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Nbra proposals

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  • #16
    Originally posted by thetrailergod View Post
    Just a reminder that all proposals for rule changes must be in writing PRIOR to the National meeting, Also the commissioners meeting will commence at 8am Saturday morning , General meeting to follow, all this after Friday night in the hospitality room where there will be free beer and mixed drinks, also soda for those not partaking in alcohol.
    You may submit any proposals to myself or Art Kampen via EMAIL, or hand them to us Prior to the start of the meeting . I have a new email for you that don't know it, jruthl77@yahoo.com, so far I have recievied only 1 proposal, and find it way to hard to believe that all you racers are so happy that you don't want any changes, or are you???
    Bravo, this should apply to APBA's meeting;
    Originally posted by thetrailergod View Post
    Just a reminder that all proposals for rule changes must be in writing PRIOR to the National meeting, ............................ so far I have recievied only 1 proposal, and find it way to hard to believe that all you racers are so happy that you don't want any changes, or are you???
    Originally posted by Jack Stotts View Post
    The portion of the rule book that I quoted is in the By-Law dealing with Procedures for Rule Changes. The first sentance states "Any member desiring a rule change must submit the sugested change in writing to the national office on or before October 1st . .......................
    This way there's no last minute, covert, surprises, AND ALL the commission has at least a chance to contact ALL the commissioners who in turn could/can contact the affected class members or post the proposal BEFORE they are blind sided last minute, with a last minute hand raise, without time to digest a proposal, at the meeting!

    Might even give them TIME to contact the AFFECTED class members and give them all TIME to voice their concerns to their commissioner and be heard, instead of a last minute surprise reaches this site and the mud starts flying AFTER the meeting?
    Or, TIME for a member(s) to catch a flight (if they CAN take TIME and can afford it) and VOICE their thoughts AT the meeting!

    Today, once it makes ballot, with today's small membership numbers in a class, the minority has no say if there's no pre-meeting posting/discussion ....especially when it's engine issues and your trying to get a engine competitive and a few in a class who your trying to catch up with on the race course decide to beat you with the rule book so you don't get close to a win on the race course.

    "Question everything with boldness">Thomas Jefferson
    Last edited by STEVE FRENCH; 10-26-2013, 01:22 AM.
    100N STEVE FRENCH > Nobody can hang with my STUFF!! >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tna3B5zqHdk

    SEEEEEE YAAAAAA!!............In my WAKE!! .............100N>>


    • #17
      We have been taking proposal or suggestions at the National meeting every sense there has been a AOF or NBRA organization. I would say at least 75 % of the rules are made at the time of the meeting. If you would read the rule in it entirety you would see what can be done. No rule is going to be passed at the meeting. It will go before the membership to be voted on so there is enough time to discuss what is brought up nothing is going to be ram rodded thru. You can put yourself in a box if something comes up and you want to change a rule at the meeting but can't because it needs to be in writing before the meeting.

      Larry Mac


      • #18
        Larry< the reason I had asked for this , is so I have some sort of itinerary, going into the meeting, otherwise it becomes unruly, and long drawn out, we are allways open to suggestions, but those don't allways make it to a proposal and a 2nd


        • #19
          Jeff having proposals before the meeting is a good thing. All I am saying it is not the only way. No I don't have any proposals but I sure have a few things that need to be cleared up in the tech rules.

          Larry Mac


          • #20
            most of the stuff that has been sent to me is going to the tech commity, but there is a couple of things that we do need to take care of and change, Also Rick Miller has some things to change in the rule book

