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What Happened at the 108th Annual Meeting???

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Big Don View Post
    Mr Perman,

    Mind sharing who all is on that list? Would hate to see someone waste money on christmas cards. Just trying to look out for everyone's money.
    As a matter of fact Mr Allen, I would. Even if I've lost respect for people over political crap, I'd still prefer to be friendly when we're all at races together trying to have fun.

    I'm quite disenchanted by all the politics, back biting, name calling, and degrading of other people, especially on this website. I'm not going to stoop to that level.

    The more I'm away from racing and removed from the situation the more I realize that it's not worth caring about, or being dragged down by all the crap. I intend to just focus on going to races, making friends, and having fun. After all, it is still fun to go racing.

    In fact, I'd just assume that when we all see each other at races we can all just get along regardless of what is said or done in the winter. I'd love to grab a beer with you, Bill, or most anyone else. Especially if we could leave politics, name calling, etc. out of the picture.


    • #32
      In the words of Rodney King from the LA riots,

      " Can't we just all get along? "

      Tim Weber


      • #33
        I think you've said enough, now go to your room, troublemaker!
        John Runne

        Stock Outboard is all about a level playing field.

        True parity is one motor per class.

        It's RACING, not just another boat ride!

        NOT a representative of Racing Outboards LLC.


        • #34

          Don't you know sarcasm when you see it.

          One thing maybe Ed can explain, what is " Robert's rule "?

          I hope to see you and Rhino at Tabor with the bada$$ sidewinder in a couple of months.

          Tim Weber


          • #35
            he with the most friends at the national meeting wins



            • #36
              Originally posted by jswain3 View Post

              Are you getting jealous of people from Indiana again? I know its hard not to...
              You got me. But admitting it is the first step...

              Can't wait to see your child-like, chubby cheeks in the winners circle again!

              In the meantime, I'm making up these shirts. Yes Sir, I have one with your name on it!
              Attached Files


              • #37
                Originally posted by guedo499 View Post

                When you were kids and got into a fight, who won?

                All in fun, John.
                Ed won.
                "Ask anyone, I have no friends. I do have some people that put up with me and mostly because they like the rest of my family"

                Don Allen


                • #38
                  Boat Racing Politics APBA style

                  As always even the people that try to stay above the frey by trying not to stoop get sucked in by emotion. No one should get a pass just for saying it is politics or they fed up by politics, when the fact of the matter is, because we are a member run organization it truly is politics.

                  It is political and the movement with the most votes wins. So unfortunately to effect change you are required to participate in the process. Anything outside of actively lobbying members to vote with you is just complaining. We all have an equal opportunity to rally support for our ideas and learn the rules.

                  The problem is most of us don't want to take the time to learn the rules of the game, few of us actually know all the rules of registration and the race course.

                  It humors me to see folks that leave APBA for politics..... their solution? Join a different member run organization that they can influence with more weight.

                  I will try to bury this where no one will see it..... Ed was right.
                  Last edited by reed28n; 01-31-2013, 06:21 PM.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by jswain3 View Post

                    Are you getting jealous of people from Indiana again? I know its hard not to...
                    I know I am!
                    Kyle Bahl

                    "He didn't bump you, he didn't nudge you, he rubbed you, and rubbin' son is racin'!"


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by jpro60 View Post
                      As a matter of fact Mr Allen, I would. Even if I've lost respect for people over political crap, I'd still prefer to be friendly when we're all at races together trying to have fun.

                      I'm quite disenchanted by all the politics, back biting, name calling, and degrading of other people, especially on this website. I'm not going to stoop to that level.

                      The more I'm away from racing and removed from the situation the more I realize that it's not worth caring about, or being dragged down by all the crap. I intend to just focus on going to races, making friends, and having fun. After all, it is still fun to go racing.

                      In fact, I'd just assume that when we all see each other at races we can all just get along regardless of what is said or done in the winter. I'd love to grab a beer with you, Bill, or most anyone else. Especially if we could leave politics, name calling, etc. out of the picture.
                      Ask anyone that was at that meeting and they'll tell you that i had clearly had enough with the whole thing. What's the difference in my personality? I went and took a nap, changed for the banquet, came down and shook hands with every single person I could find from the 'other side' at the bar.

                      To me it's not worth it. We all get upset about certain things in our sport, but in the end we're all boat racers and we all like to have a beer with one another after the checkered flag.

                      Do I think we should have left this alone? yes. But Do i think Ed and everyone else that wanted to go through this process has great passion for the sport. Yes. If I needed a lawyer in Indiana I'd know who to call.

                      Winternationals in 4 weeks boys! Can't come any sooner! Who's coming west!?
                      Kyle Bahl

                      "He didn't bump you, he didn't nudge you, he rubbed you, and rubbin' son is racin'!"


                      • #41
                        Tee Shirt


                        Send me one of those (XL):

                        5971 N. I'm Going to Chop you Dr.
                        Syracuse, IN 46567

                        What's your address?

                        I'll send you one of my daughters Team Red tee shirts.
                        It's a "youth small" so it should fit you just fine!
                        Team Red


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Racerkyle20 View Post
                          Ask anyone that was at that meeting and they'll tell you that i had clearly had enough with the whole thing. What's the difference in my personality? I went and took a nap, changed for the banquet, came down and shook hands with every single person I could find from the 'other side' at the bar.

                          I want to say that this is exactly how I approach everything in the APBA and in life. I don't hold any grudges. I spoke with Kyle at the bar and shook his hand and I really appreciate his vigorous defense of his position and his ability to not take anything personally and to realize that, at the end of the day, every one of us is advancing the position we are advancing so that we can make the sport better.

                          It is too bad the many others cannot follow his very gracious lead.

                          "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


                          • #43
                            List ?

                            Originally posted by Big Don View Post
                            Mr Perman,

                            Mind sharing who all is on that list? Would hate to see someone waste money on christmas cards. Just trying to look out for everyone's money.
                            Maybe we should all post our lists !! I know I have fans. And I know I am a fan of many.
                            Dave Mason
                            Just A Boat Racer


                            • #44
                              Mason Fans

                              Originally posted by Dave M View Post
                              Maybe we should all post our lists !! I know I have fans. And I know I am a fan of many.
                              I am a fan of Lyle


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by reed28n View Post
                                I am a fan of Lyle
                                We have decided Lyle reminds us of Joe Pessi.. We are fans of both of you and you mother Dave.. We will miss you all this year
                                Mike - One of the Montana Boys

                                If it aint fast make it look good

