Happy Thanksgiving to you as well. I have moved this into the AOF forum as it seems although it was in both places this is the thread with the "comments".
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Setting the record straight
Not fair. There are issues at hand and the posting was by Rod Black. Sweeping anything under the rug does not solve problems, it just creates more as is evidenced.
I do not read the sidewinder posts because I don't have a stake. You do not need to read this thread if you do not have a stake.
OK Nitiro< I agree one hundred percent. to me it looks like nothing could bring back AOF. Was a good run but looks like it is over. I don't care as I am retired.
What I do know is this:
I put my first nationals on in 1972 for APBA in Cedar Rapids, IA -stock
Second and third nationals in 1980-81 in North Liberty Iowa, MOD
Then Region 8 Director for APBA many years.
Then Secretary of AOF in 1989
Then Executive Director in 1992-2005 and many more national championships and races in those yaers.
Then helped Ed with Worlds in Pineville 2007.
A mom anda great granmother who is a former racer.
Been married since 1966 to the same man and he can't shut me up when I think something is unfair or lies get posted.
Agree: happy Thanksgiving. And at this point I think my family should have taken up horseback riding.
Please, let's everyone get along and play nicely together. OKNitro has a point, please think about what is best for the sport as a whole. Boat racing is a great sport and we want more people to join in the fun. It is difficult in this economy to attact new members. Doesn't matter what club you belong to, what organization that club belongs to I guess we all need to try to be good custodians of the sport.
Welcome to hydroracer, we hope you enjoy your visit.
Ok Connie - Good you agree - not trying to pick a fight with you - but if your retired and don't care , then why continue to stir the pot as you do ? You know , if all of you that complain how AOF is run and does things behind the back , and changes prob are not going to happen - then don't support it - cease to be members - let it die that way - and even if they stay alive up north - so what ?? If your wanting to belong or give money - then support APBA or NBRA and give postive support. And Connie , do I care how many championships you have had ? Or what positions you have held ?? your retired and don't care - all in the past - none of that has anything to do with what is going on now . If your looking or wanting a pat on the back - hey here it is - good job - way to go !! Iam a past AOF high point champion - but hey that was a long time ago -- so what ----- Iam interested in "now" and next season.
How come now one has answered Howie's question? He has a young daughter who probably is wondering what the answer is. She has raced under AOF and has been deprived of recognition she won and deserves. The east coast seems to be being left out of all the benifits AOF says it offers. I want to here why AOF on the right coast. Maybe Dave Mason can get himself and Lyle to post there thoughts. Or maybe Bill Giles could chime in and give us some of his wisdom. Or god for bid Tony or Carl come on and give us there take on the story. MikeyLast edited by mike ross; 11-25-2009, 11:31 AM.mike ross
Originally posted by mike ross View PostHow come now one has answered Howie's question? He has a young daughter who probably is wondering what the answer is. She has raced under AOF and has been deprived of recognition she won and deserves. The east coast seems to be being left out of all the benifits AOF says it offers. I want to here why AOF on the right coast. Maybe Dave Mason can get himself and Lyle to post there thoughts. Or maybe Bill Giles could chime in and give us some of his wisdom. Or god for bid Tony or Carl come on and give us there take on the story. MikeyMike - One of the Montana Boys
If it aint fast make it look good
I have asked and was given an explanation previously, but I agree contact Rod Black directly since anything I would post would be third hand. I am sure that he would be glad to discuss it with you, Howie or any other interested parties. His email address is in the very first post. rod.black@att.net send him your phone number and he said he would call back. Please remember he works during the day so would probably be in the evening.
Welcome to hydroracer, we hope you enjoy your visit.
Originally posted by YankeeRacing View PostAnd at this point I think my family should have taken up horseback riding.
"The Coffee Guy"
Cranked up and ready to Roll
Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles. It empties today of its strengths (Corrie ten Boom)
"Cup of Joe? Not no mo! Kevs Coffee is the only way to go!" (John Runne 09)
" IF you can find a better cup of coffee... Kev will drink it!" (Michael Mackey 08)
I have sent Rod an email this morning and am awaiting his reply. I just want to know what the deal is....
Mikey you are correct, we are bitter over the way AOF treated Becky with her win, but I also want to give her as much seat time as possible around other boats and Carl's race is a great venue for that.
She also got to take a ride in my CSH last weekend and loved it!! (and did a fantastic jobOSY???????
Just don't tell her mother if that happens, I'm still in the dog house for letting her take it out........444-B now 4-F
Avatar photo credit - F. Pierce Williams
Also just to clarify:
After I spoke with Russ Bircher at the APBA Nat'l Meeting in Detroit several years ago, AOF did send us a paper certificate stating Becky's Record run in Feb or Mar of 2007 however I do not see it acknowledged anywhere.
Becky did join AOF at one of Carl's races in Lake Placid spring of 2009, she also received an AOF membership card. We did NOT receive any notice of meeting, rule book, or ballot this fall.
To date she has never received anything for her "East Coast Nationals" win in JH for 2007 or 2009.
Copies of the paperwork done for the 2007 race showed her to be a full member, Russ stated she was not and was why she did not get anything initially. The copies were resent to AOF at that time to prove she was indeed a full member and that is when we got the certificate but nothing else.Last edited by Howie Nichols; 11-25-2009, 12:57 PM.444-B now 4-F
Avatar photo credit - F. Pierce Williams
I am fightng for people like Becky Nichols.
I only give my past credentials to show you, mr Matt, the fake racer, that I have been around. Married a boat racer, my dad and brother were boat racers, and I was a boat racer. I know about boat racing. I also know how to read a rulebook, have a PHD in Psychology.
Why aren't any East Costers AOF officers? Ask Howie Picerall. Know him? From Long Island. He was the VP Tech and just ask him how much anyone listened to him. I guess he was the token. Ask Florida racers who have membership cards, but no ballots. Of course, Russ and Rod say that the copies of the checks Carl sent were fake. Geesh. If they were so fake, why did Russ send them membership cards?
And Matt, what is your last name? Chicken? No, you did not race with Brian, Terry, Angie, Alyson, Joel or anyone else in my family. We raced never for high point but for fun.Still do and still have fun. No agenda, Nothing to do with AOF because it is dead, and with it goes all of the hard work so many of us put into it. (And that includes some West Coasters like Mike Sattler, Dennis Westby, Kevin Martin, Boyd Schnell). A group of true AOF members and Racing Commission met in Pineville in October. They are the people who matter to me. Freddie Hebert, The Hebert Family, the Snells, Danny Parker, Jack Stotts, The Mathews, Skip and Jeff Carter, Mr Daspit. They demanded to be heard or they were taking AOF back. Those are the people I resepct. They were ignored and mocked and continue to be. THEY asked to be heard. They were not.
I posted because Rod Black said Tony was expelled by a unanimous vote of the Racing Commission. I haven't figured out yet if that is a joke or not. Terry is a commissioner and he never voted. So how can it be unanimous? If Rod had said that some of the members from SLORA got together and expelled Tony, then I would say that is a truthful statement. Not a UNANIMOUS vote.
What is going to happen with AOF now is that SLORA is going to continue to think they are the national AOF. They are getting money for insurance from the drag boats. Insurance company told me 30 races. 8 or so were registered on the financial statement, so who knows. At any rate, the insurance policy that Dudley Malone (genius), Ron Whittaker (another genius) and myself wrote, yes, we got to write the policy- will go to the SLORA officers for free racing. The drags are supposrting the organization. That is not what was supposed to happen.
But again, oh well. Carl will not be permitted to get or use the insurance for his Lake Placid races, then Becky gets a lot less boat time because that race site cannot support more expensive racing.
What a shame, and that is my only agenda.
And yes, I have gotten 53 emails in support of what I am saying. I don't ask you to believe me, but call Carl, John Snell or Dan Parker. Ask anyone who was in the meeting in Pineville what is going on. You don't see the whole picture here.
Kev, give me some coffee!