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What Happened at the 108th Annual Meeting???

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  • #16
    I'm not exactly Ed's best friend, but the man knows and follows the rules.
    John Runne

    Stock Outboard is all about a level playing field.

    True parity is one motor per class.

    It's RACING, not just another boat ride!

    NOT a representative of Racing Outboards LLC.


    • #17
      SORC vs Competition

      With all due repsect to all of our decorated members and colleagues. The debate is not about the rules now. It seems to be at which point which party involved would like to stop the proceedings.

      The black and white of the rules that our members have developed over the years was followed. Matt was thrown out correctly by the inspectors, Matt was reinstated correctly by the SORC and then Matt was thrown out by an interpretation of Mr. Strang and then Matt was reinstated by the rules and the Roberts Rules of Order correctly.

      I guess the question is, where did you want it to stop?

      There is no bias, no discrimination..... the only actual opinion in the whole process is by Mr. Strang. Everything else was a review of our rule book and a vote of our representation or the vote of our members.

      In my view this is the correct decision by our rules. With no bias. If you want change then change the rules. Until then we will navigate these from time to time.

      Its not like someone declared a tie at the Nationals......


      • #18

        Tell me, how many of you had fun at the event ? I hope everyone had fun in the evenings... you paid for all the other stuff..... out of your own pockets... I think I know why I am no longer involved in politics.

        ED Hearn, can you help me become a legal resident again ? I apparently have to give up my citizenship to post on here, and decided I want back in the U.S. so I can pursue some fun boat racing.
        Dave Mason
        Just A Boat Racer


        • #19
          Someone needs to draw up a 1920's comic, similar to Big Oil vs. Congress, with Ol' Man Hearn sitting behind a desk wildly, proudly smiling at his two sons below:

          Below and to his left, Slick Eddie will be wearing his HOC jacket with all 143 HOC patches on it, politely raising his hand, with a book of Robert's Rules in the other hand.

          Below and to his right, Cash-Money Richard will have a big gold chain around his neck with a dollar symbol hanging from it with C-Notes falling out of his pocket as he's running to the bank off in the distance.

          All three, have shirts on that say "I love APBA".

          Hey, you guys **** good at what you do and I completely respect you all. If I were in trouble, I'd sure like Slick Eddie to represent me and what Richard does outside of ABPA is definitely special and industry leading.

          When you were kids and got into a fight, who won?

          All in fun, John.


          • #20
            Here you go Dave


            • #21
              Originally posted by Dave M View Post
              Tell me, how many of you had fun at the event ? I hope everyone had fun in the evenings... you paid for all the other stuff..... out of your own pockets... I think I know why I am no longer involved in politics.

              ED Hearn, can you help me become a legal resident again ? I apparently have to give up my citizenship to post on here, and decided I want back in the U.S. so I can pursue some fun boat racing.
              You are right Dave - we were at an APBA race and therefore it was NO FUN at all!!!!! EVERYTHING about ABPA is evil and corrupt and should be avoided at all costs!!! Thanks for your insight! ****ing moron.
              Support your local club and local races.

              Bill Pavlick

              I'm just glad I'm not Michael Mackey - BPIII


              • #22
                Team Indiana


                Are you getting jealous of people from Indiana again? I know its hard not to...
                Team Red


                • #23
                  Originally posted by BP125V View Post
                  ****ing moron.
                  Seriously Bill? You're going to resort to name calling because somebody had a different opinion than you? GROW UP and get over yourself! I have lost a lot of respect for people this winter, I guess I should add your name to the list now too.

                  Like I just said in another thread. I am blown away by HOW HARD people have worked toward things that have been nothing but destructive.

                  Please people, refocus all this passion on positive thoughts and actions!


                  • #24

                    As someone who works very hard to promote racing, puts on the majority of our races, supports the Driving School, club commodore for many years, and on the SORC committee, I'm sure Bill is just fed up with the APBA bashing on this site. I know I am.



                    • #25

                      I'm sure Bill is not on anyone else's list of "lost respect for."
                      Certainly not mine & anyone I know.

                      Team Red


                      • #26
                        We all have haters. Bill just finally got to be on someone list. I'm sure you won't lose any sleep.

                        Congrats on your first Bill.

                        "Ask anyone, I have no friends. I do have some people that put up with me and mostly because they like the rest of my family"

                        Don Allen


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by 14-H View Post
                          2) [snip] " .... During the discussion phase of this motion, I moved to divide the question so that the members could have a separate vote on the decision of the National Commissioner on the ASH appeal ..."
                          Great explanation but why did you think that the members needed to have a separate vote?
                          Untethered from reality!


                          • #28
                            You may look at it as destructive. Many of us look at it as constructive and making it right. Just like everything else on here. There are two side.

                            Here is something positive, I am positive Matt won on the course. I am positive Matt’s pickle fork shape was not a speed advantage. I am positive the inspector did his job correctly. I am pretty positive Tony got dragged into something he wishes he was not a part of. I’m positive the SORC did the right thing. I’m positive Charlie thought he was doing the right thing. I’m positive the members did what they are entitled to do at the annual meeting.
                            "Ask anyone, I have no friends. I do have some people that put up with me and mostly because they like the rest of my family"

                            Don Allen


                            • #29
                              That certainly sounds positive to me.
                              John Runne

                              Stock Outboard is all about a level playing field.

                              True parity is one motor per class.

                              It's RACING, not just another boat ride!

                              NOT a representative of Racing Outboards LLC.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by jpro60 View Post
                                I have lost a lot of respect for people this winter, I guess I should add your name to the list now too.
                                Mr Perman,

                                Mind sharing who all is on that list? Would hate to see someone waste money on christmas cards. Just trying to look out for everyone's money.
                                "Ask anyone, I have no friends. I do have some people that put up with me and mostly because they like the rest of my family"

                                Don Allen

