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Dave Young could use some support

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  • Dave Young could use some support

    Dave Young from Jamesport L.I. went through some major surgery yesterday. He had a heart valve repaired and a bypass done. The opperation went well and the last message from his wife Pam was Dave was in the intensive care unit at Winthrop University Hospital in Mineola, NY. Dave was the 2008 BSH National Champion and been racing over 40 years with his 94-N stock hydro's and Runabouts. He will have a long recovery time and could use some cheering up. I will follow up with Dave's progress as I hear more....Bob N-96

  • #2
    Tough old Rollo!!!

    Christine just spoke with Pam and he is already sitting up! The airways were removed last night and it is expected that he will be out of ICU after his doctor visits this afternoon. Get well soon Dave, we are thinking about you!
    Attached Files


    • #3
      Get Well Soon!!!

      Hi Dave, We hope you recover soon and look forward to seeing you back on the race course soon. Keep smiling and I will see you in the first turn.

      Tim & Vicki Sidor


      • #4
        Hey Dave, Glad to hear that all went well. Was great seeing you at the Nationals last year. Look foward to seeing you at another race soon. Have a speedy recovery.
        Barbara & Bob Keogler


        • #5
          Just talked to Dad and he sounds good. His throat is a little sore form having his airway cleared and he feels "like he was kicked in the chest by a cow" but he was in good spirits and wants to let everyone know he says hello. Jeff he paid the doctor and extra $1000 for each m/h he gained from weight loss. They were able to repair the valve in his heart rather than replace it and he had a single bypass. Unfortunately the doctor was not familiar with installing flack material in his chest so he will still need to re certify his life jacket. I had a pretty good feeling that everything went well when I was outside last night on the helideck of the oil rig and looked up to see a perfect crescent moon.
          Last edited by Moon child; 03-20-2010, 12:16 PM.
          Dave W. Young
          "Roll it up or roll it back on the trailer"


          • #6

            Wishing Dave all the best in his recovery. Dave and I raced with EORC back on the Island in the 60s. A fearless driver until I had him run my CU after I retired from racing.
            Wear the rail road tracks on your chest with pride, I do.
            Will have you in my prayers for a speedy recovery.

            Ye Olde Desert Geezer Al


            • #7

              Get well soon Dave. I understand you may soon be my neighbor. There goes the neighborhood!!

              Matt, Val & The Rock


              • #8
                Dave, Wish you a speedy recovery. You'll have some time during this period to come up with a few innovations which will add an MPH or two. Hope to see N-94 at Lock Haven again this year.


                • #9
                  pps Make that 94-N


                  • #10
                    Just a single by-pass and a valve job? Piece of cake! You'll be back in time for Millville. Six weeks and you'll feel like a million bucks, more energy than you've had in years. Who knows, maybe your brain will get more blood and you won't be so stupid anymore( it didn't work for me but I've heard rumors). Wish you well, buddy.
                    John Runne

                    Stock Outboard is all about a level playing field.

                    True parity is one motor per class.

                    It's RACING, not just another boat ride!

                    NOT a representative of Racing Outboards LLC.


                    • #11
                      Get well davey

                      Get well davey see you as soon as we can.
                      The Wlodarski's
                      Johnny Wlodarski III


                      • #12
                        Best Wishes

                        David, Alan and I wish our EORC fellow racer the best of luck.
                        David Van Weele


                        • #13
                          Get well soon Dave and take it easy.


                          • #14
                            get better soon

                            Dave hope you are recovering fast, racing season is here! Dam that picture make you look YOUNG!!! We all know you will never leave NY, you always wear those (INY t shirts) Matt must be drinking!


                            • #15
                              Heart Valve

                              Hey Dave,
                              Is a heart valve like a check valve in a fuel pump? You probably had a few extras laying around the shop. You could have had this operation in the pits and saved a few bucks.
                              Get well quickly, Phil Doerle
                              !"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...it's about learning how to dance in the rain."

