I am seeking the post of AOF Executive Director
“Is AOF dead?” “Where is AOF?” “What does AOF have to offer?” “Where are the races?” “I am a Director and I did not hear anything for the last 3 years.” “Where and when is the national meeting?” “Why didn’t I get a ballot to vote on anything, including officers?” “Why was my sanction not approved?” “Why didn’t my points count?” “How did I finish in the national point standings?”
All of the above are questions and statements plaguing our membership.
WE NEED A CHANGE, and we need it BEFORE AOF IS DEAD!!! I promise to make that change and prove to the world that AOF is alive and well again.
I have been involved with AOF since it’s inception about 1967. I was both an APBA member and an NOA member before that. I went to the first races and have missed very few of the nationals over the past 42 years. I have held many offices during this time. But most importantly, I BELIEVE in AOF and know that it is the BEST racing organization in the country. In addition, I actually UNDERSTAND AOF and its place in boat racing. We are grass roots and provide a place to start or race when the other more expensive options are not viable. AOF remains a non-profit organization and I know how to keep that standing so that we can preserve the benefits that go along with it. (Cheaper insurance, etc). I also understand the differences between an Association and a Federation, giving the local clubs some freedom to run races as they want or need to.
I do not want to bad-mouth anyone for a thankless job, and will not do that. But we did not get what we needed in the last years in our Executive Director. In fact, I am not sure what we got.
I was able to bring back racing in Florida. Together with my son we staged a very successful nationals in Louisiana. However, the present Executive Director only succeeded in chasing away new members. I will work to get them back and follow the mission statement for a more cohesive union between the national office and clubs and members. I have also been a Director who has kept in contact with all members and clubs throughout the US, not just the upper West Coast. And, I have had meetings with the Lifetime members and Founding Fathers of AOF for insight into our future.
I promise more communication, better record keeping, promotion of AOF, and enthusiasm. I have a staff of people ready to accept the challenge of Executive Director. There will be an open door policy with open books. Members will get answers and there will be a paper trail. We will once again follow the AOF rulebook and the rules set forth by all of the members.
I am seeking the post of AOF Executive Director
“Is AOF dead?” “Where is AOF?” “What does AOF have to offer?” “Where are the races?” “I am a Director and I did not hear anything for the last 3 years.” “Where and when is the national meeting?” “Why didn’t I get a ballot to vote on anything, including officers?” “Why was my sanction not approved?” “Why didn’t my points count?” “How did I finish in the national point standings?”
All of the above are questions and statements plaguing our membership.
WE NEED A CHANGE, and we need it BEFORE AOF IS DEAD!!! I promise to make that change and prove to the world that AOF is alive and well again.
I have been involved with AOF since it’s inception about 1967. I was both an APBA member and an NOA member before that. I went to the first races and have missed very few of the nationals over the past 42 years. I have held many offices during this time. But most importantly, I BELIEVE in AOF and know that it is the BEST racing organization in the country. In addition, I actually UNDERSTAND AOF and its place in boat racing. We are grass roots and provide a place to start or race when the other more expensive options are not viable. AOF remains a non-profit organization and I know how to keep that standing so that we can preserve the benefits that go along with it. (Cheaper insurance, etc). I also understand the differences between an Association and a Federation, giving the local clubs some freedom to run races as they want or need to.
I do not want to bad-mouth anyone for a thankless job, and will not do that. But we did not get what we needed in the last years in our Executive Director. In fact, I am not sure what we got.
I was able to bring back racing in Florida. Together with my son we staged a very successful nationals in Louisiana. However, the present Executive Director only succeeded in chasing away new members. I will work to get them back and follow the mission statement for a more cohesive union between the national office and clubs and members. I have also been a Director who has kept in contact with all members and clubs throughout the US, not just the upper West Coast. And, I have had meetings with the Lifetime members and Founding Fathers of AOF for insight into our future.
I promise more communication, better record keeping, promotion of AOF, and enthusiasm. I have a staff of people ready to accept the challenge of Executive Director. There will be an open door policy with open books. Members will get answers and there will be a paper trail. We will once again follow the AOF rulebook and the rules set forth by all of the members.