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Has anyone heard anything from the Mod Nationals?

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  • #16
    Someone fill us in...

    Jerry...or somebody...
    Need some more info on DMH, congrats to LARS. We all want to hear about the 2nd heat incident & altercation!

    "You gotta do the work"- Pop Trolian


    • #17
      DMH input.

      Brian Palmquist had won the last two APBA Nationals but hasn't raced DMH all season so far. He showed up for the Nationals with a brand new B&H hull, freshly rebuilt Wienandt engine and only limited testing. He managed a good start in the first heat and won by 11 seconds. The second heat he got a decent start and went into the first turn on the outside of Hauenstein and L Mason. Brian left two boat widths for Mason but somehow- either boat design or driver limitations- Mason couldn't hold it in that much space and didn't have the the intelligence to back off and hold his lane. So he slid out and hit Brian and flipped him, costing Brian the threepeat. Larry ended up winning with Brian placing second, reversing the positions these two guys had last year.


      • #18

        Just wanting to make sure everyone is ok? (Must be the mother in me?) How are all the drivers? No one hurt I hope?


        • #19

          I spoke to Brian this A.M. he is fine but sore. Saturday he went on to win the 2005 APBA FEH title.

          Hurry up & get home Brian we have work to do before we leave for DAYTON!!

          "You gotta do the work"- Pop Trolian


          • #20
            [QUOTE=hydroplay]DMH input.

            Brian left two boat widths for Mason but somehow- either boat design or driver limitations- Mason couldn't hold it in that much space and didn't have the the intelligence to back off and hold his lane. So he slid out and hit Brian and flipped him, costing Brian the threepeat.

            These words seem too harsh. I personally know Lyle Mason and his family. I know that Lyle is not incompetent, and that he has more experience than most when it comes to driving a hydro. I also know that he is very competitive when a race is on the line. I'm sure that this was a racing accident, but to say the things that you did, hydroplay, were uncalled for in this forum. The important thing here is that all the drivers involved are ok and able to race again.

            Thank you all for your time.
            Gardner Miller
            Lone Star Outboard Racing Association

            "Water is for racing. Asphalt is for the parking lot."
            Rember....Freedom isn't...."Free".......


            • #21
              Turn Judges.........Hello.

              The Mason/Palmquist incident brings to light a bigger issue..............What are the turn judges doing while these type of alleged bearing away incidents are taking place??? If the inside boat did bear away and cause the outside boat to crash as the B&H factory suggests, where were the turn judges ??

              I think most of us know the answer to this..................There are really very few drivers capable in a split second of calling a 'chop' or bearing away etc.

              As drivers we know when we have been violated and usually the guilty party knows they have cheated and drove 'out of bounds'. I saw the DMH incident from the shore and a couple more driving issues that I rolled my eyes over when no calls were made (not that I am taking sides). However,how fair is it to have a driver who probably doesn't have a clear understanding of our rulebook regarding driving infractions to judge other drivers at 'speed'.............

              The answer..........Put the burden where it belongs. The Referee and assistant Referee. Put a set or two of binocs in the hands of the people who are suppose to know the rules and let them monitor the course action from atop the judges stand and perhaps use 'turn personal' as an aid in clearifying a situation if necessary. I would think drivers would feel more comfortable knowing there fate is in the hands of a 'trained' experienced referee in lieu of a potentially' hungover' driver worried about when the set will be over and how quick he or she can get back to shore,(been there done that!!).

              Perhaps this is a unreasonable and logistically difficult solution but Referees are Referees for a reason.............Because they are suppose to know the rules and how to interprete them. Perhaps drivers would respect and accept a DQ more from a truley qualified race official in lieu of another driver who really isn't equiped to be determining another drivers fate........

              Glad the new B&H boat........... and of course Brian are OK!!!! I would guess Sam is in no mood for repairs this week!!

              Last edited by Matt Dagostino; 08-07-2005, 05:00 PM.


              • #22
                Turn Judging

                If you are in the turn boat and see an infraction, you just have to make the call. With that said, it can be difficult to watch every boat in a turn at the same time.

                I like the practice at the PRO Natioanls of having 2 judges in each turn. One on shore and one in the center of the turn. And on the far turn, the judge on shore can be considerably elevated, which provides for the best view.
                David Weaver


                • #23
                  Who won CMH? There are some results still out.

                  Tim Weber


                  • #24
                    CMH was won by Scott Clark. He had great compitition from Eric Vanover and Brian Palmquist. Eric won the first heat. It was a race either 3 could have won.
                    mike ross


                    • #25
                      Brian left two boat widths for Mason but somehow- either boat design or driver limitations- Mason couldn't hold it in that much space and didn't have the the intelligence to back off and hold his lane. So he slid out and hit Brian and flipped him, costing Brian the threepeat.

                      Harsh words or simply facts?

                      I believe that the turn judges were Richie Palmer and Scott Clark and they told Brian that Mason was bearing away and would have been disqualified for that except that he already was disqualified for changing lanes in the chute. After the incident on the course both the elder and younger Mason went beserk including a public vow from the younger one to run over Brian in FEH the next day. I suspect that further action from the MOD Commission/APBA may be forthcomming. Fine upstanding racers that you have known for years? Maybe you just didn't see their other side before.

                      Bearing away because your boat isn't turning as well as the outside boat can always be cure by backing off and gaining control. The driver just has to think of it.

                      No I don't need any more repairs before Dayton as we are fixing Ryan Burdick's CSH that he crashed at Pleasant Prarie on Sunday, finishing an ASH to deliver to Dayton, putting together a new A OMC motor for Bill and taking all out stuff down to put on Nydahl's trailer so he can haul it to Dayton for us. Brian's boat needs some left cockpit side work from the impact but doesn't sound too bad.


                      • #26

                        Well by the results of the FEH National Title going Brian....

                        Congrats to Vicky Smith & "Head Wrench" Mike Ross & of course my brother from another mother- Brain Palmquist.
                        Last edited by 17W; 08-08-2005, 06:05 AM.

                        "You gotta do the work"- Pop Trolian


                        • #27
                          Is The Furnal Flyer Factory Back...............

                          On a more pleasant subject it was wonderful to see the first new Furnal Flyer in how many years??????? Yes. Sweeney showed up with a brand new FURNAL FLYER DSH which ran a strong second to a real D MOD in the first non-controversial heat of DMH!!

                          Hopefully this is the first of many 'new' Flyers to come from 'our' good friend Leigh. Also our other good friend and rival builder Sam H. could possibly use some 'humbling' after so many years of domination.....................

                          Does this also mean Jon Stone might show up with a grey beard and a new DSH!!!! One can only hope!


                          • #28
                            [QUOTE=Matt Dagostino]
                            I think most of us know the answer to this..................There are really very few drivers capable in a split second of calling a 'chop' or bearing away etc.

                            As drivers we know when we have been violated and usually the guilty party knows they have cheated and drove 'out of bounds'. I saw the DMH incident from the shore and a couple more driving issues that I rolled my eyes over when no calls were made (not that I am taking sides). However,how fair is it to have a driver who probably doesn't have a clear understanding of our rulebook regarding driving infractions to judge other drivers at 'speed'.............

                            As a fellow driver I agree that rarely are infractions called in the turns, however it does happen. Myself and John Runne were in turn one and called
                            the bearing away infraction on young Mr. Tate in J runabout. We were
                            questioned from the Referee on our call, we stated our reasons for the call
                            then later the drivers rep called the Ref. and questioned our call and
                            the Referee stated his sastisfaction with my explanation of our call.

                            I agree with Matt about the "just want to get my duty done attitude", but
                            that attitude needs to be adjusted somehow.
                            I take turn boat duty very seriously, as a referee myself, and a driver, and
                            with the safety of everyone involved the turn judge duty is very serious to
                            me and should be to everyone who serves.
                            Remember future Judges your performance in the turns could send a message to all drivers that dirty driving or the lack of smart driving will be called and
                            cost them any chance at winning, and more importantly keep them safer.
                            Just my 2 cents worth.
                            Dennis 21Z


                            • #29
                              Referees and Turn Judges

                              Proposing the use of "professional" turn judges might be a good idea in theory, however, finding race personell is a problem as it is. Maybe if a driver pays for these professionals?? Adding another $25 to your entry fees?
                              The simple solution is for turn judges to call infractions.
                              I was the referee at the USTS race in Constantine. The judges stand is on a narrow dock and with the clock and scorers, etc. there isn't room on the water for the referee. I stood on the bank during the starts and was in constant radio contact with the turn judges asking them to keep an eye on lane changes, etc. At a couple of points, I radioed the turn judges and asked them if they saw what I thought I had seen. Since they were at a better angle and right at the action, I was going to make my final decisions on lane changes, bearing away and any other infractions based on their opinions. Each time they reported to me that everything was done legally and I took their word for it. After all, I would hope that they would expect fair calls when they were racing their heats also. This keeps us safe.
                              As far as a driver not knowing the rulebook?! Good heavens. The person who should know it the best is a driver. If not, then we need a drivers school and test before anyone else gets back on the water! There is a solution also to the hung over driver who just wants to get the day done..
                              pass a no drinking during race week end rule. Or just drink less to begin with and make it simple. (Hey, its hard for me to).
                              It is your duty as a fellow racer to take the job of turn judges seriously, and is just as serious as becoming a safe driver yourself.
                              I will add that it seems that I have seen more bearing away this year than any other. It is difficult to tell when a boat slides and when a deliberate bearing away happens. However, as Sam said, if you can't control your boat, then you'd better slow down to a speed in which you can control your boat, or get off the water to make it safe for everyone else.
                              Connie Payn


                              • #30

                                We all need to put this in perspective:

                                Hydroplay you were not there and dealing with only friends accounts. I sure did not see you.

                                Anyone ever see a B & H boat upside-down in a sigle boat crash? To claim boat design as a fault is a joke. Good boats get wet in the wrong ways all the time, like blown motors, turn fins, crap in the water, Driver error, etc.

                                I race the class and have been passed by both drivers. Both drives have got me wet. Both will bear away and pinch. Anyone says otherwise they are liers. Ask any driver. It is racing if you don't pinch someone in turn one you are not doing your job! As hydroplay says if you can't turn that fast you must slow down. This is the point.

                                Did mason flip before he hit palmquest or after? I saw the damage... It looked that way to me but I was not in the turn boat.

                                Was Mason bearing away to keep speed thinking of turn two position?

                                Did Brian hold the same arc as Lyle? Who was the boat out front? Did Brian "Hook" in his new boat?

                                I know all of the drivers and sat in the first turn twice and to call a shoot change from turn one angle is a ballsy call with the distance, angle and 12 boats. Clarks eye sight is better than mine but I was not there so it is his right. Thanks for making a call that is your job and it is a hard one.

                                I have heard both drivers over the years get out of boats and blaim other drivers for crashes they were involved in. We need to get some perspective. Drivers were ok and boats can be rebuilt, motors can be rebuilt.

                                As to the Dave's words I did not hear them first hand but that is not needed if true. We drive hard because we know the other driver is going to turn with us not into us. I hope Dave makes it right with Brian.

                                The point I am making is talk is cheap and the fact is most people would put Brian and Lyle as contenders. Crashes happen. Drivers drive hard and feelings get hurt but next week we will do it again.

                                Nationals was long but a fun time. I go for racing and friends not just the racing.

                                Brian Cafarelli

