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BANNED: 2-stroke engines.

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  • #61
    Having a class or two of electrics on a race schedule is fine, adds interest in the same way that the "Indian War Canoes" added interest to Reg. 10 outboard races 45 years ago. Any home-built 4-stroke racemotor that shows up and fits in a class would also be a positive addition (provided it is not given a displacement advantage, as I believe has already happened in 1100cc)(?). Having some open-pipe 4-strokes would make for even better sounds, when added to unmuffled expansion chambers and megaphones.

    But an all-muffled or an all-electric race wouldn't hold onlooker interest for very long. Unlimited hydroplane racing in the era of supercharged open-stack fighter plane engines was the biggest draw in Seattle's sporting year by far, and got massive press coverage. Now, with the quiet turbines, the race is a small Page Three article in the Sunday paper.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Smitty View Post
      Having a class or two of electrics on a race schedule is fine, adds interest in the same way that the "Indian War Canoes" added interest to Reg. 10 outboard races 45 years ago. Any home-built 4-stroke racemotor that shows up and fits in a class would also be a positive addition (provided it is not given a displacement advantage, as I believe has already happened in 1100cc)(?). Having some open-pipe 4-strokes would make for even better sounds, when added to unmuffled expansion chambers and megaphones.

      But an all-muffled or an all-electric race wouldn't hold onlooker interest for very long. Unlimited hydroplane racing in the era of supercharged open-stack fighter plane engines was the biggest draw in Seattle's sporting year by far, and got massive press coverage. Now, with the quiet turbines, the race is a small Page Three article in the Sunday paper.
      So true Smitty if it don't sound fast who is interested.. Can you imagine how long the Summer Nationals at SIR would last if everything was electric or a whistling turbine.. I stopped going to the unlimiteds when they when to the whistle and have never gone again but still do the limiteds
      Mike - One of the Montana Boys

      If it aint fast make it look good


      • #63
        Originally posted by blueskyracer View Post
        So true Smitty if it don't sound fast who is interested.. Can you imagine how long the Summer Nationals at SIR would last if everything was electric or a whistling turbine.. I stopped going to the unlimiteds when they when to the whistle and have never gone again but still do the limiteds
        Nothing sounds better than a 6 loop except maybe a 4 loop or a 2 loop well anyway O.F.'s loops sound the best if you have never heard one boy did you miss out.

        But by todays standards the Rossi,Vrp,konny,konigs are much faster and sound ok but nothing like a looper,I'm a little one sided here as I pitted on several occasions for Bill Fales.
        Last edited by raceright; 01-21-2014, 02:30 PM.


        • #64
          #2 Polluter In California

          #2 polluter in California is HAMBURGER grease smoke from cooking hamburgers....but no one wants to approach that subject..I mean are we all going to have to eat peanut butter and jelly???

          Cars are number one. Hamburgers are number 2....


          • #65
            Originally posted by Ron Hill View Post
            #2 polluter in California is HAMBURGER grease smoke from cooking hamburgers....but no one wants to approach that subject..I mean are we all going to have to eat peanut butter and jelly???

            Cars are number one. Hamburgers are number 2....
            And they Become #2 .....


            • #66
              I cannot imagine racing an electric outboard any more than I can imagine racing one where you tighten a rubber band up real tight. Give me 12 - 13,000 rpm with a two-stroke.


              • #67
                At Southbury Connecticut in the late 60's, C alky had Loopers, Koenigs and Crescents in the field.
                The Koenigs were loud ( even with cans) and fast. The loopers were a bit silly, extremely load but at the back. I loved the Crescents; out front and silent. Well maybe a slight whistle when they went by.


                • #68
                  Thinking about the sounds C alky engines made in the 60's made me remember Dizzy Dave. His imitations got better the more beer I drank.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Ron Hill View Post
                    #2 polluter in California is HAMBURGER grease smoke from cooking hamburgers....but no one wants to approach that subject..I mean are we all going to have to eat peanut butter and jelly???

                    Cars are number one. Hamburgers are number 2....
                    Since I found out over 20 years ago that grease vaporizing on an under fired grill causes carcinogens I have been very interested in this subject, as I grill at least 1-2 times a week, year round.

                    Some half truths in your statement.


                    "commercial cooking is the largest source of directly emitted particulate pollution in the Southland" (not burgers)

                    “When you consider both the directly-emitted PM2.5 from trucks, as well their NOx emissions that form particulate matter in the atmosphere, trucks are responsible for nearly three times the amount of PM2.5 pollution than that emitted by all commercial charbroilers,” he said.


                    PS-no one will ever take my 1993 Lawn-Boy "M" Series 2 stroke lawn mower away, it'll last another 20 years, at least!

                    Carbureted 2 strokes pollute, quite a bit, direct injection 2 strokes are quite clean. One cannot lump all 2 strokes in the same category.


                    • #70
                      After running my 2 stroke snow blower (again) last night to clean another 2 inches of snow off of the driveway I always marvel at how light, powerful and responsive these amazing motors are.

                      And ricochet is right, there is a world of difference between a direct injected 2 stroke and the carb'ed inefficient and dirty 2 strokes that we dearly love...

                      Unfortunately these old dirty engines have given the 2 stroke a bad reputation that may never be recovered even though the newer 2 strokes are very clean engines.

                      That snow blower is now exactly 30 years old, runs like top, starts on the second pull and with new rubber paddles and belt, it works as well as the day it was made...
                      Last edited by Yellowjacket; 01-22-2014, 11:46 AM.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by rumleyfips View Post
                        At Southbury Connecticut in the late 60's, C alky had Loopers, Koenigs and Crescents in the field.
                        The Koenigs were loud ( even with cans) and fast. The loopers were a bit silly, extremely load but at the back. I loved the Crescents; out front and silent. Well maybe a slight whistle when they went by.
                        I raced a crescent on a marchetti hydro at first super C race at Southbury and got 2nd behind John Yale who drove for Dick O'Dea . John and Dick helped set me up as I bought both engine and boat from Dick.


                        • #72
                          I remember a few years back that there was speculation that some cars may use an advanced two-stroke engine - possibly using power valve and direct fuel injection systems - as an alternative to a four stroke engine. The advanced two-stroke design would give an advantage on power, fuel economy, and even emissions. Advancements in seal materiels would enable a sealed, separately lubed crank negating the need to mix fuel and oil. Any idea what happened to the R&D on this? Electric/hybrid development derail the R&D? Just curious... I'm sure that type of technology, if implemented, would raise a C class two-stroke engine upwards of fourfold in price initially...


                          • #73

                            I thought I remembered 2 Crescents out front but the mists of time have hidden the names. You were certainly fact enough to impress that race on me for 45 years.

                            That was my first year racing and my 5th or 6th AU race. i finished 4th and was pretty disapointed - I had been doing better than that in New York and Canada. The guys I went with were really happy; they told me I was right behind numbers 1,2 and 3 from the nationals. Billy Rosado won, Mike Boone 2nd and I forget third. I had no idea did I?


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Shane_B View Post
                              I remember a few years back that there was speculation that some cars may use an advanced two-stroke engine - possibly using power valve and direct fuel injection systems - as an alternative to a four stroke engine. The advanced two-stroke design would give an advantage on power, fuel economy, and even emissions. Advancements in seal materiels would enable a sealed, separately lubed crank negating the need to mix fuel and oil. Any idea what happened to the R&D on this? Electric/hybrid development derail the R&D? Just curious... I'm sure that type of technology, if implemented, would raise a C class two-stroke engine upwards of fourfold in price initially...
                              Chrysler was working on direct injected two stokes. I don't remember their reason for shelving the project. I don't think it is totally dead but it may be. I will look it up.


                              • #75
                                "ricochet112", Ya gotta consider the whole cooking footprint, meaning you also have to account for the global warming effect of the methane (25X worse that CO2) from all of the farting cows. Shoot, maybe from all of the farting eaters,too! LOL

