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Carl Staron for AOF Executive Director

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  • Carl Staron for AOF Executive Director


    I am seeking the post of AOF Executive Director

    “Is AOF dead?” “Where is AOF?” “What does AOF have to offer?” “Where are the races?” “I am a Director and I did not hear anything for the last 3 years.” “Where and when is the national meeting?” “Why didn’t I get a ballot to vote on anything, including officers?” “Why was my sanction not approved?” “Why didn’t my points count?” “How did I finish in the national point standings?”

    All of the above are questions and statements plaguing our membership.

    WE NEED A CHANGE, and we need it BEFORE AOF IS DEAD!!! I promise to make that change and prove to the world that AOF is alive and well again.

    I have been involved with AOF since it’s inception about 1967. I was both an APBA member and an NOA member before that. I went to the first races and have missed very few of the nationals over the past 42 years. I have held many offices during this time. But most importantly, I BELIEVE in AOF and know that it is the BEST racing organization in the country. In addition, I actually UNDERSTAND AOF and its place in boat racing. We are grass roots and provide a place to start or race when the other more expensive options are not viable. AOF remains a non-profit organization and I know how to keep that standing so that we can preserve the benefits that go along with it. (Cheaper insurance, etc). I also understand the differences between an Association and a Federation, giving the local clubs some freedom to run races as they want or need to.

    I do not want to bad-mouth anyone for a thankless job, and will not do that. But we did not get what we needed in the last years in our Executive Director. In fact, I am not sure what we got.

    I was able to bring back racing in Florida. Together with my son we staged a very successful nationals in Louisiana. However, the present Executive Director only succeeded in chasing away new members. I will work to get them back and follow the mission statement for a more cohesive union between the national office and clubs and members. I have also been a Director who has kept in contact with all members and clubs throughout the US, not just the upper West Coast. And, I have had meetings with the Lifetime members and Founding Fathers of AOF for insight into our future.

    I promise more communication, better record keeping, promotion of AOF, and enthusiasm. I have a staff of people ready to accept the challenge of Executive Director. There will be an open door policy with open books. Members will get answers and there will be a paper trail. We will once again follow the AOF rulebook and the rules set forth by all of the members.

  • #2
    Way to go Carl,Aof seem to have some racers in Fla. that won't come to a APBA race maybe this will get them back.


    • #3
      Thank you Teresa,
      Ihope I did not offend you. I am not Carl. PRAOF is the handle that all AOF officers can use to spread word on Hydroracer. All officers should have the info.

      PR is usually handled by me,,,ur I mean Tony. Please dont' call me...... ur I mean Tony by the name Carl. lol Tony and Carl sometimes they don't see eye to eye. (those of you who know us, ur I mean them, can attest to that!).


      • #4
        I am told we haven't had an AOF race in this part of the country in a long time, untill now. Oct. 9,10,11 in Pineville La. And the reason (I'm told) that we are having one now, is due to the hands on, hard work and dedication of Carl Staron. Coming all the way from Florida to help make it happen.

        Seems to me the really hard work of an Association or a Federation is in growing its territory...Gaining share.

        In this age of dwindling participation, I believe that the key to a successful, growing organization, is in increasing the area that racers can be drawn from.

        Welcome back AOF, and thank you Carl Staron


        • #5
          The only question I have is "Why does Tony keep giving Mike Barrett his phone?" Eddie.

          "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


          • #6
            I think its like a boyfriend thing Ed.
            mike ross


            • #7
              Mikey, WE Broke up, He cheated on me. He will not be using my phone.Mikey Are You single now? Watch your phone!



              • #8

                What are your thoughts about the way things have been going in the AOF? Tell us what you have in mind for the AOF. Status Quo? Major changes? What are your thoughts about inboards running in the American Outboard Federation?

                I first joined the AOF in 1981 and have been a member for most of the years since then. The first time I ever raced a boat in sanctioned competition it was an AOF sanctioned race. The last time that I drove a boat in sanctioned competition it was an AOF sanctioned race. Apparently, a lot of changes have been made in the AOF the last couple of years, but I haven't received a rule book, newsletter, or ballot in three or four years.

                OMC FE/SE powerhead parts for sale. Kurcz ported block, Mod 50 pistons and cylinder head, exhaust, etc.

