Good Comment From That Previous Pro Perspective
I agree with the Pro Perspective writer 100% and to go further in the spirit of the Bass brothers open up more stock classes and to more manufacturers using aftermarket produced universal towers and adaptive gearcases to allow more "stock" powerheads and products with their stock named cowlings intact to enter into the size ranged stock outboard catagorys/classes. It would then be possible to see stock powerhead and cowled engines from Merc, Tohatsu, Yamaha, Suzuki embroiled in the same classes. Newer technology is good for the sport and "refreshing" to the classes.
If the majors again choose to participate with a factory engine for a specific class same as to a factory powerhead and cowl on an aftermarket powerhead and gearcase, we can always allow for them too, can't we? Heretic burning anyone? LOL!
I agree with the Pro Perspective writer 100% and to go further in the spirit of the Bass brothers open up more stock classes and to more manufacturers using aftermarket produced universal towers and adaptive gearcases to allow more "stock" powerheads and products with their stock named cowlings intact to enter into the size ranged stock outboard catagorys/classes. It would then be possible to see stock powerhead and cowled engines from Merc, Tohatsu, Yamaha, Suzuki embroiled in the same classes. Newer technology is good for the sport and "refreshing" to the classes.
If the majors again choose to participate with a factory engine for a specific class same as to a factory powerhead and cowl on an aftermarket powerhead and gearcase, we can always allow for them too, can't we? Heretic burning anyone? LOL!