wow, now this voyage has to compete with Santa Claus's world tour tonight!
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No announcement yet.
New destination, St. Paul Minn to Savannah, Ga.
Hey Bob no kidding so far so good, we cleared phase one last night around 7pm. Mark picked up my rig from Todd Peterson place in St. Paul.
Phase two starts on Monday when Mark goes to pick up the Gary Lewis hull I sold him which is in Ok. Now keep in mind Ernie Dawe and Daren just delivered the Dawe craft to Dudley this past Tuesday morning all the way from CA.
Dizzy yetOk back to phase two, Mark will take my rig to Dudley's place on Monday and pick up his rig turn around and drive back to Minn. Phase two will be complete.
Phase three Tom Brockmeyer will pick up my rig in OK and drive to Atlanta on his way home from Christmas in the Iowa area.
Phase Four Bob Dunlap will take my rig from his house over to George Kolhers place in Savanah.
Phase Five George will bring my rig down to Lake Placid Florida for the first race of the year
Phase Six race day Jan. 21-22nd We did have one mishap during phase one last night that might need a little patch work before race day on SaturdayHTML Code:
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I talked to Tom. He is meeting me in Des Moines IA on Monday evening. I am planing on leaveing St. Paul at 3pm.
The boat will need a new lexan front cowl.It was smashed when I picked it up last night. Everything else is fine.
I am envious of the 15 Johnson. It Is like brand spanking new.
I don't think the thing is even broke in yet.
Merry Christmas
When the green flag drops, the bull**** stops!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep'em Sunny Side Up Boy's!
Hey Bob looks like it was clear maybe with a slight tint to it. Think we can find some down in GA. If you can find a piece let me know and I will send you the $$
Here are a few pics, the boat is a Furnal Flyer. Feel free to take her for a spin if you want.HTML Code:
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Ok, I'm here: (Don't recall which phase I am!??)
Tom Brockmeyer here.
I just got online since leaving for Christmas vacation.
Don't you all just love this stuff? Bob Dunlap calls my cellphone after I left Atlanta for Central Iowa and arranged the "hand-off" in DesMoines, Iowa.
The boat will be shrink wrapped by "Lights" and I'll meet him along Interstate35 tomorrow nite (Monday) then I'll haul it to Atlanta the first couple days of January where it will get carefully stored, high and dry until it goes to Savannah.
Merry Christmas, Dan!
Tom Brockmeyer
Merry Christmas Tom
You are phase number 3Thanks for all your help.
Have a safe trip back to Atlanta.HTML Code:
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Update the great american boat relay
Phase two is in progress Mark is rolling! you gotta love this! now this is team work.HTML Code:
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Great American boat relay???
Not bad..... not bad at all......
St. Paul, MN to Savannah, GA:
Total Est. Time: 21 hours, 11 minutes Total Est. Distance: 1367.69 miles
....but how about.......
Kingston, Ontario, Canada to Orange, Texas?
Total Est. Time: 26 hours, 20 minutes Total Est. Distance: 1666.53 miles
Gotcha beat with just 1 boat Dan....There's also...... Canada to Florida: Total Est. Time: 20 hours, 11 minutes Total Est. Distance: 1279.91 miles
Boat racers are great people, aren't they? I really appreciate the help getting my boats from Canada to Louisiana. If I can ever help out anyone by by picking up / dropping off boat, motors, parts...... just let me know. I usually have room or can make room on or in my trailer and I'll rig up a rack for my truck if someone needs a boat moved and my trailer is full.Last edited by David_L6; 12-26-2005, 05:15 PM....
OMC FE/SE powerhead parts for sale. Kurcz ported block, Mod 50 pistons and cylinder head, exhaust, etc.
Hey Dave dont forget the last leg of my journeySavannah, GA to Lake Placid Florida in Jan. for the AOF race.
I agree, you would be hard pressed to find this type of help in auto racing etc..HTML Code:
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OK the next step is complete. Tom has the boat and it fits the rack on his truck perfectly, but they forgot to unload the motor. Now another problem the lexan windscreen is completely gone, they threw it away, and I was planning to use the old one for a pattern. I know the Furnells post on here some, can we get in touch with them and see if they have a pattern for the windscreen.
Thanks for the update, wow ! how did they forget the motorI dont have a cell number for Mark. Has Tom already gone to far out of the way ?
Hey Bob call me please.
DanHTML Code:
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Originally posted by Bob DunlapOK the next step is complete. Tom has the boat and it fits the rack on his truck perfectly, but they forgot to unload the motor. Now another problem the lexan windscreen is completely gone, they threw it away, and I was planning to use the old one for a pattern. I know the Furnells post on here some, can we get in touch with them and see if they have a pattern for the windscreen.
Yes I did. The cowling is all in the cockpit. The boat is all shrink wrapped and ready to roll on Monday.
-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Lawrence <>
Sent: Fri, 23 Dec 2005 20:54:18 -0500
Subject: Re: Your New ASH
Hey Mark, it just hit me, did you happen to save what was left of the glass cowling so I can use it as a template to cut the new piece.
DanHTML Code:
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