I would like to send in a proposal or 3 to the SORC for the upcoming meeting in Reno or DO IT NOW with a special conference call, it is a novel concept and one that the members SHOULD be content with. In this proposal you can start working on your race program for next year TODAY and not Feb 1st.........Here they come.......
1. I propose that all current Stock Outboard classes remain UNCHANGED in all aspects for the 2014 race season.
2. I propose we work on aligning the rules with what the other categories do, change some of ourrs and ask them to change to the Stock rule if needed.
3. I propose we freeze ALL CLASS rules for 3 years to help promote the growth of Stock Outboard.
I know alot of banter is going on about remove this engine, lower that engine, we don't like Big Don or Matt D
but lets stop all this, lock in what we are doing and just go to the races if a certain motor wins so be it, I bet people will still come because they know thats the way it is going to be, they will make changes but they will continue to come if we act in unison for a change....
1. I propose that all current Stock Outboard classes remain UNCHANGED in all aspects for the 2014 race season.
2. I propose we work on aligning the rules with what the other categories do, change some of ourrs and ask them to change to the Stock rule if needed.
3. I propose we freeze ALL CLASS rules for 3 years to help promote the growth of Stock Outboard.
I know alot of banter is going on about remove this engine, lower that engine, we don't like Big Don or Matt D