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Yamato 302 oil

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  • #16

    Ok, this is going to be rather lengthly, and don`t mean to sound like a know-it-all or a pushy salesman, although I do sell this product (always willing to learn) but bare with me: I purchased a Yamato 102 that was freshly rebuilt- bored 20 over stock, and the gentleman had always ran Amsoil HPI in it as far as I know, and the mixture he used was at 20 to 1, which is 32 oz. to 5 gallons. I performed a borescope of the cylinder walls, and they look flawless. I continued to use Amsoil HPI in this engine. I don`t have my Yamato owners manual handy, but if my memory serves me right, it calls for 32 to 1?? I could be wrong. Well thats what I personally have been running since, and have had great readings on both spark plugs, with the exception of the bottom cylinder which is a little darker- normal for the application I presume. It is my understanding reading other posts on this site, many folks run a pure synthetic 2 stroke oil at or near this mixture. Although the primary advertised use of Amsoil Synthetic HPI (50 : 1) 2 stroke oil calls to be used with direct or electronic fuel injection, and carbureted outboard engines, it is also recommended in personal watercraft, snowmobiles, motorcycles and ATV`s at 50 : 1 ratio. I personally would not dare mix any oil than lean in our type of racing application. Amsoil`s Dominator oil (pure synthetic as well) is a premier racing 2 stroke oil with performance emphasis toward high HP/RPM and modified racing engines that are periodically inspected. It contains higher viscosity oils and additives for higher operating temperatures and best overall protection. Fuel injector use or 50 to 1 pre-mix. Again, I would never go that lean in our racing application. Listening to racing folks as to what ratio they use (synthetic oils), and personal experiences has determined what ratio I would use. Obviously the last thing anyone would want to do is burn up a powerhead. Synthetic oils far exceed lubrication qualities compaired to conventional and semi-synthetic oils, and is much more environmentally friendly due to its low smoke, low odor and chemistry. We all want that performance edge at a affordable price, and so far this is the best quality oil I have found for the dollar, and is easily obtained. The HPI oil retails for $6.95 a quart, $25.85 a gallon. The Dominator oil is $9.25 a quart, $35.50 a gallon. If anyone is remotely interested in using this oil, or other Amsoil products, just give me a call- 580-747-3829. Anyone can become a prefered customer and buy at wholesale prices, and have it delivered to your door. You can buy as little or as much as you want or need. Now that I`m finished, I probably really need to donate some $ to Hydroracer for my sales pitch- Hey, can we talk about props instead??


    • #17
      I agree with your response! I`m still learning myself about synthetics.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Rich Russo View Post
        I agree with your response! I`m still learning myself about synthetics.
        oh ya.........nice Dawecraft!!!! I remember delivering (with Ernie) that boat to Oklahoma (Dudley Malone's place) a few years ago!


        Team Darneille



        • #19
          My Bad

          What I wanted to say is- I agree to Darens response. I`m still learning how to push these buttons as well Time for bed!


          • #20

            Rich, you say Dominator is recomended to be run at a 50-1 ratio by the people that engineered it, yet you would not run it at that ratio. Perhaps you should talk to Amsoil, they have very specific reasons for this ratio. First rule of sales is know your product. I have run it for 4 years in my CMH Yamato, @ 50-1 and have not had the motor apart yet. It runs very well .( check the APBA points) Shawn.


            • #21

              What I`m trying to say is, although Amsoil Dominator oil is recommended using a 50:1 ratio, and having faith in that product, it just sounds kind of lean to me. Keep in mind that this was my first season/experience with the Yamato engine and Amsoil. But hey- we have a new racing season coming up, and I am willing to try a leaner mixture like Daren mentioned. Now that you have run it at there recommended ratio, for a considerable amount of time without any problems, that sounds like the ticket to me. Daren- as far as my Dawecraft hydro, I am very pleased with it. I raced it at 2 events this season and finished 2nd behind Mr. Rick Miller at our short course nats.

