the value is going up!


            • #7
              Vernon Barfield deserves all the credit in obtaining the 55,000dollars for the NBRA races. What we need now is more racers and a broarder exposure for the sponsor and Kneeldown boat racing. I hope more race schools will be held to get those that may want to get into boat racing a chance to drive a race boat. Advertising in large population areas and haveing the school close to those areas would help. This is the largest sponsorship that I have seen in our type of racing and Vernon gets a big round of applause....


              • #8
                Series Races

                A big THANKS to Burnin Vernon! Racing as we know it is going to change. This is really a game changer for NBRA. With RFA as a major sponsor and our developing relationship with Lucas Oil Speedway, NBRA is going to be a major player.
                Art K


                • #9
                  Congratulations, Vernon - Good Job!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Team B&H View Post
                    While common folk may assume that gasoline degraded with 10% ethanol contains exactly 10% ethanol, testing proves that is not so. There is more variation than you may suspect. Obviously in a racing situation more alcohol is better. Will there be any attempt to measure the percentage of alcohol in the fuel/oil mix or will the only fuel criteria be the simple meter reading?

                    Will national events be run using this fuel. Just looking ahead to be prepared.
                    Plans call for samples of locally-purchased ethanol blend fuel to be mixed with a petroleum 2-stroke lubricant and a synthetic 2-stroke lubricant and digitron readings taken of both. An average will be struck and a 5% tolerance either way from that average will be the range of legal fuel for that race. Locally-purchased fuel will be proven by receipt.

                    NBRA President


                    • #11
                      Great job by all! Somebody may well come up with a way to cheat but I think that can be handled. It's far better than having to carry fuel on long trips or spend way too much time locating a source as I've had to do on occasion when operating up in the midwest for long periods. "Behold the turtle, he only makes progress when his neck is out". Great initiative by Vernon Thanks.

                      Now, let's all get out and support the scheduled races in force! Jack
                      Last edited by Jack Stotts; 04-12-2011, 08:35 AM.


                      • #12
                        You would have to pay me handsomely to run E-10 in any of my carburetor engines. What these folks in Washington don't understand is E-10 is harmful to aluminum and rubber, not to mention it wants to and succeeds in absorbing moisture, a dangerous combo for marine engines. With NASCAR promoting the ethanol industry... well the lobbyist's have been real busy lately.

                        As far as racing with it, just look at your cars gas mileage decreasing 5-10%, it produces less BTU's per gallon than "straight" gas...less power not more.

                        Aside from how bad E-10 is from a "good" gasoline product; congrats on the advertising score.

                        On an upside, business is up rebuilding carbs, just sitting over the winter the fuel, E-10, has into Water-10. Phase separation caused by ethanol.

                        Growing food for our cars...we lost our moral compass...


                        • #13
                          This is a positive for boat racing and Ethanol is here to stay. Do not get off subject like so many other threads!!!!!!
                          Mike - One of the Montana Boys

                          If it aint fast make it look good


                          • #14

                            Their is one other person that deserves some credit and that is Jeff Ruth. He pushed hard to get something like this going,even when people were saying Jeff thats impossible. Well Jeff never lost faith he kept pushing the buttons. And now his so called pipe dream is about to come true. If only boat racing had more people like Vernon and Jeff. People with a vision and the will to get it done.
                            Art k


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Art K View Post
                              Their is one other person that deserves some credit and that is Jeff Ruth. He pushed hard to get something like this going,even when people were saying Jeff thats impossible. Well Jeff never lost faith he kept pushing the buttons. And now his so called pipe dream is about to come true. If only boat racing had more people like Vernon and Jeff. People with a vision and the will to get it done.
                              Art k
                              So So true! Wish NBRA had a presence in the West. I would be there in a heart beat.
                              Mike - One of the Montana Boys

                              If it aint fast make it look good

