Originally posted by DougMc
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Please, please do not compare AOF racing liability policy with what APBA has. AOF has NO meidical insurance what so ever except for the Hospital Trust Fund (HTF) that you can get a copy of by asking your Executive Director. From the HTF a person, if hurt or (heaven forbit), dies, can collect UP TO $2000 AFTER any other insurance is paid. In onther words, AOF HTF is secondary. Then there is also a deductable, I think, wihtout having it handy, is $500. maybe $250. The MOST anyone can ever collect for medical is $2000.
The AOF insurance policy covers AOF only from being sued. If you are a proven member, and AOF follows the rules per safety according to them (yellow tape at races, etc), then you are safe racing AOF by virtue of the incorporation.
I spent many a day in a courtroom listening in on Liabilty cases over my years as Executive Director.(The Executive Director is the one who could be sued individually because he/she is an employee and not part of the corporation). Right now, as it stands, the AOF membership application is not up to date and par. I have offered to help Rick bringit up to date and have given him the basics to do that for the safety of all who participate.
But just remember, the reason AOF can offer $200 per week end insurance is BECAUSE there is no medical..