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Official nbra rule book

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  • #16
    I think you will find the rules say something about only the service carbs that came on a 75 service engine. I was always told the biggest that they ever put was1.25. There was a rule when Bob Snider wrote the rules for apba and aof that you could not add metal to the crankcase to gain a reed size advantage. I think the nbra and aof still have that rule, I guess the apba voted it out. Ralph


    • #17
      Talk to the Inspector to make certain

      I was advised a while back to always talk to the GAME inspector prior to a season in order to make sure you are on the right track.
      This forum is great and has helped me to be assured that the NBRA folks
      care about their members and not crabby

      Attached Files
      Last edited by modifiedoutboard; 03-02-2010, 04:13 PM. Reason: getting old
      Anthony McCulloch

      Some things never change
      They want it cheap


      • #18

        What inspector did you speak to for NBRA about those carbs ? Or what you can do to the engines ? I know there were some changes to the rules for the next race season. You may want to make certain that big carb you have is legal on your 45SS.

        I also am pretty sure you can't cut the front cover and weld some new throats on it, even if you use the same size reed opening and number of reeds.

        I am a commisioner with NBRA. One of our goals was to align the rules with APBA so it was easier for folks to cross over. But that did not happen, APBA opened it up to much. That is to bad.
        Dave Mason
        Just A Boat Racer


        • #19
          Crabby >-<..>-<

          You miss spelled CRABs - CARBS?
          I did not know anyone in NBRA was interested in BIG CRABS?
          Honestly I never though of putting a big crab on a 45? at least you are thinking outside the box.
          Wonder what size jet it would take?

          Concerned about a picture of crabs?
          3 crabs for your 49ci and 2 crabs for 45ci ..............

          The constant mis-information/whinning is getting old.
          YOU are not my commisioner if you
          want something ask the crustacian. >-<..>-<
          Attached Files
          Last edited by modifiedoutboard; 03-02-2010, 04:22 PM. Reason: Tired of Dave's ............
          Anthony McCulloch

          Some things never change
          They want it cheap


          • #20
            haaa ART,,,can you print the up to date se {49.9 evinrude}teck rules please or send them to me at chaneco1@yahoo... as iam thinking ide like to try and make a race this summer /soon with you guys but wanting to know witch manifold to run on my motor,,,thanks cheyney


            • #21
              The crab in the middle on the cooler lid kind of looks like king DAVID


              • #22
                Check the rules but I think you will find you have to run the front half of a service engine with no metal added but some can be removed.. I think the nbra did not want everyone to have to go to the trouble of welding and adding on other motor parts or paying someone else to do it. Lot of time and money for no advantage if everyone does it, Makes a lot more sense to leave it like it is..Ralph


                • #23
                  TechRules, Omc 49.7,Merc 49.9 Yamaha &amp; Tohatsu 42 ci

                  Must meet both bore & stroke criteria.
                  No additional reed cages or carbs are permitted other than the # specified by the manufacturer.
                  No other means shall be used to introduce air/fuel mixture into the crankcase other than the service crankcase & service carbs supplied by the manufacturer.
                  Reed cages & carbs must be conventionally located. No size measurement spec. apply to either.
                  Material may not be added to the engine to increase the size of the reed cages. However material may be removed to do so.
                  Material may not be addedto the carb to gain a size advantage.


                  • #24
                    thank you sir,,,


                    • #25
                      Sure Thing Anthony

                      Originally posted by modifiedoutboard View Post
                      You miss spelled CRABs - CARBS?
                      I did not know anyone in NBRA was interested in BIG CRABS?
                      Honestly I never though of putting a big crab on a 45? at least you are thinking outside the box.
                      Wonder what size jet it would take?

                      Concerned about a picture of crabs?
                      3 crabs for your 49ci and 2 crabs for 45ci ..............

                      The constant mis-information/whinning is getting old.
                      YOU are not my commisioner if you
                      want something ask the crustacian. >-<..>-<
                      Good luck this season. Hope you find some crabs. Looks like you already have crabs though.

                      Sorry about the mis spelling, I meant CARBS. Honestly though, your response was as expected. I hope you decide within the framework of each organization as to what you are going to do to each engine, as remember, the rules are different for the SEH/850CC classes. I guess simple and reasonable costs apply to NBRA, and in APBA you can do just about anything you want to in 850CC Mod. I wish you luck against the three holers should you find a driver for your 45SS equipment. Or if you decide to build a 850CC engine of three cylinders, good luck with your project. Have you ever considered building an Alkie engine and trying your hand with a real pro ?

                      By the way, you are right for once, I am not your commisioner, not in APBA. In NBRA I represent Michigan as a commish. Should you ever decide to move to MI, I would be happy to answer all your questions regarding the rule book. Since you are not, there are commisioners closer to your area whom you can contact for specific questions.
                      Last edited by Dave M; 03-03-2010, 10:57 AM.
                      Dave Mason
                      Just A Boat Racer


                      • #26
                        NBRA rule book

                        I am in the process of putting the NBRA rule book on line. Since there has been lots of interest in the SE class I jumped ahead and printed the complete list of rules for this class. They can be seen by going to the NBRA website If the link don't work go to and click on the nbra rule book tab. As soon I get a new updated rule book I will be adding the rules for the rest of the classes.


                        • #27
                          Re 59ci 6 cylinder Merc
                          NO REMOVAL OF CYLINDER HEADS
                          APBA rules (and I assume AOF rules) say no "removable" cylinder heads ... meaning the few bolt on head motors are illegal. I don't know who made them or where they are now, but those 2 or 3 motors are illegal.

                          If I were on the outside looking in I would say NBRA's "no removal of cylinder heads" rule also outlaws a more common mod from the 60's & 70's where the cylinder head was cut off and a new different shaped head was welded on in its place. Clearly a removal, but not removable once it is welded back on.

                          Was it NBRA's intention to make that part of the rules different?

                          I also see some differences in the exact wording that makes other restrictions on the 6 cylinder Mercs in SE compared to APBA rules.


                          • #28
                            thanks need to join next

                            Originally posted by Art K View Post
                            Must meet both bore & stroke criteria.
                            No additional reed cages or carbs are permitted other than the # specified by the manufacturer.
                            No other means shall be used to introduce air/fuel mixture into the crankcase other than the service crankcase & service carbs supplied by the manufacturer.
                            Reed cages & carbs must be conventionally located. No size measurement spec. apply to either.
                            Material may not be added to the engine to increase the size of the reed cages. However material may be removed to do so.
                            Material may not be addedto the carb to gain a size advantage.
                            Thanks, need to join and let the chips fall where they may...........
                            Attached Files
                            Anthony McCulloch

                            Some things never change
                            They want it cheap


                            • #29
                              yes but if ya building a form-e motor there is a size measurement forthe carbs in apba,,,,


                              • #30
                                Das boat

                                Originally posted by modifiedoutboard View Post
                                Thanks, need to join and let the chips fall where they may...........
                                Well now I have to rig a boat too.
                                Attached Files
                                Anthony McCulloch

                                Some things never change
                                They want it cheap

