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Top 10 "Young Guns" that will kick your butt

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  • #46
    Talk about PRO cats Brandon you are the MAN! Amy Nydahl look out 125cch drivers she is going to be out front and on fire.

    When the green flag drops, the bull**** stops!!!!!!!!!!!
    Keep'em Sunny Side Up Boy's!



    • #47
      i've gotta say tony lombardo again...
      "The 12-step chocoholics program: NEVER BE MORE THAN 12 STEPS AWAY FROM CHOCOLATE!" -Terry Moore


      • #48
        Got to include Loretta Langlois," The Pride of the RatRacers "! She can roll up a J runabout with the best of them & when running well will fight you to the finish! Also her smile could melt a propeller!
        Earl 11 J........ Dangerous when Wet Runne Craft- Earl said, " Driving a Runne Craft is like Cheating". Dude, ........ Where's My Boat!


        • #49
          Factory Driver

          I guess I'll have to vote for my TEC Craft factory Driver
          in 125H & 175H.He's on a roll.
          Willaim ( B.J.) Tetro


          • #50
            Originally posted by benf27 View Post
            I'll put my money on Joey Pinner. Even though the boy has a huge head, he driver the doors off any boat you put him in!! And he is a super nice guy.(He must get that from his mother)
            Ben your right that part comes from Maryalice! But I'll still take Joey Pinner over any other Young Gun!
            I also will vote for my other driver Paulie Bosnich

            Amy and Wendy Eldredge both are great drivers, and watch out for lil Bobby Nuccio(you know were he gets his genes )


            • #51
              OK, we need to start middle age drivers who will kick your butt.

              As far as young guns, Greg Lyons does a good job. I never raced with him until this fall and he's good.

              Tim Weber


              • #52
                OK Kevin "long haired" Ellison is doing well for his first year in a 125H but he has to get past his mother in her new kick your butt 125H. As for Tom I am a factory driver for you also...of the middle aged sort!
                Sorry to disappoint you Brandon, but Travis, the 2007 USTS KPH High Point Champion, is now an official long haired Ellison. As for Mike well he might have been the USTS high point Champ in 125R if he would stay off the dirt bike during the race season.
                We have plenty of PRO kids on the list considering the size of our catagory.

                Kristi Z-22

                PRO Commissioner

                APBA BOD

                "Ask not what your racing organization can do for you...Ask what you can do for your racing organization"
                Tomtall 06


                • #53
                  Actually looking at the list and how it's growing...who says we don't have any young blood?? The proof is the list!

                  Kristi Z-22

                  PRO Commissioner

                  APBA BOD

                  "Ask not what your racing organization can do for you...Ask what you can do for your racing organization"
                  Tomtall 06


                  • #54
                    Kick Butt Kids

                    How about up and coming Adam Low of MI. From what his dad Tom (AKA) Tom Tall says, Adam is looking forward to more cockpit time in the expanded midwest marathon runs.


                    • #55
                      i have to go with aj, he is fast in any class
                      PEMBERTON RACING
                      CSH 72N


                      • #56

                        It would be fun to have the heavy hitters show up to Depue this year!

                        Originally posted by DougMc View Post
                        BJ Tetro. Will Small or anyone in the 125cch ever catch him???

                        Joey Pinner. I'd give my left leg to pass him in OSY. Wait ... that didn't work either when I did that at Ocoee. Most likely the fastest OSY in the nation. Sorry Pater, Ladd and Tony L - you are lucky he don't travel much.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Jdubbya56z View Post
                          Is there any "Young Guns" that don't race Stock????????? I can see how it happends being the J and AX classes are from that category!
                          Originally posted by Kristi Ellison View Post
                          Actually looking at the list and how it's growing...who says we don't have any young blood?? The proof is the list!
                          I wasn't implying that PRO doesn't have any good young blood,I agree,if you look at my vote,I think the best name(s) on the list is from the PRO category. They just wont recieve the top vote beacause of lack of membership/participation. But the PRO list is growing by the hour!


                          • #58
                            I did not mean the PRO list I meant the list as a whole......there is a lot of whining on this site that we need new blood....the list is impressive and just keeps growing and it is not all the kids by far.

                            Kristi Z-22

                            PRO Commissioner

                            APBA BOD

                            "Ask not what your racing organization can do for you...Ask what you can do for your racing organization"
                            Tomtall 06


                            • #59
                              How about Thomas Allen. That kid drives his ass off!!
                              Ryan Runne
                              Wacusee Speedboats

                              "Imagination is more important than knowledge"--Albert Einstein

                              These days, I find it easier to look up to my youngers than my elders.


                              • #60
                                rachel warnock and thomas allen

