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BSR Sidewinder

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  • #61
    Hi, Joe! I like to roll up boats too. We have two ladies from NJ in the JSR class now that enjoy and do a Great job of rolling up their runabouts. Part of the fun of racing is training new racers and watching them get better. My two cents would be let people have a choice side fin or roll up like in ASR and CSR. When I thought about coming back to racing after 21 years off the first thing I thought about was a roll up runabout and all the fun it was and will be.I'm glad I still had a choice what to race.
    Earl 11 J........ Dangerous when Wet Runne Craft- Earl said, " Driving a Runne Craft is like Cheating". Dude, ........ Where's My Boat!


    • #62
      pitfalls, more pitfalls

      After reading all of these post it seams to me again we are setting ourselves up for failure, rules already exist for the class, a B, is a B, is a B. With the exception of wheight there needs to be no changes to the rules. The (new 15ss class) has yet to be defined. Making bottom width rules for this class and that class only starts to limit boats to certain classes. We are slowely getting away from the 12" transoms that made certain boats only good for those classes they where built for. The old J boats where only good for J, some of the reasons people started running bigger boats was they used the same motor with a restricter for J and A so when it was time to move to "A" all you had to do was pull the restricter, whala, you had a A, no money other than a prop. Be carefull making a bunch of more rules to fight over, the class already exsist, all you are doing is implimenting a new motor to the class, obviously once a 20 cube is alowed in the class the 15 cubes are no longer competitive, that problem solves itself. The next big issue is the 15SS class, it does not exsist anymore, there is the class you need to define.

      Good luck



      • #63
        Since you mentioned Zanesville and your 20H in the same sentence, I'll take this opportunity to let everyone know that we have at LEAST 4 Mark 20H powered AMR's planning on racing at the Mod nationals in Zanesville this summer including Shawn Brill, Steve Roskowski, you and me. Again, the challenge is on as there is a "special race-within-a-race" with a $175 purse ($100, $50, $25) divided among the top 3 AMR's powered by the venerable Mark 20H. Mike Marshall, Raceboat 61-S, Race Director


        • #64
          Hi Mike,

          I wasn't sure if that special race within a race would happen this year since Zanesville is hosting the nationals but its good to hear. The motor is almost complete, just waiting for the block to come back from being bored. Everything else is assembled and ready.
          Joe Silvestri

          Dominic Silvestri


          • #65
            BSR bottom width

            I agree with Bill Boyes that about 30in is more like is at 34 you are marginal for a roll up. I had a Brinkman BSR the Vic had won the Nats with in the early 80's. I ran it in 25ssr. I pulled dimensions and built up frames back then to duplicate the boat with the intention of adding a B or 15 rig to my day. I still have those frames in my shop. The bottom is 30 1/4 at the transom (just measured) and the boat had a round chine on the left only. It was about 10' 3". It would roll or turn flat. I used a 2"H by 6"L fin only on courses with the widest turns since almost no roll was required.



            • #66
              Bill & Greybeard...

              I suggest you get a tape measure out this year.

              We're running 34-35 inch bottoms in BSR right now (15ci). My Racecraft is 35 inches...and we're rolling them up no problem. I also run ASR on it.

              Times have changed.

              30 inch bottom???? That was about 10 years ago.


              • #67

                ...and in another post it was reported to be "a Handfull" with a 20ci HR.



                • #68
                  The "handful" part comes from the fact that current BSR/ASR boats are 85-95pounds and pretty short...with a healthy amount of lift.

                  Big power difference between the 15ci Hot Rod and 20ci Hot Rod.

                  Shoot, a wider bottom makes a boat more driveable.

                  But you've got to have some length and other boat design changes to compensate for the added power.


                  • #69

                    One of the main reasons I went with a side fin in the larger runabout class SER, is the fact that I could use my hydro props and did not need to invest in a bunch more props for the class. Makes it easy to get into the class all you need is a boat. That is why I like the wider bottom for the side fins. Just something to think about while y'all debate on the rules.
                    Dave Mason
                    Just A Boat Racer


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by dholt View Post
                      I suggest you get a tape measure out this year.

                      We're running 34-35 inch bottoms in BSR right now (15ci). My Racecraft is 35 inches...and we're rolling them up no problem. I also run ASR on it.

                      Times have changed.

                      30 inch bottom???? That was about 10 years ago.
                      Really, So how wide is the boat overall?
                      bill b


                      • #71

                        Couldn't tell you how wide my boat is.

                        Wide enough to be legal I guess.


