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SORC Vision

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  • #16
    Does anyone know if the Haverhill marathon is going to be run in 2013? Thanks Skip


    • #17
      Would love to add this to my 2013 schedule. That said based on what I read here on HR this past fall it didn't look good for an alternate site. I hope to read otherwise .



      • #18
        Originally posted by Racerkyle20 View Post
        At eatonville, wa every year we run a hydro/runabout A/C marathon every year. 6-7 A drivers are paired up with 6-7 C drivers and have a tag team race. Pretty fun! Hydro one day runabout next.
        Now that sounds like fun. A different twist to twenty minutes of head jarring racing.



        • #19
          Marathon and 'Special' races.

          The special races held at the Grass Lake Nats went over very well. They were fun...I was at the ramp afterwards and everyone was stoked. All the way down the beach as well. MHRA made them affordable, and the attendance was high.
          It may take a while for marathon to get off the ground in regions where it has not previously existed. Steve put together the Haverhill River Run marathon, which I attended every year, and it grew every year. It was cool to see that people started to round up the 'bigger' sized boats and get tanks in them. It was great to answer questions from long time racers wanting to get inside info on tanks, set-ups, etc.
          Marathon racing could be a change that should be considered. Would like to hear more from racers that were originally drawn to racing through marathon.
          Last edited by kampkurz; 01-01-2013, 11:15 AM.


          • #20
            Need Sealed Areas Defined

            Originally posted by stockc View Post
            Ron- 302ssh needs to have certain parts of the motors sealed by our APBA/SORC inspectors/motor manufactuer's. This needs to be done so inspectors at races know FOR A FACT that nothing else has been done to the motors.

            What are the "certain parts" of the motor that will require APBA/SORC inspector/motor manufacturers official seal?

            Will items that require the official seal need to be shipped to one of the 4-5 certified centers for repair?

            Particularly interested to know if I can re-ring or repair a stuck piston, replace a blown head gasket, check/re-gasket the exhaust manifold or exhaust tube?

            Jeff - Dave,

            Reading this post makes me think the 302SSH rules need to be refined to specifically call out the areas/split lines that will be sealed and cannot be tampered with without the need to be sent in for inspection and resealing in order to continue to be eligible for class competition.

            Have you or your team set up a social network page yet? Do your part to expose and promote the sport when you’re not racing and create a presence online today.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Raymond View Post
              Jeff - Dave,

              Reading this post makes me think the 302SSH rules need to be refined to specifically call out the areas/split lines that will be sealed and cannot be tampered with without the need to be sent in for inspection and resealing in order to continue to be eligible for class competition.

              those areas are defined in the 302SSH class rules.....

              following seals in place:

              intake to crankcase
              crankcase to block
              block to exhaust cover


              Team Darneille



              • #22
                I looked twice; should have looked a third time I guess.

                Problem solved

                Have you or your team set up a social network page yet? Do your part to expose and promote the sport when you’re not racing and create a presence online today.


                • #23
                  Any More?

                  The National Meeting is fast approaching. Anyone else wish to share their Vision for Stock? Any SORC members??

                  Given how fast the meetings/days can go, it may be a good idea to have some guiding principles/ideas before showing up in Texas.

                  Seems that the majority of Members would agree that hosting Driving Schools (getting new members) is a top priority. Potentially followed by more boat time, condensed program and having fun.

                  There has been a lot of dicsussion on combining classes and what motors should be legal in specific classes. It's probably a good idea to hear more ideas on how to successfully combine classes without alienating current racers. Once we talk about multiple motors in a class, the subject of "parity" comes up. It seems to be working well in DSH and 20ssH, but maybe not as well in other classes. I'd like to hear some opinions on this, so I'll get the ball rollling with a post on "Parity". Hopefully, it will generate some good discussion.


                  PS. Jeff Brewster, you are a saint! ....No offense Ed or Scott

