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Actual Cost of Propeller, The Magazine

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  • #16
    Something else we aren't thinking of....

    Something else we aren't thinking of.... the Propeller magazine IS OUR PRINTED HISTORY! If you want to find out what happened in racing at any time in the past, one of your resources is the Propeller magazine. Is anyone saving the computer version? How will someone look that up in 50 years?

    If you are researching outboard racing in the late 20's or 30's, they had ALL of the major boating magazines reporting on races. In the 50's they had Speed & Spray and other magazines as well. Today we only have the Propeller magazine and for the most part it is only on a website.

    Peter Crowley


    • #17
      I'm with Old Racer... I carried an APBA card from 1985-1994.
      With that,, was a Propeller magazine every month.. They are all in a box
      in the basement. From 1994-2010 I most generally bought the associate
      membership which at one point included a rule book and the magazine.
      From 2000-2010 I had the magazine sent to my fathers house so he had it first
      and them to me.. He still talks about Cooper Jess,, Ed Hearn,,, Steve Greaves and
      others,,, Steve Greaves being his favorite as my father raced C-service YEARS ago.
      Any way,,, I would also pay 50.00 to get that luxury back.. Just a thought.
      Last edited by runabout333; 09-27-2012, 09:55 AM.


      • #18
        Being A Teacher.....

        Originally posted by PittmanRacing View Post
        We keep saying the digital age is where the younger generation is and only the old timers want the magazine in print. My 15 year old would prefer propeller in print way more. Seeing yourself and/or friends in print means much more than a digital image, even to the younger generation. Thanks for the info. We will pay
        I taught mostly Junior High, for 38 years. I often think that I why I never think old or think of myself as old.

        Around 1975, Rusty Rae and Reid Blackburn wrote a book called Seven Days in Dayton, re named Speed and Spray. My nephew, Bunker Hill and his best friend Rob read that book about 50 times.

        In 1976, I bought 6 copies of that book at the Hinton, WV Nationals. I donated them to my Junior High Library. Until the books could no longer be repaired and checked out, they were the number most checked out books. Garden Grove isn't a "Water community" it is a bedroom community.

        Over the years I've given more Propeller Magazines away than I can count. Most new racers that I have helped into boat racing have read the Propeller many times BEFORE they start racing.

        It is a "HANDS-ON" document, something real that they can touch.

        Also, I see the Propeller Magazine as a focus point for people who already race. They can say, "See me....???? This is me at Dayton??? I'm leading High Points, see???

        Let me give you all a "HEADS UP", my web site, Boatracingfacts gets more view in the section Technical Stuff, than almost all the others together. People that are interested in boat want technical information.

        Instead of have a section about cooking bananas or some such thing...How about a technical section explaining how not to lay your new Mercury AXS in a truck. What salt and your race motor need to know. There are thousand of tech articles that could be printed on line, but hands on, for the new guy is important.............The trouble with new people, hell, they might vote the old people out, maybe we don't need new people.

        Anyone notice there are almost 700 people on BRF and anytime during the day or night???

        Why do they race 25 HP stock motors in Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Italy, Germany, Australia, Malaysia....I won't go there...probably just do like the U.S. Government, charge us more for less!!!!!



        • #19
          Propeller Mag

          It is really sad to have to look at the computer for digital. I have most all the Speed and Spray, etc and all the back issues of Propeller since I started racing in 92. Nothing to say for this year but what was sent. I have even saved most all the club newsletters over the years. Please go back to printed edition. I am hardly ever winning or on the "podium" but I like to have bragging rights when I can point to a page in the mag and say this is me.
          David Everhart S52
          David Everhart S52
          Avatar credit - F. Pierce Williams

