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APBA BOD proposal to gut members' rights

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  • #46
    BOD Conference call

    Perhaps you can take notes from the 'mostly' constructive comments on this thread by APBA MEMBERS and present them on the BOD conference call tomorrow night.

    Besides the few negative folks on this thread some good ideas/issues have been presented..........

    I hope President Wheeler is reading this thread and gathering some DATA from real APBA MEMBERS thoughts.


    • #47
      could somebody who is going to the next meeting wear a GOPRO camera so the rest of us who cant attend can enjoy the meeting


      • #48
        The Concept Was?

        Help me! I'm just a dummie who loves boat racing, but for the life of me, I can't understand what the BOD was attempting to accomplish. Do they not want the Ed Hearns of this world causing trouble at National Meeting by representing members?

        This appeared to me as a blatant attempt to tell the membership they ain't important and the board will do what they want.


        • #49
          [QUOTE=STEVE FRENCH;221302]Kind'a cool the awake'n this thread gave me and.....others???

          With this inspiration I went to the APBA web site to educate my self on "Article-6" and the constitution it came from....
          So far, I could not find it.
          I'm not look'n for a quote of the article but how to get there.
          I have the old rule books we used to get with our membership renewal and could dig there......



          When you get to the APBA site. Click Resources tab in the top left corner. Then search 'bylaws and rules' (this is a pull down search of many topics). A list of bylaws and category rules appear. Scroll down to 'APBA bylaws" PDF.

          Or just click the link I provided above.
          Last edited by Racerkyle20; 04-24-2013, 03:27 AM.
          Kyle Bahl

          "He didn't bump you, he didn't nudge you, he rubbed you, and rubbin' son is racin'!"


          • #50
            Originally posted by Jeff Brewster 59s View Post
            Kyle, I was in the same room as you in Texas. My memory is not as good as it used to be but one statement you are making may be misleading. As I remember the sequence of events, Mr. Hearn did ask to seperate this issue from all of the rest as you state, but you do not mention that the majority of the room decided by a vote to listen to his motion. We then approved the rest of the years decisions before going back to his statements.
            Ok yes, i forgot the initial vote to hear the motion from Ed. But thats just hear the issue and discuss it. Very basic and easy to vote in favor just to hear the discussion and make up your mind at the meeting (if you don't know issue). My statement previously is still fact and true. This rule can be used in a way to determine many different topics.

            "So, if this comes up again and if the room doesn't want to hear it, I believe we can stop it right in it's tracks by the memberships vote. If I am wrong, then I am sure I will be told so in 3.8 seconds."

            Correct Or.....pack the meeting room with fellow members who you know will vote the majority of the issue you want to be heard....
            Last edited by Racerkyle20; 04-24-2013, 03:30 AM.
            Kyle Bahl

            "He didn't bump you, he didn't nudge you, he rubbed you, and rubbin' son is racin'!"


            • #51

              Correct Or.....pack the meeting room with fellow members who you know will vote the majority of the issue you want to be heard....[/QUOTE]

              Actually. I got the impression the majority agreed to back up the SORC, not merely 'pal up' with Jeff.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Racerkyle20 View Post
                Correct Or.....pack the meeting room with fellow members who you know will vote the majority of the issue you want to be heard....
                An unfortunate reality.... I can also see ego's, favoritism and spitefulness playing a role. I don't have an answer for this. My hope would be that everyone that walks into that room (officials and members) can leave their personal issues at the door and make decisions that help the sport. I understand this is very idealistic and not reality... Like i said, i don't have an answer.


                • #53
                  Its not even that hard....

                  Originally posted by kampkurz View Post
                  Actually. I got the impression the majority agreed to back up the SORC, not merely 'pal up' with Jeff.
                  It could actually me much easier than that.....all you have to do is show up with about 100 proxies and you can do anything you want. 100 proxies would me more than enough to cover any vote in that room.

                  Basically you can change any part of APBA you want with 100 proxies and this process.



                  • #54
                    Right on..........

                    Originally posted by kampkurz View Post
                    Actually. I got the impression the majority agreed to back up the SORC, not merely 'pal up' with Jeff.
                    This is the real issue. The SORC had been 'violated' here and unfortunately APBA Members and more disturbingly some SORC members fail to keep that in mind! As Commissioner Runne pointed out this is not about any one person but a entire racing commission ELECTED by it's members that was unjustly violated by APBA's highest office!

                    This case is a great example of why the BOD and APBA members should dismantle the National Commissioners Position and have the BOD handle National Appeals to APBA...........

                    As far as the Proxy issue Dean keeps bringing up, i am not a corporate attorney and have no idea if what is being discussed is legal or could happen. I believe the process that took place in Texas involved the SORC and the members who were at the meeting in person only!

                    Anybody else going racing this weekend?????........See ya at Millville!!


                    • #55
                      It is legal and it COULD happen

                      Originally posted by Matt Dagostino View Post
                      This is the real issue. The SORC had been 'violated' here and unfortunately APBA Members and more disturbingly some SORC members fail to keep that in mind! As Commissioner Runne pointed out this is not about any one person but a entire racing commission ELECTED by it's members that was unjustly violated by APBA's highest office!

                      This case is a great example of why the BOD and APBA members should dismantle the National Commissioners Position and have the BOD handle National Appeals to APBA...........

                      As far as the Proxy issue Dean keeps bringing up, i am not a corporate attorney and have no idea if what is being discussed is legal or could happen. I believe the process that took place in Texas involved the SORC and the members who were at the meeting in person only!

                      Anybody else going racing this weekend?????........See ya at Millville!!
                      It is legal and it could happen! 100 proxies could end the Crown project, remove the Sidewinder or remove the President. I believe this is why the BOD was looking to make it a little harder by going to 20%. I don't care either way, but I can see the other side of the coin. I will be surprised if someone does not try this to move a controversial agenda in the next few years.

                      Think about it....a well organized club could get the proxies in line prior to the meeting and potentially trump the SORC or APBA on any issue.

                      Be careful what you wish for.....
                      Last edited by csh12M; 04-24-2013, 06:58 AM.


                      • #56
                        Dean is exactly right.

                        I was against this as proposed and sent my email to the BOD.

                        I think there are other ways to stop what some may fear (including myself). We have to find that fine line of keeping our members rights but also protect us from some evil doings.
                        "Ask anyone, I have no friends. I do have some people that put up with me and mostly because they like the rest of my family"

                        Don Allen


                        • #57

                          Originally posted by CSH12M View Post
                          It could actually me much easier than that.....all you have to do is show up with about 100 proxies and you can do anything you want. 100 proxies would me more than enough to cover any vote in that room.

                          Basically you can change any part of APBA you want with 100 proxies and this process.

                          Has that ever happened in the past ? Hmmmmmm. Not being an ass here, but when I was involved in APBA politics, I used to get a letter EVERY year asking for my proxy, from a certain person. I NEVER gave it. That always pissed me off, becasue a majority would usually send their proxy in. In the NBRA one of the rules is NO PROXIES, period.
                          Dave Mason
                          Just A Boat Racer


                          • #58
                            Dave didn't NBRA learn that the hard way? Or shoud I say learned from other mistakes in other orgainazations.
                            "Ask anyone, I have no friends. I do have some people that put up with me and mostly because they like the rest of my family"

                            Don Allen


                            • #59
                              Proxy votes

                              Proxy votes were one of the main reasons NBRA was even formed!!!!!
                              Keith Kampen


                              • #60
                                Enough is enough

                                Before getting involved with stock outboard racing, I was involved with professional ski racing, both as an instructor and a racer. We had sponsors, such as K2, Lange, Nordica, etc etc on down the line. Some of the events were televised.....tape delay..but still televised. Things were going great..everybody was happy for a while. Then, of course, there was an "issue". A racer got thrown out in post race inspection for something very minor...it has been a long time, but I think it had to do with binding springs or something like that. People on both sides of the issue started a giant "pissing match" over the whole thing....lawyers were brought in blah blah blah. Bad press innsued....and ALL of the sponsors dropped out for the next season. I honesty do not remember everything that happened..I was just a kid...but it happened so fast your head would spin. The analogy here? I sick and tired...more then that...of this whole stupid "pissing match" over this stupid nobody in the end cares about sponson tip issue. I am sick of it. Don't take this wrong..but Matt and George...you should have know better...the rule has been in place for a while....and you are not newbies. The crap storm you guys have caused is killing APBA right now. Sorry, it's the truth. Instead of working on ways to increase membership, look for sponsors...we are spending time on crap that means NOTHING. I have never..ever...seen an issue that has had people spending more time on something that means nothing then I can ever remember. I am sick of it. If APBA is going to survive, and at this point I don't know...we need to start worrying about other things. What would a potential sponsor think if they logged onto Hydroracer right now? We look like a bunch of selfish loonytunes. (I am just as guilty as everybody else at times) I will get off my soapbox for now...but please please please....can't we all work on stuff that will help boat racing in the end? Dave

