- Clearly there are improvements that we can make in the Stock category, but we all need to quit complaining and do more to improve our sport!
- I’m convinced that if we spend as much time trying to promote our sport and put people in boats, as we do bickering on this website, we would see an increase in membership.
- Before everyone gets excited and starts throwing stones, I would like to establish a guideline for this Forum. If you have not done something to improve racing in the last 2 years (hang up posters, put a ad in paper to promote a local race, volunteered, or lent your equipment to someone) or if you have not helped get someone started in last 5 years, DO NOT POST A REPLY.
- Many folks complain that we need “new” motors in order to grow STOCK. To help get over this hurdle (and hopefully not let it slow down our efforts any more), I would like to point out the fact that new motors are available for virtually every STOCK class:
o JR/JH: Merc (Yes, I know this is the J Category)
o AXR/AXH: Merc (Yes, I know this is the J Category)
o ASH/ASR: Sidewinder
o BSR/BSH: Sidewinder
o 20ssH: Yamato Y302 and Sidewinder
o CSR/CSH: Yamato Y302
o DSH/DSR: Tohatsu
o 25ssR: Yamato and Sidewinder
o 25ssH: No new motor currently available.
- With the facts above, hopefully we can quit gripping about the lack of new motors and get on with promoting growth.
- I think all will agree that we need to provide more value (boat time) for the investment and consider a “spec boat” to allow new folks an opportunity to purchase a turn key rig.
o Let’s discuss the “spec boat” first. A few times over the last year, I have suggested we provide a complete rig for a new driver. If we want to sell new motors and support Sidewinder, then let’s work to put together a BSH (and BSR?) package. The package should include at least a boat, motor, and prop. I also suggested that we consider developing a fiberglass boat and approach APBA for funding this project. This idea is in line with what many folks are posting on HR (need to provide a competitive rig for new racers), yet no one has taken the idea and run with it. WHY NOT? Again, I think too many folks are more concerned with presenting a counter argument than they are with actually moving the sport forward.
o Providing more value to racers is definitely needed. I think many will agree that we need more boat time, more boats in each race, and less classes per weekend. Looking at Dean’s proposal, I think it idea has good merit but will take some time to gain acceptance. To help move it forward, we should propose options for folks whose classes are impacted. For example: 25ssH drivers will be greatly impacted by this proposal. What can we as a sport do to help keep them in racing? Help them convert boats to a CSH? Lend them a motor or prop? Instead of forcing an issue, let’s ASK THEM. We can get a full list of 25ssH drivers, schedule a teleconference, and hear their thoughts and concerns.
- Finally, let’s start using HydroRacer to post some success stories. The Marine Racing Club (and other clubs) have done a great job getting their Driving School programs up and running. We have 1 confirmed new driver for 2011 and 1-2 more folks who are “very likely” to be racing this year. This is a huge success!! In addition, we recently had a club meeting at a member’s shop where the Club worked on another boat for this year’s class. This is great news that should be posted and celebrated!!!
- That’s enough for today. Let the stones fly…but only if you meet the criteria above!