This is awesome!
Wish it worked up here when it was tried... why didn't it? Will, man power, time, lack of interest, red tape? Never too late to try again I guess.
I still say if we could have boxes of 9.9/15hp conversions at boat shows cottage people would buy them! Sales are sales... who cares if they are raced, it gets gear out there, knowledge out there and interest out there, plus more sales for the people who make the stuff and that means lower prices. If dirt bikes and seadoos were only sold to racers that sport would likely be close to dead too. The racing comes naturally if the gear is out there being used.
Go Russ/AOF GO!!
Wish it worked up here when it was tried... why didn't it? Will, man power, time, lack of interest, red tape? Never too late to try again I guess.
I still say if we could have boxes of 9.9/15hp conversions at boat shows cottage people would buy them! Sales are sales... who cares if they are raced, it gets gear out there, knowledge out there and interest out there, plus more sales for the people who make the stuff and that means lower prices. If dirt bikes and seadoos were only sold to racers that sport would likely be close to dead too. The racing comes naturally if the gear is out there being used.
Go Russ/AOF GO!!