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What clubs have online registation

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  • #31
    That is my point

    This is the 21 century and I don't think it would cost much if apba would help us out and do it for all . What are we waiting for ???


    • #32
      Originally posted by mercguy
      are we ever going to see you back in a race boat again??????
      Hopefully someday, however not for awhile....


      • #33
        Jerry's idea is a good one, however more scores would need to use computers. I think it would would be great to have registration on-line, which then could be hooked up to a scoring program. That way a scorer could log on get all the pre entrys on-line before the race. The scoring would be all done with a scoring program (which some people are already doing) and then uploaded to APBA.

        Results would be automatic, paper work would be much less, it would take scorers less time (once all the bugs got worked out) and APBA would have less data entry. If one wishs to talk about cost, doing it this way save you money in long run. Sure it cost you more now, but it will pay off quickly. Also it might not really cost all that much to set up. You could hire college interns to do the work.


        • #34
          Originally posted by 888race
          yes I seen the demo and am very intrested but we don't have a web site so what ever you can do would be great and I will praise you to all . I would like to see Dan put it on hydroracer but don't know if he would be intrested let me know what I need to do next
          Thanks for you help
          Since you don't have a website, I'm sure we could give you the same deal we have with SOA. E-mail me and will work out the details. To get it going all I need are race dates and an e-mail address to send the entrys to which is optional (entrys are also stored on-line).

          Also your scores should be in the loop, so they understand the process and are willing to do it this way (their last people you want mad at you).



          • #35

            thanks matt , we will use ocoee oct 29-30 I need to get my scorers email so we can send it to her can you call me home 863-294-2066 or cell 863-258-8075
            thanks Paul


            • #36

              Did you get my email?


              • #37

                Not sure, but I set everything up for you and e-mailed you, did you get me email?


                • #38

                  Thanks Matt we are trying to get it on for Jesup and Ocoee
                  Your the BEST!!!!!
                  Thanks Paul


                  • #39
                    Is this still availible for use in 2006? Our club is interested. You can contact me at Thanks
                    Dean Neumann


                    • #40
                      To add to this... while looking for an automated timing system I found this:


                      Seems like a very popular site world wide for online race registration and scoring... I have no idea if it could be used by us, but seems to be open to any form of racing.

                      Fralick Racing
                      Like our Facebook Team page "Here"


                      • #41
                        About this online registration...I haven't been on too long reading this forum and I don't have much time to read it all (funny how I can post long but can't read) , but I think that if this online registration works, it is a step in the right direction! I mean with me, I will get a sanction paper in the mail and read it, fill it out, and then set it somewhere and forget all about it. Ok, maybe I don't forget all about it, but I rarely send them in, because I can never find a stamp, or when I get to the race I have to fill another one out, because you can't have more than one class per sheet, and I have basically just given up on the whole "send in your registration paper(whatever it's called) to make things easier for you and the officials working at the race". When this new, "online registration" deal came up, I thought it was one of the best things ever created by APBA (or Region 11 as I have been corrected once or twice by Tony Lombardo )! I mean, this way, you can go online and do whatever people do these days online, and see that you need to register for a race coming up, and without even leaving your seat or searching for stamps, you can register for the race. I'm sorry for all of you (well I guess it couldn't be all of you, because if you are able to read this you probably do have a computer) who don't have a computer or easy access to the rest of the world, but I know for me, this thing is pretty easy and takes no thought what so ever. I will come online and look up all of the races coming up and then go register for the ones I know I will be going to. This thing is pretty neat! I think something that could make it better is to make easier access to it. Maybe have APBA put it up on their website and do it like they do their sanctioned races. You can scroll down and find your region and then click on it, and then the page would come up and all you would need to do was find the correct race, and you're all set! How much harder can it be! And believe me, if I can do it, ANYBODY can do it!
                        On that note, the reason I came here to post was because I was looking to see if there was on online registration form for the US Title Series Inverness race. So a whole long page about nothing, and then my question. But I do think this online registration thing is a step in the right direction for our sport. We need more people with these kinds of ideas. Ok, and registration, I had to do it...everyone else had registration in red, so there you go, I'm a cool person now!!!
                        Thanks're ideas are a big part of what keeps our sport alive, and so are discussions like these!


