I wanted to wait until after Nationals to announce this, but a couple things made me come out with the news a little early.
First is Friday the 27th. There WILL be New Folks in Boats that day from noon till 6PM. If you are interested in helping or if you know someone who would like to participate as a driver please be there NO LATER than 11AM for a drivers meeting/school. THERE WILL BE NO TESTING FOR RACERS.
Second is my need to get T shirts printed up. I have a picture of George that his daughter gave me that is just awesome, I gaurentee you'll love it. BUT I also promised the A/C marathon guys they would be imortalized on this year's shirt (I'm thinking on the back). Here's the problem, my scorers were having so much fun watching a race they didn't have to score that they don't have last years results. Combined with a not so great memory on my part means I need help figuring out who's pictures should go on there. Fortunately we had a LOT of really young guys with really sharp memories running. What I need from you guys is the top 3 teams in A/C Hydro and A/C runabout.
It's going to be another great event, special thanks to Bill and Vicki for getting our permit through. If I don't see you at Orroville hopefully I'll see you at Eatonville.
First is Friday the 27th. There WILL be New Folks in Boats that day from noon till 6PM. If you are interested in helping or if you know someone who would like to participate as a driver please be there NO LATER than 11AM for a drivers meeting/school. THERE WILL BE NO TESTING FOR RACERS.
Second is my need to get T shirts printed up. I have a picture of George that his daughter gave me that is just awesome, I gaurentee you'll love it. BUT I also promised the A/C marathon guys they would be imortalized on this year's shirt (I'm thinking on the back). Here's the problem, my scorers were having so much fun watching a race they didn't have to score that they don't have last years results. Combined with a not so great memory on my part means I need help figuring out who's pictures should go on there. Fortunately we had a LOT of really young guys with really sharp memories running. What I need from you guys is the top 3 teams in A/C Hydro and A/C runabout.
It's going to be another great event, special thanks to Bill and Vicki for getting our permit through. If I don't see you at Orroville hopefully I'll see you at Eatonville.