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APBA members it is time to get answers!!

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  • #91
    Originally posted by mrlou40 View Post
    Ed, since I started racing in 1969 I guess I am a geritol racer, that being said every month and I mean every month I would look forward to getting the propeller ***
    Carl Lewis # 14065
    Carl: Do your grandkids ever put down their smartphones and read it? Because, with all due respect (and I mean it- my father thinks of the Propeller just like you do), that is all I care about.

    "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


    • #92
      Originally posted by hshawwpba View Post
      I found it interesting that a member of APBA sent me this:

      "you will notice fast eddy never gives answers or solutions just critizes so no one can ever look at what he has really done
      Wow, Howard! You actually found someone who has something negative to say about Ed Hearn. I am sure that was very difficult for you.

      In the mean time, everyone else on this forum has noticed that, now, a guy who is not even running a write-in campaign (12-M), has laid out a detailed plan as to what he would do if elected to the APBA Board and you still haven't.

      "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


      • #93
        Originally posted by 14-H View Post
        now, a guy who is not even running a write-in campaign (12-M), has laid out a detailed plan as to what he would do if elected
        Sounds familiar. A guy that isn't even a candidate with the best ideas. You know what I mean Ed


        • #94
          Rex Hall Is Right

          Originally posted by CSH12M View Post
          I think it is simple.....without major sponsorship the cost will kill or continue to dwindle the already shrinking membership base. Less races = less racers = less revenue. It is a very simple problem. Therefore, major work and revamping or APBA digital presence and "yes" the Propeller were needed to be able to "sell" ABPA outside of the existing membership. So I am in favor of the moves that were made.

          However, the implementation has been questionable, and communication terrible. Our elected BOD seems to be content letting this process progress like this. That has been disappointing. Furthermore, APBA new hires have had very little effect that can be seen or felt by the membership. I have heard several times that the goal is for $100K in sponsorship dollars for 2013. How are we tracking against that? I have no idea, and that is not acceptable. I am a sales person and have a quota, if I miss it consistently than I am fired. APBA needs that attitude. If you cant produce sponsorship revenue in 12 months than we need to find someone that can. Another extremely disappointing piece is the lack of promotion. I thought that the "new" APBA hires would do more to cover our "big" races and events. Maybe it is coming, but I have not seen enough yet. It is not enough just to attend the race as the Director of APBA, you should be covering it and working with the media to expose it.

          If I were in charge: the top five things I would focus on would be:

          1. Secure an APBA Title Sponsor and use the revenue gained to try and reduce race insurance cost. Hire a quota carrying salesperson in lieu of a Director who sole focus is driving sponsor revenue.

          2. Better promotion though affordable means - streaming video - Facebook - Linked In - You Tube -Twitter - ScoopIt - Rebel Mouse. Hire Dan Lawrence as a consultant (full time would be my goal once we could afford him) to guide and drive social media promotion and web presence. Dan would also guide Crown on website layout and general appearance and user friendliness.

          3. Re-assessment of where we technically are with our digital upgrade. I believe the website is getting better every month, but some focus needs to be given to certain areas. I believe some redesign is necessary. As it sits now it is neither sponsor sexy or membership friendly. I believe a "revamped" statement of work is necessary with more targeted deliverables that are agreed and tested prior to roll out.

          4. Hire Tana back with the goal of a "printed Propeller" magazine - for an additional membership subscription cost. If you want it in print you should be able to have it, but on your dime. Same holds true with the rulebook. APBA just does not have the budget to subsidize it, but the membership should have the option to purchase it if they do not reside in the digital world.

          5. Force categories to have "new member" programs and classes geared towards "new name" members. This is the harder part of the re-build, the product. Our categories and classes need to be viewed as APBA products. The products have to appeal to customers and consumers. The BOD needs to play a part in insuring that the categories produce products that consumers want to buy.

          These would be the five core things I would drive and build my business plan on.

          The key to the success and adoption or change of any business is COMMUNICATION. APBA is not going to become healthy in one year or with one website or with Facebook. It is a process that will take several years, and good communication is critical to keeping the existing members engaged and excited about where the organization is headed.

          This would be my agenda, if I were running for a BOD.

          2 cents...


          I'm not going to say why I think Rex Hall was right, but I'd like to say that number one here by Dean 12M IS A FINE IDEA..

          Why not approach O'Boy Oberto??? Lucas Oil? Geigo Insurance??? Gary Garbrecht had Las Vegas on all PROP TOUR BOATS back in 1996-97.

          The problem I see with this THREAD is Crown Partner's brother is trying to shout the rest of the world down with personal attacks. I'm 68....I sponsor three girls in ASH, I put 12 A Hydros on thw ater last year, I'm really no stumble bum I OPENLY DO NOT support APBA.

          14-H maybe the greatest Hall of Champions driver in the entire world, but it appears to me he's about as good of business man as Obama and is just as arrogant.

          Somebody from APBA email me and asked if I'd start writing for the Propeller, again!!!!! I said, "NO."

          APBA deserves to fail, and it will. And I predict, with Crown Partners having a contract, once APBA files BK, guess which Hearn Family will own APBA????

          ADD: Bring Tana back! (Yes, I'm almost as old as Bill Giles)...But I am also computer semi literate, BRF has 7,000 members. An association needs a monthly newsletter.

          LAST ADD: Fire away 14-H and Big Don.....You are the only two who keep defending APBA's lack of leadership, lack of planning, lack of progress, lack of vision!
          Last edited by Ron Hill; 08-28-2012, 10:55 PM.


          • #95
            The downfall of APBA is hardly one persons or one families fault. It's been happening for over 25 to 30 years. It levels out every once in a while, but essentially has been decintagrating for decades. The economy has not helped the situation, and as a member run organization amd having such a nostalgic history embedded in it, it is very difficult to make fast enough changes to offset such crushing economic conditions. HOWEVER, please continue, it's been a joy watching two generations go at it to save the inevitable. (please insert "USA," Presidential candidate," election," and "modern times" where applicable and you have your self something to put on tv)


            • #96
              Ron and anyone else that feels the same way…as for the statement of “You are the only two who keep defending APBA's lack of leadership, lack of planning, lack of progress, lack of vision!”

              We have leadership, some just don’t agree with them.
              They have a plan, some just don’t agree with it.
              The progress may be happening a little slower than some of US would like. But I understand with what we are trying to do and know it never goes as planned and as fast as planned.
              They have a vision, time will tell if it will come to fruition.

              All I can tell you is MY opinion is, if we didn’t change the way we were doing things we would not have an organization, so I support the change hoping that it works out.

              So….When did I in the last year or so defend APBA’s lack of leadership, lack of planning, lack of progress, lack of vision?

              Here are some Facts…

              Fact, I did ask Howard if the Mike Jones he was asking us to write in for was the same Mike Jones that caused us (the Members of APBA) ton’s of money in legal fees to stop him and Mike Alweiss from taking control of our money and our organization.

              Fact, I have defended our new technology initiative because I believe it was way over due for our organization and the right thing for OUR organization. We were not marketable the way we were. Where we are heading with this technology is where we need to be to get the major sponsors interested and other goals of the organization.

              Fact, I did tell individuals that I was sick of their negativity towards APBA.

              Fact, I have defend the money being spent on the entire initiative because we needed to do it. (which BTW was a great deal, Crowne is NOT getting rich off of us, it’s probably costing them money)

              Fact, I have defend the BOD for approving the technology.

              Fact, I believe we should have bought HR as our web forum instead of trying to start from scratch. (I think Dan did an AWSOME job of building HR).

              Fact, I don’t think our APBA forum is very attractive, and hope that when it’s all done it is.

              Fact, I have never bashed any other organization.

              Fact, I liked what Dean posted on how to keep improving on our initiative.

              Fact, I have challenged you and others on what is posted because I don’t always feel they are the truths. With that said, I understand that 5 people could witness the same thing and you can get 5 different versions. Let me say it right now in front of everyone reading this I am sorry for my personal attacks of you in the past. Does not mean I won’t challenge you again though.

              Fact, I appreciate what you do and how you help others. Does not mean all of Ron Hills ideas are the right ones, nor are mine or anyone else.

              Fact, You are the only person in my 44 years of doing this that has sent me props without asking for them or having a conversation about them. I have always thought that was pretty awesome of you to do so. And I know if I called you and told you I had a new person that we were trying to get started you would send them props at no cost to help them.

              Fact, I MISS MY PROPELLER MAGIZINE COMING IN THE MAIL. I would be willing to pay for it also, charge me for it and a rule book. But I also understand having it digital is also important.

              Fact, insurance is costing us too much money. Something needs to be done. There has been talk in our region that if something does not change we may have to look at other avenues.

              Fact, I did tell individuals that I was sick of their negativity towards APBA.
              Here is something for all of us to consider….
              Criticism by its very nature is always destructive.
              In a seminar I attended recently, they told us that there is no such thing as “constructive criticism”. Constructive means positive, helpful, useful, etc. The intent of criticism means to tear down, disapproval, condemnation, etc. Therefore they told us these two words should not be used together. It was pretty eye awaking.
              They also told us that, some people put others down to feel better themselves. Some even live in a false reality of what it would take to fix the issues at hand.
              Complaining, condemning, or criticizing, are placing the blame on other people, and not doing anything to further the goals of the issues at hand.
              "Ask anyone, I have no friends. I do have some people that put up with me and mostly because they like the rest of my family"

              Don Allen


              • #97
                Here are the documents some requested as posted on the ABPA Social Website
                Attached Files

                Welcome to hydroracer, we hope you enjoy your visit.


                • #98
                  Originally posted by MGallagher View Post
                  Sounds familiar. A guy that isn't even a candidate with the best ideas. You know what I mean Ed
                  12-M isn't a former candidate either.

                  I know that was really hard for you to try not to post that!

                  "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Ron Hill View Post
                    I'm not going to say why I think Rex Hall was right, but I'd like to say that number one here by Dean 12M IS A FINE IDEA..

                    LAST ADD: Fire away 14-H and Big Don.....You are the only two who keep defending APBA's lack of leadership, lack of planning, lack of progress, lack of vision!
                    Ron: The last FACT, Don Allen forgot to mention is that you and those who think we should not be going digital and should bring back the Propeller magazine are in the minority.

                    Finally, I'm sure Richard's plan for his retirement all along was to run APBA into the ground so that he could buy it for pennies on the dollar (especially that extremely valuable building in East Detroit) and then close down Crown Partners and live off of the APBA profits.

                    "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


                    • Originally posted by Mrs blueskyracer View Post
                      Here are the documents some requested as posted on the ABPA Social Website
                      Maybe Howard can tell us what his plan is to advance APBA, now.

                      "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


                      • One Thing Is Clear

                        Smoke & Mirrors are in place.

                        Ed Hearn, answer this for me please:

                        How long has the Hearn family been involved with APBA ? More from a political platform than a racing platform.
                        Dave Mason
                        Just A Boat Racer


                        • Originally posted by 14-H View Post
                          Maybe Howard can tell us what his plan is to advance APBA, now.


                          YOU STILL DON'T GET IT!!

                          Nobody I have seen post on this site or talked to since this "improvement" was started with APBA has a problem with the improvement per se. All would certainly like to see the organization more efficient, insurance costs lowered, and all the other things on the many "wish lists" that have been talked about over the years, but it does little good to try to accomplish these things when you alienate a goodly portion of the older and past members of the organization by the way these proposals are carried out. The older and retired/non-racing members of APBA could be one of it's greatest assets, and now because they don't have or use a smart phone you are ready to throw them out. I am sure they far outnumber the number of racing members. What arrogance and lack of foresight.

                          ONE MORE TIME, JUST FOR YOU:

                          The problem lies in the LACK OF INFORMATION AND TRANSPARENCY by the powers that be, including the principal of Crowne, the APBA BOD and others, not the fact changes are being made, and you know that.

                          If you are really tired of getting bashed around, then use your lawyerly persuasions to convince someone with those folks when they make these type decisions for others, they owe some explanations.

                          As David Tenney whose background is banking and economics pointed out on the APBA site, the financials put forward by Wheeler are INCOMPLETE, and no where is anything about the expense for Crowne listed. If this information is what you keep harping about that any member can have for the asking, you are still stonewalling.

                          If you and Richard are so concerned about his reputation, the door has been open since the awarding of this contract to resolve the many question that have been asked about it by publishing the contract/costs, and penalties for non-completion/performance, along with answering the many other questions that have been asked, and you certainly know that.


                          • Originally posted by Dave M View Post
                            Smoke & Mirrors are in place.

                            Ed Hearn, answer this for me please:

                            How long has the Hearn family been involved with APBA ? More from a political platform than a racing platform.
                            Dave: APBA President Mark Wheeler just posted the current APBA financials on the APBA site. They directly refute the charges made by Mr. Shaw. The only smoke and mirrors are coming from Region 10 (By this, I'm not implicating the whole Region).

                            Regarding your question: I am not exactly sure. My dad was first appointed to the Stock Outboard Racing Commission in the 1970's. I'm not exactly sure what year however. He was not a member of the APBA Board until the mid-2000's. Between that time and, I believe, starting in the early 1980's he was APBA's legal counsel until Mike Jones fired him. I think Jones fired him in 2004. I'm not exactly sure of the year but it was the same year as the famous Sea-Tac meeting and it was related to that. My dad was then President for two terms immediately preceding Mark Weber's term. So, I think he was President from 2005-2009.

                            I started attending the APBA annual meeting in 1988 and have gone every year since. Steve Warnock appointed me to the SORC in the early 1990's. Not sure exactly which year that was. When Craig Bowman was elected SOVP, I became a Mod Commmissioner and was one every year that Bill Breaux was Mod VP. I went on a vacation in November of 2001. When I left, I was a member of the Mod Commission. When I returned, I learned that I had been elected Stock Chairman (even though I never sought or campaigned for the position). I was Chairman for 5 years and then I ran for and was elected to the APBA BOD in 2008 for a 2 year term. I resigned from the APBA BOD in 2009 after only serving one of the two years and ran for Chairman again that year and won. I served another 2 year term which ended last year. I'm still a member of the SORC as the immediate past chairman.

                            Most germane, I suppose, however, was my involvement in APBA's digital transformation. I never cast any vote either for or against that project because I was not a member of the APBA BOD at the time. My involement included a trip that Richard and I made to the 2010 Nationals in Oroville, California. This is a very long drive, as I am sure you know. During the ride out and back, I constantly hounded Richard to have his company (Crown) do the work necessary to give APBA a presence on the internet. I knew that his Company had done it for other companies like Anheiser Busch, Cincinnati Insurance Company and others. I had been asking Richard to do this for several years and he always refused. I would then get mad at him because he refused and we wouldn't speak for a while. After that passed, Richard would always say that the reason he wouldn't do it was because 1) his company would lose money doing it and 2) He didn't want to be involved in the political BS that he was sure would come his way. He told me that he had seen what had happened to me and our dad during the entire SeaTac/Alweiss/Jones matter and didn't want any part of that.

                            But, during this trip to Oroville I hounded Richard. I told him that APBA was a membership organization and all of the members always give to the Association whatever talents they have to help the Association and that was one of the things that made the APBA so special and great. I told him that it was his OBLIGATION to give the APBA what he had to offer and that it would be selfish for him not to do so.

                            The convincing argument, however, was specifically, on the way back from California after his son, Grant, had just won the J Hydro and J Runabout Nationals, when I told Richard that, if he didn't agree to make a proposal to the APBA BOD and have his company do the work, I would not let Richard use the J Motor anymore that Grant had just won the nationals with. You see, I owned this motor! This was not a very smart thing for me to do since we were riding in Richard's motorhome and he could have insisted that I find my own way back to Indiana. But, Richard said he'd think about it. I think the euphoria of having just won two J National titles and one himself (BSR), made Richard a little less rational than he usually was. I personally think it was the threat about the J Motor, though, that convinced him. The rest is a matter of record within the APBA.

                            Does that answer your question? I don't want to be accused of engaging in smoke & mirrors.

                            BTW: We missed you & your family at Dayton again.

                            "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


                            • Originally posted by bill van steenwyk View Post

                              YOU STILL DON'T GET IT!!

                              ***If you are really tired of getting bashed around, then use your lawyerly persuasions to convince someone with those folks when they make these type decisions for others, they owe some explanations.

                              Billie: YOU don't get it! I'm not the one who wants this stuff. If you want it, join APBA and get it yourself. It's funny, you complain about how much it costs to race, but you want an APBA office that is at your beck-and-call. It appears that you don't get that either.

                              BTW: I consider the bashing a badge of honor. Please keep it up.

                              "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


                              • It Answers the Question

                                Originally posted by 14-H View Post
                                Does that answer your question? I don't want to be accused of engaging in smoke & mirrors.

                                BTW: We missed you & your family at Dayton again.

                                It is well documented to the reasons my family and I were not at Dayton. I am as open and honest about it as one can be. We were racing at another record runs course. Until/Unless certain things change, it will remain this way.
                                Dave Mason
                                Just A Boat Racer

