Just a few thoughts.......
#3. I understand the 25MOD/400cc class LOOKS strong enough to stand alone as of the end of last season, but it is still a region 6 class as far as numbers......outside of this area you will have a hard time put'n a class together.
I have really enjoyed running with the "B" drivers even though I have yet to see a OMC/MERC-22 walk away with a win........Close, but Lady Luck had to be on yer side and a great start to come close to stay'n up front......
If my verbal "jabs" at the Yamato's "offened" anyone.........
#4 "To provide parity"....? ......50 !!!!! LBS
The current weight is what keeps us even CLOSE to compete'n with you folks
(Might as well stand on dock and drop a 50 LB anchor through the bottom of rig
With X# rigs needed for for National/Divisional points,........And most sites want'n 5 rigs or combine......seems like you would want to keep all the rigs you could?
Yamato Drivers way out number the hand full of OMC-MERC-HOT ROD drivers in this class and you WILL easily "BOOT" us out with either of these proposals......
"BE CAREFULL WHAT YOU WISH FOR"..................
#6 Since I own/race both motors I'm not sure on this one......Seems last year the Mercs came back pretty good..........A couple races were I thought I had a good shot at 25MOD, I saw several Mercs walk away from my OMC.
I would hope the gains would be worth the cost?.....Whats it run to get a crank worked/beveled today?----who can do it?.....What's the turn around time If ya deside to tear down and even try this?.....Someone must of made it work to propose it and are ya will'n to share the info/results with the rest of the class?
Any other thought?
SEEEE YAAAAAA.........in my wake........?
#3. I understand the 25MOD/400cc class LOOKS strong enough to stand alone as of the end of last season, but it is still a region 6 class as far as numbers......outside of this area you will have a hard time put'n a class together.
I have really enjoyed running with the "B" drivers even though I have yet to see a OMC/MERC-22 walk away with a win........Close, but Lady Luck had to be on yer side and a great start to come close to stay'n up front......
If my verbal "jabs" at the Yamato's "offened" anyone.........

#4 "To provide parity"....? ......50 !!!!! LBS

The current weight is what keeps us even CLOSE to compete'n with you folks
(Might as well stand on dock and drop a 50 LB anchor through the bottom of rig

With X# rigs needed for for National/Divisional points,........And most sites want'n 5 rigs or combine......seems like you would want to keep all the rigs you could?
Yamato Drivers way out number the hand full of OMC-MERC-HOT ROD drivers in this class and you WILL easily "BOOT" us out with either of these proposals......
"BE CAREFULL WHAT YOU WISH FOR"..................

#6 Since I own/race both motors I'm not sure on this one......Seems last year the Mercs came back pretty good..........A couple races were I thought I had a good shot at 25MOD, I saw several Mercs walk away from my OMC.
I would hope the gains would be worth the cost?.....Whats it run to get a crank worked/beveled today?----who can do it?.....What's the turn around time If ya deside to tear down and even try this?.....Someone must of made it work to propose it and are ya will'n to share the info/results with the rest of the class?
Any other thought?
