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2010 NBRA Nationals Centrailia, IL

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  • #16
    NBRA Nationals

    Here is the billboard that just went up in Centralia. If you are looking for something "other" than good competition, friendly people, a nice clean welcoming community, tow money for just showing up, fun, one of the best lakes to race on, party on Saturday evening, then you will need to plan on going somewhere other than the 2010 NBRA Long Course National Championships at the end of the month.

    Alan V-25
    Attached Files


    • #17
      NBRA Nationals

      Alan you have done an excellent job on the NBRA Nationals as always. The bill board signs coming into Centralia are great and do a good job of promoting boat racing.
      You are right if you don't like this event you just don't like boat racing. My back is feeling better and and I am looking forward to seeing everybody.

      Larry McAfee


      • #18
        well guys [really really] wanted to atend this race for a few years now... if nats werent in cali,, deff would be there and meet all you guys i like to tease on this site,,,, money for travel just short so got to pick the closest,,,,, have fun,,,cheyney


        • #19

          Well, I am almost done with getting ready for the nationals. Have setup the old Merc 250 22 cubic inch engine and it's ready to go. Rebuilt a 20 cubic inch that blew a plug at Rockaway Beach and built a new one while we were at it. Test tanked them both so we will see how they will be running. Loaded the trailer with engines and now doing final cleeanup and packing. Still have to change the rigging on the B hydro and we will be ready to go. Plan is to arrive up at the site on Wednesday evening. Wishing all a safe trip to the race and see everyone there for some great NBRA racing. We will also be running C mod and D stock hydro.

          Last edited by OldRacerBU; 07-12-2010, 05:36 AM.


          • #20
            Just called the Americas Best Bell Tower Inn in Centralia and the NBRA Room block is full, they still have 6 or 8 rooms available in the Hotel and will hold the block rate if you call ASAP you can get a room and be at the host hotel. 618-533-1300. If they are full The other is Motel Centralia 618-532-7357.
            Alan Owen


            • #21
              We are still breaking in engines for natl. must test this week. I'm hopeing Rick will let Braxton drive the runabout...He really likes the bounceing of the runabout. Looks like there will be some B-1s at this race. Thanks Alan for all your work, be in late thursday night. Doc Miller


              • #22
                Nbra nationals schedule

                Here is a tentative schedule for the NBRA Nationals in Centrailia

                SAT SCHEDULE
                MOD 25 HYDRO
                E RUNABOUT
                A RUNABOUT
                C RUNABOUT
                D HYDRO
                C STOCK HYDRO
                SE HYDRO

                SUNDAY SCHEDULE
                A HYDRO
                D RUNABOUT
                B RUNABOUT
                SE RUNABOUT
                B HYDRO
                C MOD HYDRO
                E HYDRO

                Let me know what you think. I don't have the ASH and ASR in the program because I dont know if we will have enough. If we do I will adjust accordingly.
                Keith Kampen


                • #23
                  NBRA Trip

                  Well we have packed up all we can bring and will leave Tuesday about noon from Louisiana. Looking for a great weekend and hoping that we have a great turnout. Having raced for the first time with NBRA at Alex LA for the short course nationals I can trully say it is a great group to race with. Competions is always great but friendship is what make the organization a fun place to race. Having been involved with boat racing since 1955 this is a great place for my son to learn about the sport and enjoy both the work and pleasue of boat racing.

                  Wishing all a safe trip to the race site and praying for great weather. My wife and grand kids have provisioned the motorhome and I thing were good for a month. Well we have enough beer anyway!

                  Alan Sr and Jr
                  Attached Files

