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Stock Outboard Questionaire

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Jeff Brewster 59s View Post
    For those that are upset about the plan above I apologize that I was not clear enough. There is no need to get upset, it is only a theory on how we could roll this out "if" we went to a class structure with one engine classes.

    The plan below is a combination of past efforts of the former steering committee, led by John Runne and the past “Sutherland” plan by Dean Sutherland. Both of which had many excellent ideas.
    We would like to understand where you the members want to end up. Not doing anything and letting us die a slow death is not an option so we need to do something.
    Please take the time to read one of the proposals below that is being suggested. Please remember this is just one of many proposals that the SORC has seen over the past 6 years but it gives you the understanding of what needs to happen. (please remember, this is just an idea!)

    Stock Outboard has leadership that is listening very intently on what the direction our category should go by the comments of the majority of the membership. A rant on the internet will not help your cause. Please send an email or call your local commissioner with your thoughts. If you do not have their contact info or if you would like to contact me directly, please send me an email at and I promise an answer as fast as possible.

    Remember, we have been floundering for years due to not having a plan for the future. We have got to have a direction to go or we are just spinning our wheels (props).
    PHP Code:
    It does not matter to me if we have twelve engine classes on the back of bathtubs as long as we have a direction for our future that gives us all hope and time for us all to adjust our own programs to make the best fit
    Thanks for reading,
    This statement is just great and makes me understand better to where you would like to head with this. ( I have to tell a short story first) Reminds me of the time Charlie Fry had his picture taking by The Derrick (local newspaper) in the middle of winter and Charlie was taking a runabout up a normaly shallow creek and they called the boat a "motorized surf board". Anyway: I am fairly new to the sport and try my best to promote and keep the people interested. But in the short time I have been in it I have noticed that we only have a small (and I mean small) percent of people outside of our race community that even know "Boat Racing exsists. I commend you and all those helping to do your part in "revitalizing" the SO Racing. I also would like to thank the APBA and Crown for updating their website.

    But you have to know what to look for in order to find it. (on the internet) So the only ones that see this are US the racers and a small percent of those who see or hear of a local race. So here is a shot in the dark and my proposal to increase the numbers of boat racers: (along with the commities class reconstruction)

    What does 99% of the public do? Sit in front of the TV, so why not pay the money and place our (Dana's) Stock Outboard Promo on Channels like ESPN, FOX Sports and many others? I do not know how much this would cost and that is probably not important but it would get way more attention and with the APBA address at the end I am willing bet you will see way more hits and interest on the website.
    We need way more advertising to the public not so much amongst ourselves. Heck I have a nephew that I am bringing into the sport next season and before I spoke to him he did not even know this style of racing still existed.
    Go ahead and tear me up but that is what I see most about everyones ideas on the net. Dont worry I'll brace myself and take the feedback with stride.



    • #17
      I'm aware that this is "just a proposal"...however:I'm not sure I can speak for all of Team Casual..but a few numbers that SORC/MHRA should consider..with the current class structure and motors Team Casual on any given weekend will pay up to $980 in entry forward to 2015...potentally ZERO does this help our sport?? Comments welcomed..Roger "Pit Boss"Affholter 68M (oops sorry I forgot Marissa, Gary and Steve..Gee that brings it up well over $1000/per Race weekend..)

      I posted this on "Team Casuals" Facebook Page...the day I recieved email

      I will ask same question as I have before..What good does it do to eliminate motors in a class by rule changes..attrition takes care of it on its own!
      Roger A 68M
      Team Casual


      • #18
        Critical Weight

        Originally posted by Wild Bill 96D View Post
        Lowering the weight will only eliminate the fat guys from the class that are racing it now. Witch is all of us old guys that find its too hard to loose weight. Don't see how that will attract new drivers. Not many new to the sport drivers under 180 lbs that want to jump into a CSR. (thank god)
        If weight was really critical in the CSR class than it would be equally as critical in 25SSR with a restricted motor. Then you would never see a guy like me that was 40lbs over weight in 25SSR compete or place at the nationals in 25SSR.

        We could easily drop 25-30 lbs in CSR and see very little difference in perfomrance, but we would see smaller folks have a fighting chance in the class...

        I am not suggesting we target drivers that should be racing a viable A class or viable B class, but there are people that already have equipment that would take the restrictor out and race CSR and bolster the field.


        • #19
          Originally posted by reed28n View Post
          If weight was really critical in the CSR class than it would be equally as critical in 25SSR with a restricted motor. Then you would never see a guy like me that was 40lbs over weight in 25SSR compete or place at the nationals in 25SSR.

          We could easily drop 25-30 lbs in CSR and see very little difference in perfomrance, but we would see smaller folks have a fighting chance in the class...

          I am not suggesting we target drivers that should be racing a viable A class or viable B class, but there are people that already have equipment that would take the restrictor out and race CSR and bolster the field.
          Difine "over weight"
          Attached Files


          • #20
            All kidding aside I agree with you Reed. I have to admit that I'm somewhat bias being that I race 25SSR and CSR. I'm fine the way things are for these classes. I can run both classes with one boat and one motor and go home on Sunday with a smile on my face. I have no problem running with Mercs sidewinder’s or whatever, some days I do well and others not so much but that’s racing.

            As a side note I'll be buying a new boat soon and have "new" driver interested in my current boat that he will power with a 102 he picked up last year. For a very reasonable investment he's ready to start racing and develop his skills. Who wins here, I do, he does and the club does, nothing punitive here. Speaking for the two classes I run I'm not sure we need to change anything at least for now.



            • #21
              Islandmon I agree for the same reasons. Same 6 boats race both classes here. No added equipment. NO added money except entry fee. Good for drivers, good for the club.
              Last edited by Wild Bill 96D; 12-03-2012, 04:24 PM.


              • #22
                Originally posted by reed28n View Post
                If weight was really critical in the CSR class than it would be equally as critical in 25SSR with a restricted motor. Then you would never see a guy like me that was 40lbs over weight in 25SSR compete or place at the nationals in 25SSR.

                We could easily drop 25-30 lbs in CSR and see very little difference in perfomrance, but we would see smaller folks have a fighting chance in the class...

                I am not suggesting we target drivers that should be racing a viable A class or viable B class, but there are people that already have equipment that would take the restrictor out and race CSR and bolster the field.
                If you are going to the nationals you will race the class that you can compete in. We are trying to save the local club with racing two classes. No local clubs = no nationals.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Wild Bill 96D View Post
                  6 boats in 25ssr in div 1. 5 are 302,s No 302,s = No class. That = ( -$360.00 ) every race weekend. NO CLUB CAN AFFORD THAT.
                  Perhaps add those 302's to the "stock classic" division.


                  • #24
                    The constant change in the stock class setup seriously detracts from the sport. Why would one invest in an engine and boat when the next season it may be done away with. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. Jack


                    • #25
                      My favorite television program "Top Gear" constantly jokes about how they're "ambitious but rubbish". I won't go that far with this proposal, but there are several very large holes.

                      First and foremost, I simply CAN NOT support putting the future of SO on the shoulders of Sidewinder. I would LOVE to go buy a Sidewinder 20 in the future when I can afford it, and race in the "new" 20ss classes. But right now, even if I had the money, I would refuse to buy one. Here's my reasoning:
                      I've only seen Sidewinders run successfully in one class, the A class. Additionally, earlier this year I saw the eventual national winning Sidewinder A refuse to run well enough to get on plane. The only thing that changed from the day before when it ran fine? A little rain. We simply can't have motors that refuse to run when it gets wet out.

                      I also think eliminating 102's from C classes would be a hard sell. Outside of region 10, most of the nation has still been slow to adopt the 302. It also seems like that's probably the closest class we have to parity, so people are going to say why fix what's not broken.

                      I will say, that I wholly support class restructuring and moving "niche or regional" classes into Stock Classic.

                      Clearly, what we're doing is NOT working. I sincerely wish I had better ideas than I do of how to fix things. I applaud people who are coming up with good ideas. I do agree that our current system of hanging on to relics is no good, and makes things too complicated which you could say hurts our marketability. However, go to a motocross race, or even your local short track on a Saturday night and you'll easily see that multiple engines/configurations is the norm in motorsports at all levels. I just think we need to be careful with our "successful" classes.


                      • #26
                        [QUOTE=jpro60;213479]Perhaps add those 302's to the "stock classic" division.[/QUOTE

                        What do you gain by moving those 302's to another class other than weaking an already stressed situation (region dependent). I understand that we are talking about a "Proposal" but I see no upside to what seems like a lateral move. I'll say it again; I see nothing glaringly wrong with the current 25SSR / CSR class. Don't fix what's not broken.



                        • #27
                          The J division figured it out a few years ago and it grows every year.
                          Destiny is a matter of chance,it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by jpro60 View Post
                            Perhaps add those 302's to the "stock classic" division.[/QUOTE

                            What do you gain by moving those 302's to another class other than weaking an already stressed situation (region dependent). I understand that we are talking about a "Proposal" but I see no upside to what seems like a lateral move. I'll say it again; I see nothing glaringly wrong with the current 25SSR / CSR class. Don't fix what's not broken.

                            Under the class restructuring of this proposal, which I agree with, 25ssR itself becomes a stock classic class. It is replaced in stock by 20ssR. All I'm saying is allow the 302's under the stock classic version of the class.


                            • #29
                              First off let me say that I find this discussion I'm having with jpro60 a healthy exchange, we may not agree but it's healthy: heyyou:. Ok let’s assume 25ssr moves to classic and you have this new class called 20ssr powered by sidewinders. Call me old fashion buts it’s a pretty big assumption to think that enough drivers will spring for new motors for the privilege of running this class. I can tell you I won't and neither will my team mates and trust me we can be our own field putting five boats on the water. The point is there’s no incentive for me to invest in a motor that will let me race one class when I don't have to do it now.

                              I mean no disrespect to the guys that have put blood sweat and tears into the development of Sidewinders but this next question needs to be asked. Let's say we all have a streak of good fortune and go buy new motors. Two years down the road Sidewinder says "Ummmm this isn’t working out so good so we are closing our doors". At that point what do I do, what reasonable guarantee do I have that I will have a support system for my motor. Having said that said I'm more than willing to invest in another 302 for very obvious reasons. One of which it's predictable in so many ways and best of all I get a big bang for my buck every weekend I race it. Oh and did I mention that if my buddies motor breaks down or if we want to get a new driver in a boat we don’t have to look very hard for a 102/302.



                              • #30
                                Why do so many SO members want to dump the old motors? If its an outboard built for racing, race it. The old motors run fine the way it is. If we want our membership to grow, we can not just have a $4800 motor that still has its problems.
                                That's just a new guy's take on things.

