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Setting the record straight

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  • Setting the record straight

    I have been reluctant to address this problem in a public forum preferring to communicate the events and decisions of the officers and racing commission in direct conversations with members. However, reading recent posts here on Hydroracer I am convinced the problems must be met head on. So to set the record straight, Tony Staron is no longer a member of AOF. He was expelled from the Federation by a unanimous vote of the officers and racing commission early this year. Any Commitments, promises, or guarantees made by him do not carry the approval of the American Outboard Federation.
    Connie Payn is a former Executive Director. She is a non-racing member of the Hall of Fame. While we hold Connie in highest regard and understand her to be well intentioned, she does not speak for AOF and holds no position of authority in the Federation. For anyone wanting more information or to discuss specifics, please send me an email with your phone number. I will make every effort to reach you promptly.
    Finally, the group that has recently appeared on the Yahoo forum is not AOF.
    Rod Black
    President AOF

  • #2
    How does one get expelled from a racing organization? I no Tony is a bit controversial but he sure works hard at races I have seen him at. His family has always been a promoter of the sport we all love. Mikey
    mike ross


    • #3
      What exactly is the status of Highlands Outboard and are the events held by them received by AOF National Office as legitimate where the drivers will receive points and benefits when they pay AOF dues?
      444-B now 4-F
      Avatar photo credit - F. Pierce Williams


      • #4
        thank you Rod for the kinds words. I love you too. And yes, any comments I make are from a former Executive Director. I sure don't want anything to do with this mess as it is now.


        • #5

          AOF is apparently much more effective than the APBA. I recall the last APBA Annual meeting held in Seattle where certain members of the APBA BOD tried to expel Tony from the convention hotel. They were unsuccessful. I, however, took Tony out to dinner and was successful in poisoning him with raw oysters such that he could not participate in the meetings any further.

          One of my favorite stories! Eddie.

          "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


          • #6

            i would either email, or call that question in directly to mr. black. you will have a better chance of having it answered expeditiously, as he rarely gets on here. kevin


            • #7
              Originally posted by 14-H View Post
              AOF is apparently much more effective than the APBA. I recall the last APBA Annual meeting held in Seattle where certain members of the APBA BOD tried to expel Tony from the convention hotel. They were unsuccessful. I, however, took Tony out to dinner and was successful in poisoning him with raw oysters such that he could not participate in the meetings any further.

              One of my favorite stories! Eddie.
              I'm howling...Now THAT is funny.


              • #8
                Everyone in boat racing has at least one Tony story. Some are even almost true. Then you get the ones that are forgotten, like how hard he worked in Pineville last month, then saved the lives of a couple in a plane crash-in the middle of the race. It is guys like him who definitely make life interesting.
                Just a question for Rod, who must read this site to have posted. I looked back and don't see much posted by Tony in a while.. Also, my husband Terry is a Director and he called around today and not one of the other directors he called ever voted to expel Tony. Never even heard about it. So could not be unanimous of the Racing Commission, or is this a joke? I have asked for a copy of how the Racing Commission voted, which in a Non-Profit is mandatory. so far all I got was a "shut up and go away." Let's take bets I will be the next one expelled. Lay you 10 to 1 odds.
                Also, since Mr. Black says he is not considering Hall of Fame recipients as members, as was done in the past, then Tony would not be a member as he was a Hall of Fame. Now just how do you expel someone who isn't even a member? Kinda like the Seinfeld episode where the company tried to fire Kraemer who said, "but I dont' work here. I just come to work!" Company manager said, "we know, that is what makes this so difficult."
                This whole expulsion reeks of a personal problem that Rod must have with Tony. Now we know that can happen. You know, the kind of problem where in the morning Tony says, "I swear, when I passed out here your girlfriend wasn't even sleeping next to me naked." Tony probably is telling the truth, but the evidence is sure incrimminating.
                Also, about Carl Staron. I spoke with him today and asked him point blank..."Are you the AOF Executive Director?" He said yes. I asked him why, and he said becasue he talked to Rod and Rick Keller and they both told him he was. Then Charlie Walters came to Pineville and said the same thing. Rod also verified this with me. Now all of a sudden Carl isn't the Executive Director? Talk about no communication. If he isn't, then it seems to me that Mr. Black should at least call him. I'm not telling Carl. He already ordered stationery. This is beyond funny, it is pathetic.
                Ps. Someone better pass this on to Rod so he can call Carl and explain.


                • #9
                  HOLD ON for a minute, will ya? I'm all outta popcorn and Sherry just left to get some more Tequila..........Somebody ought to call Maury Povich! Jayyyyssssusssss!!! Have mercy!!!!

                  Proud to be an APBA member


                  • #10


                    • #11
                      New Book:
                      HOW TO KILL AOF

                      page one: Hire Russ Bircher as Executive Director, don't have elections or newsletters for 4 years. In non posted national meetings that only a few know about, appoint yourself as officers and make sure all officers are from one club in one area. Don't give sanctions to any other club in any other part of the country, and if you do, don't count their points, and insist you did not get any paperwork. And then EXPEL ANYONE WHO COMPLAINS..
                      The end


                      • #12
                        Book that should be written:

                        NEW AOF
                        Have a new election of officers. Replace EVERY officer
                        since it is impossible to establish an accurate membership list (due to poor, biased, or negligent record keeping).
                        Those who would be eliglble to vote: RESPECTED members of the past Racing Commission. Back when the best interest of AOF as a national organization were in effect. (Guys like Mike Sattler and Kevin Martin, from the West, John Snell and Dan Parker from the South, and Howard Pickerall and Eric Peterson from the East, Ralph Cook and Ty Hebert from the midwest).
                        New officers take over All of the nation is recognized and AOF begins to dig itself out of a hole of looking like super idiots.
                        AOF goes back to putting on affordable grass roots racing through out the country. (So when you win a national championship high point is is not just a duplicate of the SLORA high point. )
                        Wouldn't that be a nice book?


                        • #13
                          Hey, I don't want to be anything. I am a Hall of Fame in AOF and I have not gotten a ballot for 4 years. My husband is a director and he has not gotten a ballot. Who are you> since you cannot give your name, then I don't believe a word you say.
                          Everyone knows me. Good bad or indifferent. After all, I was Exectuve Director or an officer since 1992 in AOF. Then I retired. I put enough blood sweat and tears into the organization and know how to read a rulebook. No name, no credibility. You are a fake.
                          And no I am not advocating an Eastern Organization, but a National Organization. All national high points in the last 4 years (since I retired) have been fro one club. The same club that now claims all of the officers. Once you have been an officer as long as I have, then you can earn the right to speak as i do. If you don't like what I say, then go race pro and come to a USTS race where I am the referee. Connie Payn
                          Outa this and sure glad I am
                          PS. if you have been so active in AOF for so long then you would know this: Which of my kids and grandkiss raced AOF? All wer national champions and ran stock. Betcha can't answer, but if you weren't fake you could.


                          • #14
                            OH !! for crying out loud -- Some of us are trying to build the sport. One of the tools to help is this site - "Hydroracer" . If I was anew prospect and came here and read all this immature fighting - why would I want to join? AOF has their own website which I'am sure has chat or something close to it to talk. Go there and hash out your problems and try to get your act together. Right now APBA and NBRA have their act together and are a positive tool for our sport. However AOF (however great it used to be ) is a negative for the sport. FIX IT or END IT - period. At least take your immature fighting and make it private on your web-site. At least then a new prospect can see it is AOF with the problems and not all of boat racing. I was an original member as was my dad. AOF was great when it was formed and served the purpose , since NOA had become a negative factor and finally went away. Maybe for the good of the sport of boat racing , AOF should do the same. Again, please make it private, so those of us working to get new drivers don't have even a more difficult job.


                            • #15
                              The End

                              Happy Thanksgiving!

