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Sidewinder Forum 8/20/09

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  • #16
    Originally posted by STEVE FRENCH
    ????????????????..........Huh?.....Were has the "20" Sidewinder run/placed this year and how's it run'n

    Last I saw it was at Whitney Point Nationals and Lock Haven last year.......(I may have had a few "cold ones" but I don't think it was dominate'n the field?)

    Has there been a revelation in performance this season?.....What did they change to put it out front of/competitive with.... the Y-80?

    I don't git to many events anymore since AMH is not given a chance to compete in my area anymore.....Did I miss see'n the 20-Sidewinder out front/in the hunt?

    Is there ANY data (required?) from where the "20" has placed .....probationary (speeds/handle'n/boat size-set up when running in the Yamato plow field, etc,etc)...... to support ANY decisions on how they should change ANY class structure........ at this time?
    If so...great!...rewrite the classes !!!!
    If not.......Is there ANY point?..............(at this time)

    "Replace the y-80 in 20ssh"....?......Really?............Wow this should bring some feedback.

    Maybe this could happen 30 years ago with the 20H/30H.....when you had a national dealer network with $500 Y-80/102's stacked in box's ready to go...(or 25 years ago with $1500 A-OMC's piled to ceil'ns to replace the KG-4/Mrk-15).......But today?
    Just my opinion........Our numbers are at a level that ya can't loose anyone!

    Another Irish coffee thought;
    Is there a minimum number on engines sold/available before any restucture'n?.....Thought that was the issue with the 202D?
    Or has this been waived cause we're not being supplied by a major manufacturer....Merc,OMC,Yamato?
    Or because these are built to our specs?

    I fully support and applaud (thank you Ron!) the intro of these engines or others (OMC E-TEC!). It just seems there should be more effort on git'n some out there and .....proven ........before rewrite'n class structure to save issues that may have to be straighten'd out in the long term.
    Is that the point of a engine running probationary........to see where and what it needs to fit?

    If all this has been done or waived (like I said I don't git out much anymore)...........Full throttle, GREEN FLAG!

    I also realize Ron has to be about worn out tread'n water on this so how about APBA/NBRA/AOF/clubs step'n up and purchase'n some engines to lease/lone/raffle a few?
    How about a raffle thread here on Hydroracer?....Set a dollar amount ($50-100) on tickets and sell till price is met...first draw'n at Lock Haven? (or Divisionals/Nationals to help with delivery)....$100x50 tickets should be do-able in two weeks to "Rock-the-Lock" for your choise Sidewinder?
    Were's my check book?

    How about this fantasy;
    Any thoughts on a lease program?.....Put $2500 up front and $250 a race to walk up to the Sidewinder/APBA/Dealer rep trailer, draw a number, git a motor for the day and set it up on my rig/prop and race...... then when paid for, another draw from the hat to own one with all updates...sealed.

    Motors run sealed for a set period of years or till say 50+ are out there ...(Thought this had to happen before a motor is legal or classes change anyway?)...then a vote on owner service'n or if dealer network desolves......?

    Just a thought on git'n some on the water.

    Well, time to (shut up) and load trailer and service motorhome to "Rock-the-Lock"................... (will leave room in motor box)

    100N...."Hydro Whiner"
    Last edited by STEVE FRENCH; 08-24-2009, 02:41 PM.
    100N STEVE FRENCH > Nobody can hang with my STUFF!! >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tna3B5zqHdk

    SEEEEEE YAAAAAA!!............In my WAKE!! .............100N>>


    • #17
      Does anyone remember when the AXS class was initiated as a stepping stone to A class? Several complained [ both men and women], that they didn't want to go any faster, so we eliminated the age requirements, and even though they may be 60-70 years old, they could race in the J category. What's wrong with this picture? What does J stand for? We allow elders who build boats, motors and props to compete in a J class! Even those who have won several national championships. I thought J stood for junior.


      • #18
        Gone from Irish coffee for breakfast to bloody Marys for lunch so forgive me if this only makes sense to me........Needed a brake from put'n rear brakes on the motorhome....Dang that gear oil+brake dust stinks nasty!

        What if ya survey the current SPEEDS of the Sidewinders and place them probationary where they fit by SPEED instead of cubic inch ?

        If the 15(A) Sidewinder is competitive were it's at...great,leave it there.
        If the 15(B) Sidewinder is struggle'n in "B"........ move it in/try it with the OMC.
        If the 20 Sidewinder struggles in 20ssh/25ssr....... move it to "B" with the current H/R motors....Gott'a be a better ride than with the Y-80's water/wake?

        If you have one that dosen't fit any class, retrofit it with parts, up or down till it finds a class SPEED the owner likes without loose'n the current residents of the class?

        Why restrict or risk loosen the current motors ? .......Yah ya still have alot'a classes but has that really been a problem this year in this economy?

        Give it a couple years and if necessary, restructure then......by SPEED........

        Maybe the alcohol is bring'n out the MOD logic in me........

        100N ....Dang, out'a Vodka......Wonder if there's any beer in the motorhome?

        .."Too soon OLD....Too late SMART!"...(old but smart-Amish say'n)
        Last edited by STEVE FRENCH; 08-24-2009, 02:56 AM.
        100N STEVE FRENCH > Nobody can hang with my STUFF!! >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tna3B5zqHdk

        SEEEEEE YAAAAAA!!............In my WAKE!! .............100N>>


        • #19
          Think about it

          Threre you go !!!! Well said Steve Smith.
          Last edited by Tony Tello; 08-23-2009, 11:15 AM.


          • #20
            Steve, The AX is not a "J". It is governed by the "J" Committee. Why? Because the SORC did not want the AX Class and asked the "J" Committee to take it Over. 14H can add a comment if he would like because he had something to do with it at the time. It had a lot to do with the OMC owners no wanting to slow down the OMC so the Merc 15 could compete in the "A" class. The "AX" has grown and now some want the SORC to retake control over the Class.
            This has nothing to do with the Sidewinder and the thread should move back to that topic.
            bill b

