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No more helmet cams............

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  • #16
    Good Deal

    I am sure there will be some exciting helmet cam footage posted up from the NBRA races. I don't believe there is a saftey rule against it. Makes for some very cool footage, like what Josh posted. Kind of lets you feel like you are in the race.
    Dave Mason
    Just A Boat Racer


    • #17
      and Go Pro makes a "Mae West" for their camera's. So if it gets knocked off your nugget or your boat, it floats.

      I really can't see the safety issue with them, they weigh about 2 oz, and if you get knocked out of your boat at 70 to 100 mph, don't think that little jewel is going to exhort much g force on your helmet. It might fly off and it hit someone else, but if you hit someone else, it might be a sponson that hits them too. Unless, you are a total nut and are jacking with it while you are driving, then I can see that being a safety issue.


      • #18
        More new rules ...

        NO Tweeting ... NO texting and NO cell phones in boats while racing.
        Untethered from reality!


        • #19
          What a stupid rule. Makes me embarrased to be a part of boat racing. BTW, APBA needs to immeadiatley contact AMA supercross and tell them that they need to get those cameras off all their superstars helmets!!!! Someone might potentially be injured. Boat racing= fu...ng pu..ies.


          • #20
            Originally posted by propfxrO84 View Post
            What a stupid rule. Makes me embarrased to be a part of boat racing. BTW, APBA needs to immeadiatley contact AMA supercross and tell them that they need to get those cameras off all their superstars helmets!!!! Someone might potentially be injured. Boat racing= fu...ng pu..ies.
            I agree almost...lets clarify however....
            boat racers = hard working guys who are almost super heroes
            people making these rules= not only are they pu##ies...they are retards.


            • #21

              Originally posted by topomichracer140m View Post
              I agree almost...lets clarify however....
              boat racers = hard working guys who are almost super heroes
              people making these rules= not only are they pu##ies...they are retards.
              You Runabout guys are 'HARD CORE'..............tell us how you really feel!!


              • #22
                Lets just get rid of us Retards and let you Know It All's run the show. I am sure you all can handle it as your Keyboard jockey's comments indicate. Come on STEP UP TO THE PLATE.
                bill b


                • #23
                  If I made one with a 2” radius and minimum ¾” height would it be legal?
                  JT Bried


                  • #24
                    That would depend on the diameter. Oh wait radius? Diameter?
                    Have someone break their neck and the claim is denied because the helmet was compromised by the camera.
                    What data? who's neck gets broken for the backup data? I am surprised it took this long to get it off helmets.
                    bill b


                    • #25
                      A breakaway attachment method would take care of the problem. Anybody know where this rule originated and who voted on it? Seems awfully sudden.


                      • #26
                        Its a fine line between hard core and crazy... its subjective where that line is drawn.
                        Attached Files


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by propmag View Post
                          A breakaway attachment method would take care of the problem. Anybody know where this rule originated and who voted on it? Seems awfully sudden.
                          Have you seen the mounts on the GoPro? I have two, ... and they are made to break off, ... it's not fiber filled plastic.

                          Maybe, ... the judges don't want to be second guessed or proven wrong????


                          • #28
                            The supercross cams are awesome! Thats what we need to promote OUR SPORT! making more rules only defeats that porpose. and pushes people away.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by jimmy112j View Post
                              The supercross cams are awesome! Thats what we need to promote OUR SPORT! making more rules only defeats that porpose. and pushes people away.
                              Thank you...well said.


                              • #30
                                1) The upper fifty percent (50%) of the helmet must be a single color of the following: yellow or fluorescent (high visability) yellow or lime green or orange or international orange or fluorescent red.

