This is on Beautiful lake Guntersville in Guntersville, Al. about 1976. Carl Staron driving 7-S Bill Ellis runabout, Warren Hill 14-K, Skip Carter 10-F , "The Fearless Fly in R-75" Freddie Hebert, & Mike Martin in Ross Sumners Boat 7-F coming down on the start of B Mod (20 C.I.) runabout. Growing up at the boat races I looked up to these guys and more. I always wanted to race against them. Thought it would be neat to see some other racers heros.
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Blast From The Past
The good old days....... The ones in those pics helped define Mod history. Some big names right there. Warren Hill the kind school teacher now principal, Bill Ellis, one of the best runabout drivers known and Hot Rod guru, Mr. Herbert... a legend of the hot rods, Skip Carter... the best story man I know, the other two I did not have the pleasure of knowing personally.Dave Mason
Just A Boat Racer
14 K
I have the 14 K boat that Warren Hill Is driving. I bought it many years ago from him, He was a great runabout driver an race promoter.The boat is in good shape an could run today.Warren put the MOD Nat's on at Kingston Tn. in 75,76,77,78,79 An in Soddy Tn. in 84 an 85 Along with many local races. I wish we could get him back in racing.
Danny, We still use the starting clock that Warren Hill used at the Kingston and Soddy Dasiey Tn Nationals. He stills owns it , He let us borrow it to put the AOF SHORT COURSE NATIONALS in 1995-96 in ORLANDO FL. Were going to use it this coming weekend for AOF race. Think Warren misses it. HAHA
Tony Staron 33-F
Originally posted by PRAOF View PostWere going to use it this coming weekend for AOF race. Think Warren misses it. HAHA
Tony Staron 33-F
Please tell Carl that Alan/Steve said "Hey chicken legs"'s Col. Sanders?
Might have my C-MOD Wizard shipped down for Alan to try on the "Green Monster"/19F for yer Feb. race.........He will need a hand rope'n it.......starts easy compaired to the D-MOD
Tell Wallie and Walt I said hello?
Almost took the last early out offer from the Post Office.......Gonn'a stay another year to finish pay'n off house then look'n for a lot in North Florida (Palm Coast to Cedar Key) to park 5th wheel to "Snow Bird" out'a........would like a garage for rigs.
Crazy up here with routes being split and combined when a carrier retires.....Glad I'm in Vehicle Maint and not a carrier/pack mule!Last edited by STEVE FRENCH; 01-30-2009, 12:04 AM.100N STEVE FRENCH > Nobody can hang with my STUFF!! >>
SEEEEEE YAAAAAA!!............In my WAKE!!.............100N>>
Steve, Don't worry we have an electric starter with a long extension cord. My old man is on the Dyno peddling for the eletricity. What ever Alan needs were here to help. The Feb race will have a 3/4 mile record course and AOF Short Course East Championship. We have 3-30hs that will show.
Steve for the Post Office I'm still fighting with them over the Injury in Vehicle accident, wasn't even my fought. Had approved neck surgery, and now their trying to stavre me and get rid of me. It's been going on 5 years, the post office should know better than try to get rid of me. The boat racing community tried but I'm still here. I just like the attention I guess. Thanks for the info it will make Carls Day he LOVES OPEN PIPES. Closed EXHAUST IS FOR SISSYS"
Tony Staron 33-F
Tony, Tony.. TOny
We never tried to get rid of you.... you always showed up at every race at any given date at any given location in the world. You were like the iron man of travel for a few years. Hell, I saw you more one year than I saw my own team mates !
When you heading north for some more races ? Your Hot Rods are still good to go at all the IOA races. NBRA still has a strong showing of them as well.
Take it easy, and stay outta trouble. Cold as it is here, I might come down to Key West for some R&R, so get the beach bunnies warmed up for me !Dave Mason
Just A Boat Racer
Dave, I see the light at the end of the tunnel. I think this year coming up , hopefully I'll be able to come out of retirement. It will be interesting to see the smiling and frowning faces again. Life's an eventure and I'm not DEAD YET. Dad and I have about 40 HOTRODS to take on tour, I could be around for a long long time.Maybe we will start a HOTROD ONLY ORGANIZATION?
SOON DAVE SOON to answer your question.
Toe Knee's Back 33-F
Carl Staron
I was in Naples Fla. many years ago an stopped by to see Carl Staron. He was refinishing a Staron runabout for Charley Tobias from Knox. Tn. Carl said every year i work my butt off to make this boat look good an then charley gets in it with those darn combat boots beats it up. Charley always wore combat boots while racing.He promoted NOA AMPRO (mod) races in east TN. He used his own money to put the races on an hoped to make it back, which i know he did not all the time.Last edited by Danny Pigott; 01-29-2009, 10:50 AM.
You can run all of your Hot Rods in Stock outboard indefinitely so please don't misinform everybody. Thanks, see you soon.John Runne
Stock Outboard is all about a level playing field.
True parity is one motor per class.
It's RACING, not just another boat ride!
NOT a representative of Racing Outboards LLC.
1977 National Champion
This was in Kingston, Tn. 1977. Mr. Lyle Mason doing his thing. Files