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Oleopolis, PA Fun Run

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  • #16
    This weekend Oct. 4,5&6

    Went out and caught about 30lb (fillet) of Walleye (some from lake erie some from the allegheny river) for this event plus going to do some more fishin' Friday and Saturday night.

    Going to be a good way to end the year here up north.

    Happy Boating and hope to see you there.

    Mike 45-P


    • #17
      I will be bringing a pot of chili (a request from Charlie).

      Mike, what are the walleyes hittin? I will try to catch
      some bait on the way up.

      Green Flag,



      • #18
        Originally posted by madstork View Post
        I will be bringing a pot of chili (a request from Charlie).

        Mike, what are the walleyes hittin? I will try to catch
        some bait on the way up.

        Green Flag,

        We where catching them on a White horsetail jig and rapalas, although we did use some large shiners for a few.


        • #19

          You fella's that did not come maybe because the weather channel said it was suppose to rain You missed a great time and good food.

          Here are some pic's and I'll try and get some more.
          Attached Files


          • #20
            More Pictures

            I would like to thank all who came to make this an enjoyable event. Both days the weather was great both days. The water was still comfotable and not problems (other than me coming in a little hot with no catchers).
            We were able to get at least 3 new "perspectable" drivers in boats for a ride.
            All in all a very good time.
            Attached Files


            • #21

              Mister Mike,

              Thanks for the invitation. You just have to have faith that the weather will be good and the forecasters are about as accurate as a ground hog - well maybe less accurate than the ground hog. Mary and I had a great time. We accomplished what we came to do. Had a great time and fish fry was awesome!!! Big thanks to you and your dad and Charles Jackson for all the efforts you guys do ahead of time. I really enjoyed Sunday morning watching the fog lift and having a coffee under the canopy. It was so quiet you could hear the rapids upstream as the only noise. It lets you know you're in God's country.

              Thanks again.
              Jeff and Mary

              Attached Files


              • #22
                I better start getting ready for you jeff. You beat me good at the nac"s. And your still testing . I best get to the river in dayton!


                • #23

                  When you get to be my age, you need to practice just getting in the boat and facing the right direction. Not sure which way that is either. But that is all the testing I can do until winter nationals.

                  Besides, Mary got to go camping in her camper so it was a camping weekend. And she was happy.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Jeff5P View Post
                    Mister Mike,

                    Thanks for the invitation. You just have to have faith that the weather will be good and the forecasters are about as accurate as a ground hog - well maybe less accurate than the ground hog. Mary and I had a great time. We accomplished what we came to do. Had a great time and fish fry was awesome!!! Big thanks to you and your dad and Charles Jackson for all the efforts you guys do ahead of time. I really enjoyed Sunday morning watching the fog lift and having a coffee under the canopy. It was so quiet you could hear the rapids upstream as the only noise. It lets you know you're in God's country.

                    Thanks again.
                    Jeff and Mary

                    Amen, and LMAO Jeff!!!

                    Really regret missing this event after attending last year!

                    Talked to Crew Chief Archie and said fun was had by all and he even got along with Charlie without my intervention!!

                    Budget over-runs and wounds from my tumble at Lock Haven prevented me from attending but this will be my only driving events next season so it is already on my 2014 calendar.

                    I think I see John Anderson in one of the pics. Very cool this former "Alky" competitor was able to attend. We need to prod him into letting us help transport some of his mint equipment from "Back-in-the day" to display/run at a future "Fun-Run!!

                    Did Larry Stenander attend with John?

                    PS, I promise not to include fish in "Left-overs" omelets I cook over the camp fire at the next "Fun- Run" I attend !!
                    Last edited by STEVE FRENCH; 10-09-2013, 04:18 AM.
                    100N STEVE FRENCH > Nobody can hang with my STUFF!! >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tna3B5zqHdk

                    SEEEEEE YAAAAAA!!............In my WAKE!! .............100N>>


                    • #25


                      There were very few leftovers from the fish fry. A bit of chili and some macaroni salad was all I saw. I'm not sure that's omelet material.

                      Glad to hear you are on the mend.



