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Save stock outboard - vote no on proposal 6

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  • #76
    YOU are right Chicago Paul

    Allow me to ramble from one thing to another in this post. I love boatracing and am watching good folks with good ideas, willing to come forward to propose changes that could be and are needed. I have been told by my wife, we had six children, that the only person who likes change is a baby.

    Someone needs to really look closely at the arguements here. Some are based on, ''I like me first, who do you like?" Harsh, yes, but go back and look at this. Some of you want to run stock only, some Mod only, some mix them up, but all have a version of the truth.

    What I see is some clubs have a goal to be self sufficient and run only what they are deigned to do, Stock or Mod with no other catagories. The Title Series joins with those that are in that mood. We run only Pro classes at all races--I hear you at Depue with OSY400. However the concept brought forth was the right one for the Title Series. It has proven to be successful and continues on. Does that mean I am recommending that you go all over the country to race. Not hardly. We are limited in numbers and to allow us to reach the kind of entries needed to run a successful program, we have done what we needed to do. could we run in the midwest and draw pretty good numbers, absolutely, but within certain classes only. Running everyone at one race we end up with more than 12 in many classes. This makes the 3 heat format, all the more enticing. You get two heats, no matter what.

    Looking at that model, what can we learn for all catagories of outboards. You can look at the Title Series and say, well they run all over the country and I do not want to do that. Do we have classes that might run 5 or 6 boats, yes. That is a story of cost benefit for the capsules to sort out. But, overall the Title Series remains successful in putting races on around the country.

    Now what if the stock clubs in the midwest decided that they could do 4 club races and 4 Title Series type races, coordinating dates and making sure that the classes needed to run could with multiple clubs committed to a race. The old IPBA and IOA did this for many years and 10-18 boats per class were the norm. You cannot tell me that this is not a possibility if the Wisconsin bunch and the IOA would do that in the Mod Classes. Nor could you say it if the Michigan and Wisconsin bucnch did it in Stock. What if IOA and a couple of the Mod Clubs could do the same, do you think that the newbie might look at this as a place to learn and to race against the best???? Getting the NBRA guys and APBA guys together would do the same thing.

    Paul is right, set the rules that everyone can depend on and go for it. When i hear the word stock I am always amused as to what that means, Blueprinting, shaving units, etc, etc. This old 44 powehead is not competitive with this one, Why what changed, but still made it stock????

    What kind of engines are out there, Yamaha, Merc, etc. that you could take the powerhead and run it as a stock motor? When I go to a stock race and look at the number of classes that Yamoto's are able to run in Stock/Mod, it becomes a no brainer. A hydro and runabout combo could run what, six classes?

    Enough of my rambling, but we have as Thomas Edison said, "rules, there are no rules, we have a problem to solve." He also said as a scientist, the words he loved most in his time in the lab????? "Hmmn, that's interesting."



    • #77
      Originally posted by chicagopaul View Post
      So the question is, If prop 6 passes how can I be guaranteed that proposal 6 won’t be undone or modified next year.


      Paul, you cannot be guaranteed that and yes it is a problem. Don't put the blame on the stock rules though. It is our bylaws that permit the mess we have. Under our current structure our leadership can do what ever they deem necessary. If you want "change" it begins at the top.



      • #78
        Hi Jeff,

        Perhaps I was misunderstood. I am not looking for blame. I am looking for an answer. Where is the answer to what would it take to undo this if it passed? Can SORC do it by vote? Does it take a full membership vote again? I am just curious of the process is all. Since this is the second time I have asked and not gotten an answer I am beginning to think that nobody knows of their head. Which is fine. I'll dig around in the by-laws and rule to see what I can find out.

        I'll post what I find and we can go from there.




        • #79
          Proposal # Anything!

          I have deligently read every post, some good, some well, not so constuctive.I have yet to see the mention of the word spectator in any post, which unfortunately is and has always been of little to no interest to stock outboarders, myself included.You can come up with as many Proposals as you like but until we as a sport are willing to figure out how to include the spectator and draw from them our new membership (not the 3rd and 4th generation of the same 50 families) stock outboard will continue to decline as it has for 40+ years. I vote yes to change! We need to change the way we think about our sport and how we can market each and every race in every division to increase the number of spectators and get them excited and motivated, maybe even motivated to purchase new equiptment.If they read this or many of the posts on this website, well you get the picture... tooo complicated!! We have always only been concerned about ourselves, and as long as that attitude continues we will have made the bed in which we lay.I vote yes to the proposal in the hopes that stock outboard can move forward long term.Remember at the end of the day, its about the good friends, and the party!(not to be confused with parity)


          • #80
            Originally posted by chicagopaul View Post
            Hi Jeff,

            Perhaps I was misunderstood. I am not looking for blame. I am looking for an answer. Where is the answer to what would it take to undo this if it passed? Can SORC do it by vote? Does it take a full membership vote again? I am just curious of the process is all. Since this is the second time I have asked and not gotten an answer I am beginning to think that nobody knows of their head. Which is fine. I'll dig around in the by-laws and rule to see what I can find out.

            I'll post what I find and we can go from there.


            Sorry Paul, I think we are both misunderstanding each other do to typing on here and I apologize that I did not answer you very clear. I know you are not looking for blame. My answer for you is the commission could change this next year, they would not need a membership vote. Now, this is only my opinion and like another friend of ours, I don't necessarily agree with everything I say.


            • #81
              In 2007 the SORC created the Steering Committee to do exactly that Paul. Among our goals, we were designated to help create a plan for Stock Outboard to tie one Commission to the next so as to have one consistant direction. Due to the APBA by-laws apparently, the only way to maintain a committee from one commission to the next is either by a gentlemen's agreement or a by-law change. We expected minor changes from year to year within the plan, particularly in the early stages but what we got was "dumped"! Was our plan perfect? No, but it gave the drivers a look at what the future would be so they could plan their own racing program. It should have been tweaked not axed.
              Lesson learned. Next time, go the by-law route. Proposal 6 does exactly the opposite. Under this proposal, you not only have to consider your own preference, but that of the future boat racing gods. Until the way we do business is changed, we will have no long term stability. We need an understandable, common sense and stable product to promote before we can expect positive results.
              John Runne

              Stock Outboard is all about a level playing field.

              True parity is one motor per class.

              It's RACING, not just another boat ride!

              NOT a representative of Racing Outboards LLC.


              • #82
                Thank you John. You have explained what I was trying to say in much better words. You are exactly correct, Jeff


                • #83
                  Chicago Paul,

                  Only technical issues and safety issues do NOT need to go to ballot. Everything else is supposed to go to ballot. Therefore proposal 6 if passed could not be undone by the Commission. However, a motion could go to ballot to change it again or revert back, but I think that would be unlikely if it passed.

                  I had intended on amending the motion if it had support to include an addition that would "restrict the class structure to A,B,C,D for the next ten years with only a unanimous vote by the Commission to change it for ballot." However, the chair would not recognize any more time on the motion Sat. morning and we were left with what went to ballot. A motion like that is an easier way around than the bylaws. The unanimous vote still leaves an "out" for change, but only if everyone agreed.

                  Dean Sutherland


                  • #84
                    Voting no on Proposal 6

                    After looking at Proposal 6 on the ballot, it looks like it's aimed at the BSR and BSH classes the most, with very little change to the other classes. It almost looks like someone is trying to eliminate certain motors. I agree that some classes and motors could be combined, but I don't think the Yamato with the larger size boats and the 15ss Hotrod is a good combination. Proposals that effect certain classes, should only be voted on by registered members of that class. Leave the BSR and BSH classes as is. The 15ss Hotrod and Sidewinder will run fine together.


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Greenacre3M View Post
                      The 15ss Hotrod and Sidewinder will run fine together.
                      Sure those 2 motors will run well together. But how many people will you run against this year? BSR and BSH had 8 and 7 entries at SO nationals last year. Granted a west coast nationals usually means that. But wouldn't you want to run a class that gets people to nationals no matter where it is?

                      Region 10 technically already runs this proposal in stock. A, 20, C, D. That's our stock classes. No B or 25 (sometimes runabout). If you can somehow combine 20 and B, the new B class will thrive on both coasts with motor manufacturers competing against one another for sales and wins (just like nascar). Sounds like you made up your mind, but just spitballing here....
                      Kyle Bahl

                      "He didn't bump you, he didn't nudge you, he rubbed you, and rubbin' son is racin'!"


                      • #86
                        The 20 Side winder is going to run in both 20SSH and 25XSH. I expect to be with the front runners in both classes.
                        John Runne

                        Stock Outboard is all about a level playing field.

                        True parity is one motor per class.

                        It's RACING, not just another boat ride!

                        NOT a representative of Racing Outboards LLC.


                        • #87
                          I think other then marathons, the DSR class has less boats then BSR/BSH at most races. How many times have they not had enough to run at the CC Nationals, but yet you don't see any change for that class in proposal 6? I think the big problem with stock outboard isn't whats available to new members, but with todays economy, what's affordable. New motors and class changes won't up the membership in stock outboard. I do agree with you as far as more boats per class making it better for the spectators, but most of our spectators are racers and family members.


                          • #88

                            Originally posted by Racerkyle20 View Post
                            Sure those 2 motors will run well together. But how many people will you run against this year? BSR and BSH had 8 and 7 entries at SO nationals last year. Granted a west coast nationals usually means that. But wouldn't you want to run a class that gets people to nationals no matter where it is?

                            Region 10 technically already runs this proposal in stock. A, 20, C, D. That's our stock classes. No B or 25 (sometimes runabout). If you can somehow combine 20 and B, the new B class will thrive on both coasts with motor manufacturers competing against one another for sales and wins (just like nascar). Sounds like you made up your mind, but just spitballing here....

                            NASCAR is a good example of what is happening to stock outboard racing, I think. Back in the good old days manufacturers built products to win on Sunday to sell on Monday. NASCAR has gotten as far away from this principle as they could so that now everyone runs the same body with different graphics on it to depict what it is, Chevy, Ford, Dodge or Toyota. In the Bristol race this weekend there was almost no mention of what make the drivers were in and it is almost impossible to tell as they go by because they all look the same. Chrysler pulled all support last year and this year I believe due to this lack of identification and the stifling of innovation. Have you seen a Hemi run in NASCAR or an overhead cam Toyota let alone fuel injection? The economy hasn't helped either. Bristol wasn't a sell out either.
                            It is all about personalities now.

                            In the glory days of outboard racing Mercury was supporting racing in a big way as was OMC and others, all for those sales on Monday. What we race now has no correlation to what is used on the lakes and rivers anymore so spectators are not going to come to the races to see "their brand" win. They sure aren't going to come to see the "personalities". I know each one of you is a personality but not one who a spectator is going to come to watch. And they sure as he*# aren't going to keep coming to watch 3 boat parades. And the spectator pool is mainly where our new drivers are going to come from. We can parade our NORCAL boats around until we are blue in the face but until someone has enough interest to come to our races we are not going to get them into one. We need to get as many boats into a class as possible to run meaningful races and if letting different motors into a class is the way to do it then we don't have much choice, do we?

                            I realize that there is going to be some carnage but do we have any choice? We've got to do something, the status quo is not going to cut it. With the current world events taking place I don't think we can wait for the economy to turn around, it is going to take awhile. We have to make our races more interesting and reduce costs for ourselves and our clubs.

                            My two cents.



                            • #89

                              Any one heard yet what the vote turned out to be??
                              Gene Schertz 26V
                              TEAM CAFFEINE
                              Cranked up and ready to Roll
                              Reeds for Speed!


                              • #90

                                Originally posted by 26V View Post
                                Any one heard yet what the vote turned out to be??
                                I believe March 29th is the cutoff date for ballots to be mailed in to APBA!..............

