Dear members:
Those going to Texas for the APBA national meeting need to demand the release of the independent financial report be distributed to the membership.
This is not a watered down spread sheet document that was distributed by the leaders earlier this year hoping it would satisfy those who questions where the APBA funds are going.
There will be the usual group who will pile on to this thread in an attempt to protect the status quo! Should be fun to read!
This independent review should provide a line by line expense and income for every project within APBA. It will show projects that are a positive return on investment and the major losses of programs and purchases such and the spec boat program, driving school/equipment expenditures and crown project. The question must be what did APBA spend VS income from the programs over the past 4 years was it a positive gain or cost the membership money?
After 2 years into the crown project and other projects that the leaders spent 100,000 of your $$ on the report will show true ROI (or lack of) if made available to the membership providing our current leaders will release it. ( I won't hold my breath waiting for the release) It is your money and we the members deserve to see it in print!
The facts are membership continues to decline, sanctions continue to decrease, and long running great racing events are being canceled across the country due to the rising cost of putting on races. While services continue to be reduced in APBA what is needed is expense control not more of the same!
I applaud the Title Series for taking the steps to reduce race event cost and racing membership fees in a effort to secure races and protect event profits by not continuing to support APBA projects and increasing fees while services have been reduced.
For those choosing to attend the APBA national meeting I can only hope you will demand accountability and expense control during the general meeting and open board meeting. I will spend my money on a new prop, rather than hear the talking heads pat each other on the back and selling the membership on the great things coming in the future!
Enjoy the ride=) R10 # 1487
Those going to Texas for the APBA national meeting need to demand the release of the independent financial report be distributed to the membership.
This is not a watered down spread sheet document that was distributed by the leaders earlier this year hoping it would satisfy those who questions where the APBA funds are going.
There will be the usual group who will pile on to this thread in an attempt to protect the status quo! Should be fun to read!
This independent review should provide a line by line expense and income for every project within APBA. It will show projects that are a positive return on investment and the major losses of programs and purchases such and the spec boat program, driving school/equipment expenditures and crown project. The question must be what did APBA spend VS income from the programs over the past 4 years was it a positive gain or cost the membership money?
After 2 years into the crown project and other projects that the leaders spent 100,000 of your $$ on the report will show true ROI (or lack of) if made available to the membership providing our current leaders will release it. ( I won't hold my breath waiting for the release) It is your money and we the members deserve to see it in print!
The facts are membership continues to decline, sanctions continue to decrease, and long running great racing events are being canceled across the country due to the rising cost of putting on races. While services continue to be reduced in APBA what is needed is expense control not more of the same!
I applaud the Title Series for taking the steps to reduce race event cost and racing membership fees in a effort to secure races and protect event profits by not continuing to support APBA projects and increasing fees while services have been reduced.
For those choosing to attend the APBA national meeting I can only hope you will demand accountability and expense control during the general meeting and open board meeting. I will spend my money on a new prop, rather than hear the talking heads pat each other on the back and selling the membership on the great things coming in the future!
Enjoy the ride=) R10 # 1487