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Racing in Texas?

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  • #16
    Dennis please call jeff @ 479-927-2847 Thanks


    • #17
      I have most of the name And # of the guys in texas give me a call Jejj


      • #18
        Bad E-address

        Originally posted by Jack Stotts View Post
        There has not been a kneeldown race in Texas for the last few (4/5) years. I think there only about 3/4 of us left in the state. Myself in Austin, Dave Nichols in Sanger , Leroy Keller in Jasper and Will Hawkins in Euless near Ft Worth. Dave Nichols and I are the only one racing in APBA. The other two run NBRA. A former racer, Dan Parker, here in Austin is returning to the sport next season. I'd be glad to answer any questions you might have. My email is jstottmk@att.net and phone is (512)280-0645 and cell number is (512)917-9019. Jack
        Hey Jack, you should edit your E-mail address in your post.
        Brett L. 156M


        • #19
          I corrected it this morning (Tues). Thanks. Jack


          • #20
            John Schubert (an OPC guy) is also trying to get a J class put together, they race OPC's in Pt Neches and Orange. His # is 713-254-1505
            444-B now 4-F
            Avatar photo credit - F. Pierce Williams


            • #21
              We're here


              We were already planning to have my trailer down here for next season. Just trying to figure out what kind of boat to put on it.

              I race mostly APBA A Stock (Hydro and Runabout). My family has a decent amount of 4-cylinder Merc equipment and we've toyed with the idea of purchasing a Yamato 102/302.

              I'll help out however I can. Sounds like fun.

              hauenstein outboard team
              186-W * 28-C * 4-T * C-101


              • #22
                That's the way to do it....

                Transplant a new club....

                when you're done there , send a club up here. We got the lakes.

                Seriously, Rusty Bonnin might do something as well. Art Lund? .


                • #23
                  List of Names in TX

                  You have the following i know of whom would be of great help, and have snactioned races in your area in the last 5 - 10 years.

                  Lunds - Artie, Trisha, Denise - (San Antonio) - SEH, SER, Yamato stuff too.

                  Stotts, Jack - Austin (carefull, he is a retired Millitary guy and can be grumpy at times. - CMH

                  Baldwin, Wayne - Corpus Christie - Retired Pro Racer

                  Snell, John - Dallas Area- Retired Mod/Pro Guy - Inspectors at most NBRA Nat's I been at.

                  Tuttle, Dave - Coastal region formerly Beamount. Owns a restauraunt... hint hint........... Currently owner of SEH rig Herbert drives.

                  Nichols, Dave - Great Team, new this year, retired many years ago and raced Outlaw Sprint Cars for tons of years and decided to get back into boats. EH (750CCMH) and EMR (750CCMR)

                  Denny Henderson - Dallas - 250CCH (USTS)

                  Sean McKean - Dallas - 500CCH - 1100 CCH ( USTS)

                  Shenders (sp) - Former Pro racer, think he still has a merc 44 Mod he plays with.

                  Kristie Ellison - Head of the USTS and 125CCH. - Dallas area I think. Just moved there. Her boys race as well.

                  You have a wealth of people in Oklahoma, Lousinana, and Arkansas that are within easy driving distance as well.

                  My suggestion, start off with a couple local races put on somewhere near them all. Don't expect a big turn out first year. Get your feet wet down there and get the word out racing is back. Next year or two bid on an NBRA or AOF Nat's and put on one hell of a show. If you can swing it, and the weather is right, bid on an APBA winter Nat's in April. That would be the only way you are going to draw many boats from APBA side.

                  To put on a local race you might want to start out with AOF because you can multi sanction categories and maybe get a Pro/Mod/Stock race. If you time it right, you might even include OPC. Lots of OPC guys in the area too I think. So this way you could get your foot in the door to racing there, and then move up to NBRA and APBA if you want to.

                  Just my opinions, and welcome to boat racing ! I am glad to see Texas growing into boat racing again !
                  Dave Mason
                  Just A Boat Racer


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Haüenstein View Post

                    We were already planning to have my trailer down here for next season. Just trying to figure out what kind of boat to put on it.

                    I race mostly APBA A Stock (Hydro and Runabout). My family has a decent amount of 4-cylinder Merc equipment and we've toyed with the idea of purchasing a Yamato 102/302.

                    I'll help out however I can. Sounds like fun.

                    A Yamato in the orange pit!
                    i never thought i would see the day LOL
                    we miss you in R7 Mike take care.

                    "The Coffee Guy"
                    TEAM CAFFEINE
                    Cranked up and ready to Roll

                    Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles. It empties today of its strengths (Corrie ten Boom)

                    "Cup of Joe? Not no mo! Kevs Coffee is the only way to go!" (John Runne 09)
                    " IF you can find a better cup of coffee... Kev will drink it!" (Michael Mackey 08)


                    • #25
                      Thanks Dave. I'll put in a good word for you sometime.


                      • #26
                        Best Bet. !!!!

                        [QUOTE=PRAOF;116874]John Snell lives outside of Beaumont TX. He runs the Star club that is affiliated with AOF/ NBRA. Give him a call 409-722-6256.

                        Tony Staron VP Competition AOF , Next to NBRA AOF is pretty good , and i'll say that again if i have to.....


                        • #27
                          Let 'er Buck

                          I talked to John Snell, and he invited me to the next meeting of his club.
                          He's hoping to have it in the next month or so, and has been thinking about putting on more races, maybe early in the season, maybe later, to take advantage of Texas weather. I'll represent this forum when I go, and communicate the degree of enthusiasm for racing in Texas. Maybe we can grow this thing. How do you eat an elephant?.... One bite at a time.


                          • #28
                            i think i still no how to drive a race boat,ill go!!!!! lucas delaune


                            • #29
                              Texas Oklahoma Shoot-Out

                              My name is Andy Seay - raced back in 1969 - 1982 as my dad raced back in the 40's and the 50's - we have re-entered the sport this year as i have a son who will start his rookie season. Here is an idea I have been pushing : Both Texas and Oklahoma are trying to re-build our sport - why not poss. work together at this. OBRA has top notch equipment to put on a race . If Texas could get a race site somewhere in the top half of Texas , OBRA could help you put the race on with equipment , additional man-power , and drivers .
                              It could be put on under the Lone Star name. If boat racers in both states were to work together in helping and supporting races , it would do nothing but grow. I would like to see it grow back to the point it was in the 70's , when we had the Texas/Oklahoma shoot-out race at Madill.
                              Somehow we need to open the communication line between the two clubs - let me know what you think --- thanks Andy Seay 0-33

                              Hey Andy, thanks for the e-mail.
                              What a blast that would be, a "Texas Oklahoma Shoot Out". And what a smart way to begin to re-build kneeldown racing in the area, by working together... I've heard that Jeff and the NBRA are working hard to get everyone working together to build races...Great idea. I'll send an e-mail to Texas racers that I have on my list, and get their input on where they think we could find a site! And maybe people will read this thread and have some ideas. Sounds great- Mark


                              • #30
                                Add Dan Parker in Austin. He's getting back in again

