Unfortunately I can't take the time off to go to LA. I could but would miss three of Bill's hockey games against state-ranked teams. The regular WI high school season is limited only to 20 games. He is currently averaging 2 points a game- 24 points in 12 games which is great for a defensive player. He runs the defense during the game so its fun to watch him.
The JSH for Norm has to be the quickest ruined race boat ever. I finished it and Norm picked it up about 4 PM on his way to a company Christmas party. We put it in the back of his pickup with the transom forward. I think the tailgate was up but I'm not positive about that- it could have been in there flat. But however, boats usually ride decently in the back of PU trucks. Norm went to the party and Christmas parties back then only served alcohol to excess. He left the party and drove maybe 20 miles on the freeway towards his home. When he exited, he looked back and noticed the boat wasn't there. So he turned around and went back a few miles to find an older POS car on the side of the road with a ruined hydro stuck in the grill but no one hurt. Norm ended up buying the car for $200. He called me about 10 that night to order a new boat and explain what happened. He even lucked out and got his homeowners insurance to pay for it so the second one was more expensive.
Unfortunately I can't take the time off to go to LA. I could but would miss three of Bill's hockey games against state-ranked teams. The regular WI high school season is limited only to 20 games. He is currently averaging 2 points a game- 24 points in 12 games which is great for a defensive player. He runs the defense during the game so its fun to watch him.
The JSH for Norm has to be the quickest ruined race boat ever. I finished it and Norm picked it up about 4 PM on his way to a company Christmas party. We put it in the back of his pickup with the transom forward. I think the tailgate was up but I'm not positive about that- it could have been in there flat. But however, boats usually ride decently in the back of PU trucks. Norm went to the party and Christmas parties back then only served alcohol to excess. He left the party and drove maybe 20 miles on the freeway towards his home. When he exited, he looked back and noticed the boat wasn't there. So he turned around and went back a few miles to find an older POS car on the side of the road with a ruined hydro stuck in the grill but no one hurt. Norm ended up buying the car for $200. He called me about 10 that night to order a new boat and explain what happened. He even lucked out and got his homeowners insurance to pay for it so the second one was more expensive.