The two biggest stumbling blocks for PC users trying to view media content rich web pages from Mac users...
1. Out of date QuickTime player and therefore inability to view H.264 encoded material.
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2. Out of date non-standards compliant browser called Internet Explorer.... I encourage everyone to get FireFox and dump IE it's not worth the trouble.
Download Firefox
Ahem....three biggest stumbling blocks...
3. Out of date OS called Windows what a joke! make the switch to Mac ASAP!
Where to buy a Mac
1. Out of date QuickTime player and therefore inability to view H.264 encoded material.
QuickTime 7 Free Download
2. Out of date non-standards compliant browser called Internet Explorer.... I encourage everyone to get FireFox and dump IE it's not worth the trouble.
Download Firefox
Ahem....three biggest stumbling blocks...
3. Out of date OS called Windows what a joke! make the switch to Mac ASAP!
Where to buy a Mac