Originally posted by Dr. Thunder
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I may be completely ignorant of how something like this, with the rumored expenditure ,could be approved without BOD approval or knowledge, but stranger things could happen I guess. Who would approve such a project, if not the BOD, and if they had nothing to do with it, and with the heat generated to this point, why would not at least one of them come forward with that answer so as to escape the responsibility? If I were in their place, I could not behave in that manner, knowing many folks had confidence in me to do the right thing. It is true though that APBA's officers are usually only elected by about 20-30 per cent of the eligible voters.
If no BOD approval is required, then how would it be approved, especially with the amount of money involved that has been spent already, according to approximations made from Profit and Loss statements and other reply's posted on the APBA Social site under Profit and Loss by Mark Wheeler. And then there are the comments by Richard Hearn, just posted on the social site, if anything viable can be gained from those.
Sometimes arrogance is contagious and spreads, although you would hope that not all BOD members would have that attitude. The questions have been asked for over a year, and you would think someone would be forthcoming by now.