Open Bells Are On The Way Out - As history, into collections & museums
Seems that no matter where you go with open bells its the same all around. Its some one's real estate next door, they pay big taxes and they get those that will give you the hassle who they paid them big taxes to, where your just a visitor, who paid and entry fee that day and that just doesn't count for much. Its getting worse all the time. Seems the only people buying Quincy and other type pipes are those in their late 50s or older that want to relive a bit of their youth now that the kids have left home. Or show some with some go at the same place to go with the displays and hobnobin.
Seems that no matter where you go with open bells its the same all around. Its some one's real estate next door, they pay big taxes and they get those that will give you the hassle who they paid them big taxes to, where your just a visitor, who paid and entry fee that day and that just doesn't count for much. Its getting worse all the time. Seems the only people buying Quincy and other type pipes are those in their late 50s or older that want to relive a bit of their youth now that the kids have left home. Or show some with some go at the same place to go with the displays and hobnobin.