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Bobby Laws Family

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  • Bobby Laws Family

    Bobby and Jamie Laws need every prayer you can say for mother/wife, Theresa, who is in intensive care at a Dayton, OH hospital. Bobby tells me things don't look so good. Maybe together we can make a difference.
    Most of you reading HR know Bobby and his contributions to boat racing over the years. Jamie, at 14 (J driver) especially needs our support, no matter what happens. As you know, Bobby is giving off a strong front, but we all know that big guy is a super softy at heart. Please, please, just take a momment and send a prayer for a recovery and/or the strength for Bobby and Jamie to make it through this trying time.

  • #2
    Bobby and Jamie,
    Our hearts and prayers are with you. We hope that Theresa is gaining strength. Mike and Carol Marshall, Raceboat61-S


    • #3
      Bobby and Jamie,

      We will keep you in our daily prayers.

      The Kerrs and Team Racecraft


      • #4
        Bob and Jamie,
        Our prayers and thoughts are with you all.

        Larry and Tracey Spencer


        • #5

          The Mason's will keep you guys in our thoughts and prayers.
          Dave Mason
          Just A Boat Racer


          • #6
            We're thinking of you Bobby!

            Jeff, Christine, Justin, Ryan, Abigail and Austin


            • #7

              Bobby Jamie ,, we only met you at the alexandria kentucky race but our prayers go out to you and your family . the sunrise/rat racing team Merissa 312-J Loretta 410-J and all the rest of the crew.


              • #8
                I am just off the phone call from Bobby. Theresa's condition continually worsens. There are complications from a cold, her diabetes, and her heart. Last night she did not even respond to Bobby and Jamie.
                Bobby's secretary continues to check this thread of Hydroracer and all of your reponses to him and Jamie are appreciated. Keep up the prayers for the strength of Bobby and Jamie to make it through.
                In the midst of all of this, Bobby wanted me to say "Thank you to all who supported the Dayton race." He also wants you to know that he was sorry that he had to leave early due to Theresa's health.
                (Sounds like Bobby, doesn't it?)

                Hang in their Bob!
                Love ya,
                Connie and the rest of the Payn's


                • #9
                  Your in our thoghts...

                  Dear Bobby, Theresa and Jamie:
                  Our thoughts and prayers are with the three of you. Stay strong and know that your thought of often.
                  Lisa, Alex, Ashlei and AJ Jennings
                  Team J Racing 9p & 4p


                  • #10
                    Bobby, Theresa and Jamie:
                    Hope things improve , we will contuine to pray for Theresa and the family.


                    • #11
                      Our Prayers

                      Bobby, Teresa and Jamie
                      My family have all of you in our prayers. We hope that things get better and you recover soon Teresa.

                      Art & Sandi Crawford
                      Panama City, Fl. 30F
                      Art Crawford 30F
                      Panama City Fl.


                      • #12
                        Our Prayers are with you Bobby & Jamie

                        So many know Bobby and now Jamie; we want to let them know our thoughts and prayers are with you both and especially Theresa in the hospital. Bob, let us know if there is anything we can do for you! He's the first one there for everyone else, our love flows back to you now Bob. Love from the Jack Brewsters.


                        • #13
                          I talked with Bobby this morning. Theresa has made some slight improvement. Her pneumonia appears to be getting slightly better and her diabetes is stabilized but she is still unresponsive. Hopefully this will be some good news. Ed.

                          "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


                          • #14
                            May God Be with Your Family

                            I'm sure I can speek for all the family and crew of Shultz Racing when I say our thoughts and prayers are with you. Doug Schultz


                            • #15
                              From Bobby last night:

                              Theresa's illness has finally been identified. Is is Pseudomanas, a bacterial lung infection. Hopefully identifying the culprit will aid in the treatment.
                              Theresa is stablilized and critical. She is still non responsive. However babysteps have been taken in her recovery and Bobby feels this is good news..

                              He and Jamie thank everyone for their prayers and concerns. Please keep them coming. Prayers are something we can never have enough of.


