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I have no idea what kind or make this hydro is??

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  • #31

    Originally posted by bh/ View Post
    and although the Johnson 18 is a good motor, it was never used for racing.
    Sorry Brian, But perhaps what you meant was, it was never used for nationally sanctioned racing.

    I was a member of a local club that raced just about anything you brought to the river. Classes consisted of:
    J (7.5hp)
    Hydros and runabouts. And yes, we raced them all with the stock lower units!
    The 18hp class was one of the more popular classes cause there were so many of the motors around. It was great hearing them start up and shift into gear to take off for the race: WIIINNGGGGG!!!!... DING... DING... DING... DING...DING....CLUNK!!!! (shift into gear) And the boats would JUMP onto plane with those big props running deep!
    It was great! Ah, those were the days!
    Here's a link to a little write up and photos I did a few years ago. I really ought to get on there and update my homepage sometime...
    Sorry, I don't have anyprops for the OMC's. I only raced the Merc's and my Yamato.
    Brian is right about those Michigan props though. I hope you can find one.


    • #32
      thats an awsome write up, it's sweet but sad i guess u could say but yea those days were the good days. i also own a martin 75 "twist shift" (51 or 52) needs major tlc but is a good runner. oh darn u made me rember i gotta track down a carb for that sucker oh well. so yes im in the market for a prop. any leads on one would be great ps. those good old stories are great to hear to bad kids these days are to lame to see the fun in racing, im the only one in my high school that owns an outboard and a boat for that matter (i am the only person that has a hydroplane for 2 hours in every direction).... the days have changed.
      mercs all the way!!!


      • #33
        Stock as in whats readily available stock racing would be cool. Ive got a couple OMC late 70s 31.8ci [too big for C, way too small for D] rat motors on racing lowers for play but before that I had only a fishin lower to go with. That lowers on a pals hydro now, it started destroying clutch dogs faster as it got faster. Its been streamlined, coned, clearanced for speed props then I finally had enough of takin it apart. Then I took it apart 1 more time, ground the gear teeth off of reverse [evenly of course], made a pin to put in the detent hole to pin the clutch dog forward and ended up with a direct drive [no reverse gear friction] lower unit that reached 50+.. Racing where you could do stuff like that would be and
        Team Tower


        • #34
          this may be a dumb question but where are all you people getting these racing lower units. i know they were produced back in the day but is there some one producing them today??? or all of them home made??

          and johnsonm50 u said u had a a few omc with racing lowers would u be able to help hook me up with one???
          mercs all the way!!!


          • #35
            2 of mine are modern, a few are available sometimes, keep an eye out on this site. [maybe a few on ebay now & then] Serious adapting needed to make em work tho. For 18 OMCs.. some guys make up adapt kits for OMC B1 & B MOD 25hp early 70s powerheads to fit Merc AB tower & lowers. They turn out to be a fast semi modern motor on an increasingly rare and costly old school lower. I must say.. one of these would be way too much for your hydro as the racers get these goin into the 60s. I know a couple guys that have them. One used an 18 on the kit and was goin about 48 in a D hydro but again you could go 80+ in a D and be back to talk about it. As far as any somebody will part with, I dont know of em but there are alot of things being held by collecters. Do you know if your older 18 has the same block/tower bolt pattern as the 70s 18-25 hp s? If kneeldown hydros/runnabouts run in your area you really should go and see, well worth the trip and sometimes boats and equipment are for sale.
            Team Tower


            • #36
              Originally posted by mercury400m View Post
              does any one know were to locate a 2 bladed racing prop for a mid 70's 18hp evinrude?
              Might wanna post this question over at BRF in the propeller classified section.

              If I were you I wouldn't go too crazy about investing and modifiying the 18. Your gonna pay a lot to go fast with that. And even at it's optimum, you still might get passed by a family pleasure boat. Go out and have fun with it the way it is. Like THIS guy...

              <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/R4ByWZLoyws"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/R4ByWZLoyws" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

              Now your Merc 400... now THAT is something to work with!


              • #37
                Id agree with that, the 18 powerhead is de-zined [and ported] to run real good for a very long time, to move a boat loaded with gear fuel and passengers almost as well as empty. Meaning itll never fly,, that makes it gooood for your hydro. Itll hop off the line and do 30+ with a good prop. One thing about go-fast boats is that prop choice makes or doesnt make it. Id look here then BRF and AOMCI s webvertise for stuff. Reads like youll be needing a D hydro in the near future. My motor for an old C hydro is a 31.8 OMC 25+ hp stripped down to 90lbs adapted to a Yamato 102 gearfoot. A ton of work & re-work but since a Yamato runs force fed water to cool, cant run em everywhere. This motor has a waterpump, accelerates very well and has good speed too. Worth all the work??? No Way! Unless you really like doin it almost as much as testing it out and are one track minded enough to do it anyway
                Team Tower


                • #38
                  Originally posted by johnsonm50 View Post
                  2 of mine are modern, a few are available sometimes, keep an eye out on this site. [maybe a few on ebay now & then] Serious adapting needed to make em work tho. For 18 OMCs.. some guys make up adapt kits for OMC B1 & B MOD 25hp early 70s powerheads to fit Merc AB tower & lowers. They turn out to be a fast semi modern motor on an increasingly rare and costly old school lower. I must say.. one of these would be way too much for your hydro as the racers get these goin into the 60s. I know a couple guys that have them. One used an 18 on the kit and was goin about 48 in a D hydro but again you could go 80+ in a D and be back to talk about it. As far as any somebody will part with, I dont know of em but there are alot of things being held by collecters. Do you know if your older 18 has the same block/tower bolt pattern as the 70s 18-25 hp s? If kneeldown hydros/runnabouts run in your area you really should go and see, well worth the trip and sometimes boats and equipment are for sale.
                  i wish there was something down here like that the closest place is some where around toronto by the way my evinrude is a 61 so if that year was like the 25 johnson's thats awsome... i do actually have a 25 johnson although its a 54 or 55

                  thats a neat video jeff no im not goin crazy on the evinrude im just looking for a decent prop for it.

                  well she's off the boat now my baby 400m i ran her last late fall on my 14' commet traveler with a 14 pitch bronze 2 blade prop she did atleast 35+. i dont know what i want to do with her it seems so sad to convert her but i guess its worth it i just need a lower...

                  yeah me and my dad are prolly gunna build a d class hydro havent decide on wat model though
                  mercs all the way!!!


                  • #39
                    I think that whom every is running the OMC on the hydro video ever got it set up to really run, watch out. It would place brown spots in his shorts. No more power on that boat than there is now. Also need to run with some safety equipment.


                    • #40
                      yea i wanna get my hydro set up correctly and thats why im in search for a good prop but on the other hand i have to get the boat in the water afloat first =p any one know what the best way to hook up the steering on my 18 would be??
                      mercs all the way!!!


                      • #41
                        Usually a steering bar is used, for approved race motors you can buy them made [mostly]. For your 18 youll have to make one. I did make a nice one for a 58/18hp but I dont have a pic and its too far away to just go over. Ill try to PM ya later with ideas.
                        Team Tower


                        • #42
                          alright thanks i just got thinking about it and i was like well i gott steer this sucker some how. i have a steering wheel and all the stuff for it im just not sure how to attach it to the motor for the best handling.
                          mercs all the way!!!


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by mercury400m View Post
                            this may be a dumb question but where are all you people getting these racing lower units. i know they were produced back in the day but is there some one producing them today??? or all of them home made??

                            and johnsonm50 u said u had a a few omc with racing lowers would u be able to help hook me up with one???
                            Rossi, VRP, Arens, and Konny all make new racing lower units. These are real racing lower units, brand new. I just bough a Rossi 11:15 to put under my 250cc Pro motor for $1200.00. But I think that would be overkill for an 18hp OMC. Bass Machine makes a lower unit for the larger Mod classes and Ron Selewach mfg of the Racing Sidewinder makes a lower unit for smaller classes. About the boat: I'd burn it before someone gets hurt in it.


                            • #44

                              Just saw your pictures on the BRF site. It would cost you more time and money than it would ever be worth. Check with Darrell Sorenson or check Clark Craft for a Hal Kelly kit for the OMC 18. It would be safer and cheaper in the long run.
                              Good luck what ever you do. Tim has the best idea, BURN it.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by T Chance View Post
                                Rossi, VRP, Arens, and Konny all make new racing lower units. These are real racing lower units, brand new. I just bough a Rossi 11:15 to put under my 250cc Pro motor for $1200.00. But I think that would be overkill for an 18hp OMC. Bass Machine makes a lower unit for the larger Mod classes and Ron Selewach mfg of the Racing Sidewinder makes a lower unit for smaller classes. About the boat: I'd burn it before someone gets hurt in it.
                                I agree with concern over the hydro but say keep the power down, SERIUSLY no more power than the old 18!!! Go with caution and if it seems as bad as most think... Then burn it! [more importantly] dont pass it on to somone else as a dangerous boat or let your pals try it out for kicks, especially those who dont seem to have the KNACK for this kind of thing. Several more important things. LIFEJACKET LIFEJACKET and lifejacket [as in being worn every time]. At least for the 1st several trial runs.. dont go without a responsible person on water in a good stable motor boat ready to assist in getting you ashore and or to drag the hydro out. One more thing to say on this, these suggestions are to help out but... You are on your own here. Nobody wants to help you go too fast, get hurt then read about it later. Check with your father to see that the steering and other hardware are safe and secure/durable enough to not give out in action. If you or he arent sure then post pics here [or BRF] and ask. Actually one more thing, make sure your father reads all of this if he hasnt yet, even if he will make you put a 5hp on it.
                                Team Tower

